Prof. Xiaolu TAN

Associate Professor
BSc (Peking University); MSc (Ecole Polytechnique)
PhD (Ecole Polytechnique)

Prof. Xiaolu TAN

Room 227, Lady Shaw Building,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong

(852) 3943-5296

Fields of Interest:

Mathematical Finance, Stochastic Analysis, Stochastic Optimal Control, Numerical Simulation of SDEs, Numerical Method for Nonlinear PDEs, Numerical Method for Optimal Control Problem.

Selected Publications:
  1. J. Claisse, Z. Ren and X. Tan, Mean Field Games with Branching, The Annals of Applied Probability, to appear.
  2. B. Bouchard, G. Loeper and X. Tan, A C^{0,1}-functional Itô's formula and its applications in mathematical finance, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 148:299-323, 2022.
  3. F. Djete, D. Possamaï and X. Tan, McKean-Vlasov optimal control: the dynamic programming principle, The Annals of Probability, 50(2):791-833, 2022.
  4. F. Djete, D. Possamaï and X. Tan, McKean-Vlasov optimal control: limit theory and equivalence between different formulations, Mathematics of Operations Research, to appear.
  5. B. Bouchard and X. Tan, Understanding the dual formulation for the hedging of path-dependent options with price impact, The Annals of Applied Probability, to appear.

Major Research Grants:
  • Research Grants Council - General Research Fund

Honours and Awards:


Professional activities:
  • Editorial Board - Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization
  • Editorial Board - Stochastic Processes and Their Applications
  • Editorial Board - Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
