2016-17 社區深度 ── 博群香港文化導賞計劃 I·CARE Hong Kong Cultural Tours Project 2016-17

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「社區深度-博群文化導賞計劃 2016-17 」旨在招募中大學生成為文化導賞大使,通過一列專業的理論培訓及實地演練提升導賞能力,並以文化導賞大使的身份帶領本地中學生深入瞭解香港,在導賞中追尋歷史的足跡,講述香港的故事。



  1. 通過專業的導賞技巧培訓,提升學生的研究能力及表達技巧。

  2. 以文化導賞的形式為本地中學生增強見聞,提升其競爭力。

  3. 通過文化導賞的形式,記錄並傳播香港的文化價值。


  1. 保築香港 ── 香港歷史建築的保育及活化

  2. 藝趣遊蹤 ── 香港藝廊及藝術之旅

  3. 房不勝房 ── 香港房屋發展之路

  4. 流金歲月 ── 香港流行文化與身份認同

  5. 馬路的事 ── 香港交通的發展歷程


參與學生人數: 40

導賞培訓階段: 2016 年10 月至 2017 年 2 月

文化導賞階段: 2017 年 2 月至 5 月


日期: 2016 年 10 月 11 日(星期二)

時間: 晚上 7 時至 9 時

地點:王福元樓 502 室


*地點為九龍城,其餘場次為王福元樓 502 室


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電話:3943 8621



The Hong Kong Cultural Tours Project 2016-17 aims at recruiting CUHK students to be potential culture ambassadors to get improvement in their guiding skills through a series of professional theoretical training as well as field practice. The culture ambassadors are supposed to lead local high school students in cultural tours to let them get involved in the history and stories of Hong Kong.

Recruitment of culture ambassadors

Project Objectives:

  1. Enhance students’ research ability as well as presentation skills through professional training

  2. Improve local high school students’ understanding towards local community and their competency through joining cultural tours

  3. Record and spread the cultural value of Hong Kong through cultural tours

Themes of Cultural Tours:

  1. Conversation and Revitalization of Heritage Buildings in Hong Kong

  2. A Journey of Art and Galleries in Hong Kong

  3. Housing Development in Hong Kong

  4. Hong Kong's Pop Culture and Sense of Identity

  5. The Stories of Hong Kong’s Transportation

Partner Agency: Walk in Hong Kong

Student Participants: 40

Training Period: October 2016 - February 2017

Tours: February 2017 - May 2017

Briefing Session (Compulsory)

Date: 11 October 2016 (Tuesday)

Time: 7:00 - 9:00 pm

Location: FYB 502

Training Schedule

*Location is Kowloon City. All others are held at FYB 502.


Please click here to view maps of I·CARE Hong Kong Cultural Tours Project 2016-17

(Chinese version only)


I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development

Tel: 3943 8621

Email: icare@cuhk.edu.hk