Academic Visitors

Every year, scholars from different parts of the world come to our Department and the Institute of Mathematical Sciences. Their active participation and provision of expertise in our seminars, courses and other academic events have contributed substantially to our Department’s research and academic programmes.

Duration Name Affiliation Host
2019-09-21 to 2019-09-27 Prof. Huanchen BAO National University of Singapore Prof. Xuhua HE
2019-09-19 to 2019-09-24 Prof. Sian NIE Academy of Mathematics and System Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences Prof. Xuhua HE
2019-09-13 to 2019-12-13 Prof. Chong LI Zhejiang University Prof. Kung Fu NG
2019-09-12 to 2019-09-21 Dr. Yat Hin SUEN Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) Prof. Kwok Wai CHAN
2019-09-03 to 2019-10-31 Mr. Dongcheng YANG South China Normal University Prof. Renjun DUAN
2019-09-02 to 2019-09-30 Prof. Baowei WANG Huazhong University of Science and Technology Prof. Dejun FENG
2019-09-01 to 2019-09-06 Dr. Daxin XU California Institute of Technology Prof. Xuhua HE
2019-08-28 to 2019-09-25 Dr. Ka Chun LAM The California Institute of Techonology Prof. Ronald Lok Ming LUI
2019-08-24 to 2019-08-29 Prof. Stéphane BRULL Université Bordeaux Prof. Renjun DUAN
2019-08-22 to 2019-08-31 Ms. Ruoxuan ZHOU China University of Petroleum Prof. Tieyong ZENG
2019-08-22 to 2019-08-28 Mr. Yiting CHEN Sun Yat-sen University Prof. Tieyong ZENG
2019-08-20 to 2019-08-24 Dr. Min-Koon KIM Korea Institute for Advanced Study Prof. Zhongtao WU
2019-08-18 to 2019-08-27 Ms. Beibei LIU University of California, Davis Prof. Zhongtao WU
2019-08-18 to 2019-08-24 Prof. Youlin LI Shanghai JiaoTong University Prof. Zhongtao WU
2019-08-16 to 2019-09-30 Mr. Juncheng LI East China Normal University Prof. Tieyong ZENG
2019-08-14 to 2019-08-23 Ms. Yutong WU Jilin University Prof. Tieyong ZENG
2019-08-12 to 2019-08-24 Ms. Huan PAN Hunan Normal University Prof. Tieyong ZENG
2019-08-08 to 2019-08-17 Miss Yun QIU Jilin University Prof. Tieyong ZENG
2019-08-08 to 2019-08-17 Mr. Ziwen WANG Hunan University Prof. Tieyong ZENG
2019-08-07 to 2019-08-28 Prof. Chi-Keung NG Nankai University Prof. Chi Wai LEUNG