(Please scroll down for English version)
本學年首輪「中大捐血運動」於本月舉行,本中心一如既往支持運動,定於 10 月 16 日上午 11 時 30 分至下午 6 時 30 分推出「博群捐血日 」,地點爲王福元樓五樓多用途室。是次活動以「放鬆自己,救助他人」為題,希望中大成員捐血助人之餘,亦能借助場内悠揚的音樂與舒壓的動畫,爲近期不平靜環境中的自己打打氣。
有關整個「中大捐血運動 2019」的詳情,則請按 此處 瀏覽。
電話:3943 9860
The first round of Blood Donation Campaign in this academic year has been scheduled for this month. Our Centre will continue supporting such meaningful cause by staging the I·CARE Blood Donation Day on 16 October from 11:30 am to 6:30 pm at the Multi-purpose Room, 5/F, Wong Foo Yuan Building. Members of CUHK are encouraged to join this event, themed “Combining Help-giving with Self-Relaxation”, for giving blood to save others’ lives. At the same time, you may avail yourself of the melodious music and relaxing cartoons played on the spot to cheer up during the recent unrest.
For details of the Blood Donation Campaign 2019, please click here.
Miss Fung of this I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development
Tel: 3943 9860
Email: mayfung@cuhk.edu.hk