2022-04-19 16:00 - 17:00
https://cuhk.zoom.us/j/97838822137?pwd=ZTVvSC9abmNjR3RCcS9FTzJNTVhXdz09 |
Mixed Hodge modules on flag varieties and representations of real reductive groups
Dr. Dougal DAVIS - University of Edinburgh
2022-04-13 16:00 - 17:00
ZOOM Meeting ID: 998 2460 9167
Market making and incentives design in the presence of a dark pool: a deep reinforcement learning approach
Professor Mathieu Rosenbaum - Ecole Polytechnique, France
2022-04-13 11:00 - 12:00
https://cuhk.zoom.us/j/91805734715 |
The spherical Plateau problem
Dr. Antoine SONG - University of California Berkeley
2022-04-12 09:00 - 10:00
https://cuhk.zoom.us/j/97838822137?pwd=ZTVvSC9abmNjR3RCcS9FTzJNTVhXdz09 |
Kazhdan–Lusztig theory for affine Lie algebras at critical level
Prof. Gurbir DHILLON - Yale University
2022-04-08 10:00 - 11:00
https://cuhk.zoom.us/j/98846779826 |
Knot Floer homology constructions and the Pong Algebra
Prof. Zoltan SZABO - Princeton University
2022-04-06 11:00 - 12:00
https://cuhk.zoom.us/j/91805734715 |
Rigidity theorems of Ricci shrinkers
Prof. Yu LI - University of Science and Technology of China
2022-03-30 11:00 - 12:00
https://cuhk.zoom.us/j/91805734715 |
The Type IIA flow and its applications in symplectic geometry
Prof. Teng FEI - Rutgers University
2022-03-29 16:00 - 17:00
https://cuhk.zoom.us/j/97838822137?pwd=ZTVvSC9abmNjR3RCcS9FTzJNTVhXdz09 |
Derived blow-ups using Rees algebras and virtual Cartier divisors
Dr. Jeroen HEKKING - KTH Royal Institute of Technology
2022-03-25 16:00 - 17:00
https://cuhk.zoom.us/j/98846779826 |
Real Gromov-Witten theory
Prof. Penka GEORGIEV - Sorbonne University
2022-03-24 14:30 - 15:30
ZOOM Meeting ID: 972 4095 4695
On the metrics of Wasserstein type
Professor Geoyue GUO - CentraleSupelec, University of Paris-Saclay
2022-03-23 17:00 - 18:00
https://cuhk.zoom.us/j/91805734715 |
Diffusive stability results for the harmonic map flow and related equations
Prof. Tobias LAMM - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
2022-03-22 16:00 - 17:00
https://cuhk.zoom.us/j/97838822137?pwd=ZTVvSC9abmNjR3RCcS9FTzJNTVhXdz09 |
The formal geometry of the local models
Dr. Ian GLEASON - Universit¨at Bonn
2022-03-17 11:00 - 12:00
https://cuhk.zoom.us/j/93417322572 |
An Ecosystem to Sustain Innovation in Computational Modeling
Dr. Kwai Lam WONG - The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2022-03-16 11:00 - 12:00
https://cuhk.zoom.us/j/91805734715 |
Some new rigidity results in complex geometry
Prof. Ved DATAR - Indian Institute of Science
2022-03-15 09:00 - 10:00
https://cuhk.zoom.us/j/97838822137?pwd=ZTVvSC9abmNjR3RCcS9FTzJNTVhXdz09 |
On the p-adic theory of local models
Dr. João LOURENCO - Max-Planck-Institut fur Mathematik
2022-03-11 10:00 - 11:00
https://cuhk.zoom.us/j/98846779826 |
Homotopical methods in Floer theory
Prof. Mohammed ABOUZAID - Columbia University
2022-03-09 11:00 - 12:00
https://cuhk.zoom.us/j/91805734715 |
Minimal hypersurfaces in a generic 8-dimensional closed manifold
Dr. Yangyang LI - Princeton University
2022-03-02 11:00 - 12:00
https://cuhk.zoom.us/j/91805734715 |
Uniform estimates for complex Monge-Ampere and fully nonlinear equations
Prof. Bin GUO - Rutgers University
2022-02-25 11:30 - 12:30
https://cuhk.zoom.us/j/98846779826 |
The geometry of nilpotent orbits in representation theory
Prof. Pramod ACHAR - Lousiana State University
2022-02-23 16:00 - 17:00
ZOOM Meeting ID: 978 4697 0818
Diffusion control games
Professor Stefan Ankirchner - University of Jena, Germany