Prof. Po Lam YUNG

Adjunct Professor
BSc, MPhil (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
PhD (Princeton University)

Prof. Po Lam YUNG



Fields of Interest:
Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations

Selected Publications:
  1. A surprising formula for Sobolev norms (with Haim Brezis and Jean Van Schaftingen), Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 118 (2021) no. 8, e2025254118.
  2. A short proof of 2 decoupling for the moment curve (with Shaoming Guo, Changkeun Oh, Joris Roos and Pavel Zorin-Kranich), Amer. J. Math. 143 (2021), no. 6, 1983-1998.

Major Research Grants:
  • Future Fellowship FT200100399, Australian Research Council

  • General Research Fund 14303817, Hong Kong Research Grants Council

  • General Research Fund 14313716, Hong Kong Research Grants Council

  • Early Career Fund 24300915, Hong Kong Research Grants Council

  • National Science Foundation Grant DMS 1201474, United States

Honours and Awards:
  • Antonio Ambrosetti Medal 2021

Professional activities:
