Date/Time/Venue | Talks |
Sep 21, 2017 (Thur) 10:30-11:30 @ AB1 502a |
Speaker: Man Chun Lee (CUHK) Title: Chern Ricci flow on non-compact manifolds with applications Abstract: In this work, we study geometric flow of metrics along the direction of Chern Ricci. We obtain an existence criteria for Chern Ricci flow on non-compact manifolds. Using this, we study the Ricci flow on non-collapsing Kaehler manifolds with non-negative bisectional curvature and give an alternative proof of Gang Liu’s result on Yau’s uniformization conjecture. This is joint work with Prof. LF Tam. |
Oct 12, 2017 (Thur) 10:30-11:30 @ AB1 502a |
Speaker: Aleksander Doan (Stony Brook University) Title: Fueter sections and wall-crossing in Seiberg-Witten theory Abstract: Fueter sections are solutions to a non-linear generalization of the Dirac equation on a Riemannian spin three-manifold. The goal of this talk, based on joint work in progress with Thomas Walpuski, is to explore the relationship between Fueter sections taking values in instanton moduli spaces and wall-crossing for solutions of the Seiberg-Witten equation with multiple spinors. Time permitting, I will explain how this discussion fits into the Donaldson-Segal program of counting G2-instantons. |
Oct 19, 2017 (Thur) 10:00-11:00 @ AB1 502a |
Speaker: Yohsuke Imagi (CUHK) Title: Nearby Special Lagrangians Abstract: This talk is relevant to a recent work by Tsai-Wang, another recent work by Abouzaid-Imagi and an on-going project Conan, Martin and me; all concerning nearby special Lagrangians or more generally nearby minimal submanifolds. Tsai-Wang prove a uniqueness theorem by means of tensor calculus. Abouzaid-Imagi prove another uniqueness theorem by means of Fukaya-categories. Conan, Martin and I want to prove an existence theorem by a gluing method. |
Oct 26, 2017 (Thur) 10:30-11:30 @ AB1 502a |
Speaker: Jordan Keller (The Black Hole Initiative, Harvard University) Title: Linear Stability of Higher-Dimensional Schwarzschild Black Holes Abstract: The Schwarzschild-Tangherlini black holes are higher dimensional generalizations of the Schwarzchild spacetimes, comprising a static, spherically symmetric family of black hole solutions to higher-dimensional vacuum gravity. The physical relevance of such solutions is intimately related to their stability under gravitational perturbations. This talk will address results on the linear stability of the Schwarzchild-Tangherlini black holes, part of ongoing joint work with Pei-Ken Hung and Mu-Tao Wang. (There is a MIST lunch after talk and a tea reception at 10am.) |
Nov 2, 2017 (Thur) 10:30-11:30 @ AB1 502a |
Speaker: Conan Leung (CUHK/IMS) Title: Nahm transformation and Mirror Symmetry |
Nov 9, 2017 (Thur) 10:30-11:30 @ AB1 502a |
Speaker: Mutao Wang (CUHK/Columbia) Title: A strong stability condition on minimal submanifolds Abstract: It is well known that the square of the distance function to a totally geodesic submanifold of a negatively curved ambient manifold is a convex function. We identify a strong stability condition on minimal submanifolds that generalises the above scenario. In particular, if a closed minimal submanifold Σ is strongly stable, then: 1. The distance function to Σ satisfies a convex property in a neighbourhood of Σ, which implies that Σ is the unique closed minimal submanifold in this neighbourhood, up to a dimensional constraint. 2. The mean curvature flow that starts with a closed submanifold in a C^1 neighborhood of Σ converges smoothly to Σ. Many examples, including several well-known calibrated submanifolds, are shown to satisfy this strong stability condition. This is based on joint work with Chung-Jun Tsai. |
Nov 16, 2017 (Thur) 10:30-11:30 @ AB1 502a |
Speaker: Ryosuke Takahashi (CUHK) Title: Energy bound for the Kapustin-Witten equation Abstract: In this talk, we will discuss the energy bound for the KW equation on S^3 x R^1. We will prove that solutions of the KW equation satisfying Nahm-pole boundary condition have a uniform energy bound. |
Nov 23, 2017 (Thur) 10:30-11:30 @ AB1 502a |
Speaker: Frederick Fong (HKUST) Title: Rigidity of self-expanders of inverse curvature flows Abstract: In this talk, the speaker will investigate a large class of curvature flows by degree -1 homogeneous functions of principal curvatures in Euclidean spaces. This class curvature flows include the well-known inverse mean curvature flow and many others in the current literature. Self-expanding solutions to these curvature flows are solutions that expanding homothetically without changing their shapes. We will talk about uniqueness, rigidity, and constructions of both compact and non-compact self-expanding solutions to these flows. Part of these are joint work with G. Drugan, H. Lee; P. McGrath; and A. Chow, K. Chow. |