Dr. Jize YU

Postdoctoral Fellow
BS (National University of Singapore)
PhD (California Institute of Technology)

Room 228, Lady Shaw Building,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong

(852) 3943 7955

Fields of Interest:
Algebraic geometry, Geometric Langlands program, Number theory

Selected Publications:
  1. The Integral Coefficient Geometric Satake Equivalence. To appear in Representation Theory

  2. A Geometric Jacquet-Langlands Transfer for automorphic forms of higher weights. To appear in Transactions of American Mathematical Society

Major Research Grants:

Honours and Awards:

Professional activities:
  • ICCM 2022 invited speaker


Course Code Course Title Academic Year Term
MATH1010B University Mathematics 2022/23 1
Course Code Course Title Academic Year Term
MATH5051 Abstract Algebra I 2021/22 1