

Prof. Emily Ying-yang CHAN
MBBS (HKU), BS (Johns Hopkins), SM PIH (Harvard), MD (CUHK), DFM (HKCFP), FFPH, FHKAM (Community Medicine), FHKCCM
哈佛大學 FXB中心學人
陳英凝教授是香港中文大學醫學院教授及助理院長(外務)。 她是CCOUC災害與人道救援研究所所長、全球衞生中心總監、災害風險綜合研究卓越中心(ICoE-CCOUC)的主任,以及香港中文大學賽馬會齊心防癌計劃副主任。 陳教授也是世界衞生組織衞生應急與災害風險管理專題平臺研究網路和世界衞生組織COVID-19研究路線圖社會科學工作小組的聯合主席,以及聯合國減少災害風險辦公室亞洲科技與學術諮詢小組成員。 世界氣象組織SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19工作組、世界衞生組織衞生發展中心(WHO神戶中心,WKC)科學工作組、國際科學組織減災聯盟(ANSO-DRR)國際指導委員會和第三屆中國災害風險綜合研究委員會(IRDR中國)。 她同時擔任牛津大學納菲爾德醫學系訪問教授(公共衞生醫學)、香港大學李嘉誠醫學院名譽教授、哈佛大學FXB中心學人。
她的研究方向包括災難和人道主義醫學、氣候變化與健康、全球和行星健康、人類健康安全和衞生應急與災難風險管理( 。 Health-EDRM)、偏遠農村健康、實施和轉化科學、少數民族健康、傷害和暴力流行病學以及初級保健。 陳教授曾獲美國公共衞生協會2007年前田信夫國際研究獎,發表了300多篇國際同行評審的學術/技術/會議文章。
陳教授還在90年代中期擔任前線緊急救援人員,擁有豐富的經驗,足跡遍佈20個國家。 2004年獲香港十大傑出青年獎、2005年獲世界愛心醫生獎、2005年獲世界十大傑出青年獎、2007年獲香港人文獎、2016年獲年度領袖獎、2016年獲國家地理中文探索者獎、2017年獲UGC教學獎、2018年獲中華人民共和國國家教學成就獎,2019年獲兩年一度的聯合國笹川減災獎提名。
人類健康安全與健康緊急狀況和災難風險管理( Health EDRM)
Homecare of individuals with COVID-19, World Health Organization (Ref.: 2020/1029037-0)
Chan EYY, Lam HCY. Research Frontiers of Health Emergency and Disaster Risk Management: What Do We Know So Far? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020; 17(5):1807.
Wong E -Y, Kiang N, Chung R -N, Lau J, Chau P -K, Wong S -S, Woo J, Chan E -Y, Yeoh E-K. Quality of Palliative and End-Of-Life Care in Hong Kong: Perspectives of Healthcare Providers. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020; 17(14):5130.
Chan EYY. Essentials for health protection: Four key components. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2020. 256 p.
Chan EYY. Disaster public health and older people (Routledge Humanitarian Studies). London: Routledge; 2019. 258 p.
Chan EYY, Shaw R. (eds.) Public health and disasters - Health Emergency and Disaster Risk Management in Asia. Tokyo: Springer; 2020.
Chan EYY, Gobat N, Kim JH, Newnham EA, Huang Z, Hung H, et al. Informal home care providers: the forgotten health-care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Lancet. 2020. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(20)31254-X
Chan EYY, Huang Z, Lo ESK, Hung KKC, Wong ELY, Wong SYS. Sociodemographic Predictors of Health Risk Perception, Attitude and Behavior Practices Associated with Health-Emergency Disaster Risk Management for Biological Hazards: The Case of COVID-19 Pandemic in Hong Kong, SAR China. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020; 17:3869.
Chan EYY, Hung KKC, Hung HHY, Graham CA. Use of tear gas for crowd control in Hong Kong. Lancet. 2019.
Chan EYY, Ho JY, Hung HH, Liu S, Lam HC. Health impact of climate change in cities of middle-income countries: the case of China. British medical bulletin. 2019.
Book Chapters:
Chan EYY. Climate Change and Urban Health. London: Routledge; 2019. 288 p.
Chan EYY, Building bottom-up health and disaster risk reduction programmes. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2018. 358 p.
Chan EYY, Public health humanitarian responses to natural disasters. London: Routledge; 2017. 293 p.
Chan EYY, Man AYT, Lam HCY. Scientific evidence on natural disasters and health emergency and disaster risk management in Asian rural-based area. Br Med Bull. 2019;ldz002:1-15. doi:10.1093/bmb/ldz002
Chan EYY, Huang Z, Lam HCY, Wong CKP, Zou Q. Health vulnerability index for disaster risk reduction: application in Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) region. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019;16(3):380. doi:10.3390/ijerph16030380
Chan EYY, Huang Z, Hung KKC, Chan GKW, Lam HCY, Lo ESK, Yeung MPS. Health Emergency Disaster Risk Management of public transport systems: a population-based study after the 2017 subway fire in Hong Kong, China. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019;16(2):228. doi:10.3390/ijerph16020228
Chan EYY, Ho JYE, Huang Z, Kim JK, Lam HCY, Chung PPW, Carol KPW, Liu S, Chow S. Long-Term and Immediate Impacts of Health Emergency and Disaster Risk Management (Health-EDRM) Education Interventions in a Rural Chinese Earthquake-Prone Transitional Village. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science. 2018;9(3):319-330.
Chan EYY, Chiu CP, Chan GKW. Medical and health risks associated with communicable diseases of Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh 2017. International Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2018;68:39-43.
Chan EYY, Murray V. What are the health research needs for the Sendai Framework? The Lancet. 2017; 390(10106):e35–e36. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(17)31670-7.
Chan EY, Goggins WB, Yue JSK, Lee P. (2013). Hospital admissions as a function of temperature, weather phenomena and pollution levels in an urban setting in China. Bulletin of the World Health Organization. August 2013
Last Updated: 11 Dec 2020