
1 What is Gradescope?

All assignments will be submitted and graded on Gradescope under Blackboard. You can view your grades and submit regrade requests here as well.

Do the following:

  1. The Tool Link is hidden from students in the course menu.

  2. There is no tool link for Gradescope in the course menu.

Gradescope tool link can be added in the Blackboard course menu for student access as follows:

  1. Add Tool Link in the course menu.

  1. Make the link available to students (if you allow students to access the link once you have created it.)

For more, please go through the information below and let us know if you have questions.

2 Submission Guidelines

How to submit an assignment using Gradescope:

2.1 Step

Select the homework in the respective course; our course is 2022R1-MATH1010ABCDEF. For an illustrative purpose, we use 2020R1-MATH1010. Here it is named Test assignment.

2.2 Step

Select Submit PDF. You must submit your whole assignment in a single PDF (Portable Document Format) in Gradescope, especially if there are many questions in the assignment. To ensure all your work is graded, please do not upload your assignment in a page-by-page manner as that will increase the likelihood of some pages being overlooked!

2.3 Step

You should see a page like this, which shows your submission of every page.

2.4 Step

Select a page, and you will see a tick on the page.

2.5 Step

Hold shift to select the questions from the left that are contained on the page you selected.