Department Gathering
01-06-12What I saw in IEEE Communication Theory Workshop 2012 and My Presentation in the Workshop
This is an invited talk. Oh well, the Department Chair sort of volunteered me for this talk.
I am sure that most of you have received my mass email telling you how hard I worked while attending the IEEE Communication Theory Workshop 2012 in Maui, Hawaii. I am also sure you have also studied my words very carefully. The purpose of this talk is two-fold. First, many of you sent me back email telling me how much you have learned from my report. So, there will be a quiz on how much you have learned. Second, I did not cover everything in my report (to keep it short). In this talk, I will fill the significant gaps, especially about the beautiful sunset scene on the Maui island.
Oh well, it turns out that there are also the third and fourth folds to this talk. The third fold is to convince you that I did indeed work very diligently while in Hawaii. So, I will present the talk I gave at the workshop. It is about this thing called physical-layer network coding. It is not the title of a hula dance.
Last and also least, I am sure you are not attending this talk because of the fourth fold: the Department Chair promises a lunch better than the one before.