
2018. 10. 04

PhD Students from Multimedia Lab Won in MSCOCO Challenge

We are delighted to know that the team "MMDet", formed by four IE PhD students Kai CHEN, Jiaqi WANG, Yu XIONG and Xiaoxiao LI, participated in the MSCOCO challenge 2018 and won the No.1 place of the Detection track.

Jiaqi WANG and Yu XIONG are supervised by Prof. Dahua LIN and Xiaoxiao LI is supervised by Prof. Sean TANG. Kai CHEN is co-supervised by both professors.

MSCOCO is the most prestigious contest in the area of computer vision, and the results in this contest reflects the state of the art.

Detection Leaderboard: (SEGM / Chal18)

More details about the MSCOCO Challenge:

