2014. 10. 24Congratulations to Wanrong Tang and Yi Wei for the IE Poster and Outstanding Presentation Awards 2014
The Department has organized the IE Poster Day since 2012! The event is not for evaluation purpose, but to:
(1) create an open and interactive research atmosphere in IE; and
(2) promote sharing and collaboration among faculty members, students in IE and other Engineering Departments.
There were totally 34 posters, covering multiple academic areas (e.g., optical communication, information theory, network coding, compressed sensing, energy, etc) being registered in Oct., 2014. We have seen a lot of talks and discussions among students and professors. It was hoped that everyone enjoyed this exciting event.
Taking this opportunity, we want to announce the two IE poster award winners: Wanrong Tang and Yi Wei. They really spent time and efforts on the well-prepared Posters and clear presentation. Congratulations!