MATH3030 - Abstract Algebra - 2019/20
- No tutorial class in the first week
- HW2 is amended.
- Midterm II is arranged on Thursday Nov. 14, 4:30pm at LSB LT4
- No class on Tuesday 01 Oct.
- Midterm I covers the material in week 1-week 6
- Remainder: Midterm I, this Thursday (17 Oct) 4:30-5:30pm in class
- Exam Make-up policy: If you miss an in-class exam for a compelling reason and you can provide documentation, you will be excused from taking it. Without permission and proper documentation, the default score on the missed exam will be zero. Make-up exams will not be given, and instead the portion of your grade on Midterm exam I,II will be determined by the Exam (both midterm and final) you took.
- Remainder: no class on Thursday (7 Nov)
- New announcemnt: please remind your classmate to check the course website. (updated 14/11)
- First, hope that everybody is safe.
- As I left all the teaching materials in my office and have only limited resource for now. I will upload the lecture notes from previous year for your reference in case you would like to continue study by yourself
- Also please note that I do not have access to my email address at CUHK now. For further inquiries, please send email to my personal email account
- New updates (19/11)
- Many of you have sent emails and ask about the arrangement for the remaining part of the course, especially the assessment scheme. Note that the math department are now working on it. And hopefully I will be able to make official announcement by the end of this week.
- New updates (24/11)
- Due to the shortening of Term 1 in 2019-20 and cancellation of the centralized final examination, we will use the following new assessment scheme for this course: 20% homework+80%Midterm I
General Information
Prof. Xuhua He
- Office: LSB 201
- Tel: 3943 7970
- Email:
Teaching Assistant
Ng Ming Ho
- Office: LSB 228
- Tel: 3943 7955
- Email:
- Office Hours: Mon 10:30 -11:30 Wed 10:30-11:30
Time and Venue
- Lecture: Tue 4:30-6:15, LSB LT4; Thu, 4:30-5:15, LSB LT4
- Tutorial: Thu, 5:30-6:15, LSB LT4
Course Description
In this course, we will discuss more advanced topics in group theory and ring theory which include:
- Normal subgroups; quotient groups
- Isomorphism theorems and series of groups
- Group action; Cayley's theorem
- Sylow theorems and their applications
- Prime and maximal ideals
- Factorization in rings; PIDs and UFDs
We assume as prerequisite a solid understanding of the basic theory of groups and rings, as covered in Math 2070 or Sections 4-10, 13, 18-23 & 26 in our textbook.
Exam Make-up policy: If you miss an in-class exam for a compelling reason and you can provide documentation, you will be excused from taking it. Without permission and proper documentation, the default score on the missed exam will be zero. Make-up exams will not be given, and instead the portion of your grade on Midterm exam I,II will be determined by the Exam (both midterm and final) you took.
- J. Fraleigh, A First Course in Abstract Algebra, 7th edition, Addison-Wesley
- D. Dummit and R. Foote, Abstract Algebra, 3rd edition, John Wiley and Sons
- P. Alluffi, Algebra: chapter 0
Lecture Notes
- Review of basic group theory (credited to Prof. Chan)
- Week 2
- Week 3
- Week 4
- Week 5-6
- Week 7-8
- Week 9
- Remaining material
- Remaining material
- Remaining material
Tutorial Notes
- HW1 (due date: 9/12 in tutorial)
- HW2 (due date: 9/19 in tutorial) (Amended)
- HW3 (due date: 9/26 in tutorial)
- HW4 (due date: 10/3 in tutorial)
- HW5 (due date: 10/17 in tutorial) (Amended)
- HW6 (due date: 10/24 in tutorial)
- HW7 (due date: 10/31 in tutorial) (Amended)
- HW8 (due date: 11/14 in tutorial)
- HW1 Solution
- HW2 Solution
- HW3 Solution
- HW4 Solution
- HW5 Solution
- Midterm 1 Solution
- HW6 Solution
- HW7 Solution
- HW8 Solution
Assessment Scheme
Homework | 10% | |
Midterm 1--Oct 17 (Thu), 4:30 at LSB LT4 | 20% | |
Midterm 2--Nov 14 (Thu), 4:30 at LSB LT4 | 20% | |
Final Dec 12 (Thu), 3:30-5:30pm at University Gymnasium | 50% |
Honesty in Academic Work
The Chinese University of Hong Kong places very high importance on honesty in academic work submitted by students, and adopts a policy of zero tolerance on cheating and plagiarism. Any related offence will lead to disciplinary action including termination of studies at the University. Although cases of cheating or plagiarism are rare at the University, everyone should make himself / herself familiar with the content of the following website: thereby help avoid any practice that would not be acceptable.
Assessment Policy Last updated: November 29, 2019 16:40:45