Dear Students, Life is unpredictable. Did anyone expect that the day would start with a heavy downpour, and then a black rainstorm signal? Times of adversity highlight differences in people’s lives. Some happened to not have class or work today, others could choose to work from home, yet many have to brave the rain to […]
Category: DoS Message
Dear Student, 自我陶造 每一門藝術都有其入門的技巧。陶瓷作品的入門技巧就是尋找中心點 (Centering) ,即是將一舊不規則的泥完全平均地分佈在不停轉動的轉盤上 (左圖)。這個步驟若出錯,以後要做到好的作品就會困難重重,事半功倍。Centering 的時候不可心急,落手要準,用力要剛剛好,要好專注,Centering 的時間可能在五至十分鐘以內,否則泥土就會疲累。在Centering 的過程中你會深入了解泥土的特質、性格及情緒。她會靜靜地告訴你如何陶造她成為怎樣的器皿或作品。這是藝術家與泥土溝通的重要過程,別人無法參與意見,只有藝術家在滿手泥水之際,與泥土融合,造就了獨一無二的作品 (右圖)。生命的陶造,何嘗不是以尋找中心點 (Centering) 為起點呢?當你的人生混亂一片的時候,不妨靜定下來,試試尋找那中心點,你的內心可能會慢慢地告訴你生命的方向及遠境,繼續專注吧,即使現在滿身泥濘,但你將會是獨一無二的。 Every art has its own technique. In ceramics, the art of Centering is a process of spreading an irregular piece of clay evenly over a rotating turntable (left). If you make a mistake in this step, it will be very difficult to achieve a good piece of work even if you work twice
各位和聲人, 新學年開始了,這學期是新冠疫情之後首度恢復面授課堂,校園也開始熱鬧起來,大家是否期待已久,重啟實實在在的校園生活呢? 還記得我的讀書時代,每年開sem都會定下一些目標,由 Year 1的「好好享受大學生活」,到 Year 2 驚覺成績掹車邊時的「要追hon」,到 Final year 的「GPA 勁過入postgrad」等等,總是有些起額完成,有些卻未能達標。隨著年月增長,我慢慢學會跟著自己的節奏去設定具體目標的重要,不急也不怠,抱住感恩走過生命中的每一章節。 我相信每人的節奏都是獨一無二的,有人喜歡跳脫,有人選擇沉穩。最重要是同學都能掌握到適合自己的節奏,一步一步邁進目標。 今年書院亦會保持節奏,為大家提供豐富的書院活動,記得密切留意書院在IG (cuhklws) 及Email發佈的活動資訊呀!我們很期待在書院見到您! #掹車邊嗰條邊其實好低吓 #追到氣咳 #大家順順利利 Dear Woo Singer, Welcome to the new academic year. This is the first semester with the resumption of face-to-face teaching after the COVID-19 pandemic and our campus is getting very busy. Are you ready for the
Dear students, Your soul & your life Hello! This is Cherry, LAM To Kam from General Education Foundation Programme. I am teaching “In Dialogue with Nature”, which invites students to engage in dialogues with Nature to explore the world of scientific knowledge and reflect on the relationship between Man and Nature. There is a text
Dear students, 科學精神求什麼? 在資訊爆炸,講求科學證據的年代,科學精神與邏輯思維對求學問非常重要。在求學的過程中,很多人都說要以科學精神去求真。而不同的人,因著對課題的熟悉程度不同,或許會有不同的解讀。 譬如說,有一個學生為課題假設在網上搜證後,認為: 一:有關論文已在頂尖學術期刊刊登,而作者是任職於世界頂尖大學的教授 二:有關的研究中,學者利用相關實驗,其結果支持論點 三:有關實驗結果已經被另一組研究人員重複驗證,而論文亦受廣泛引用 若你認為只要符合以上三個條件後,那學生已經有非常充分的證據去立論,那麼你將要失望了,因為,同一時間有另一位學生,拿出另一組研究證據,亦能符合以上三點,得出相反的結論,不同的是,這組研究採用了其他方法去驗證課題假設 面對這樣的情況,你會選擇引用其中一方的論點去支持自己的觀點,還是先重新檢視和思考自己的論証呢? 一般人以為只要引經據典,便是客觀求真。卻不自覺原來自己只相信自己喜愛的證據,忽略了全盤論證。 世界之大,知識之廣,豈有無所不知的人?希望我們都能避過腦袋的懶惰與固執,以誠實、開明、虛心的科學精神去與人溝通,冷靜思考,才能嚴謹求証,求學如是,生活如是。 #真有其事 #唔係偽科學 #啲學生應該會覺得好亂 #亂唔緊要 #亂即係有錯 #無人知嘅嘢梗有錯 #會錯先要Re-search What makes a scientific mind? In an era flooded with information and demands for scientific evidence, a logical mind with critical thinking is essential. We often seek the “truth” when we are learning. Nonetheless, different persons,
Dear students, I would like to take the opportunity to share some of my memories about my student days during my undergraduate and postgraduate studies. For my Bachelor´s degree, I left Berlin for another city and a few friends helped me moving my belongings there. When they left, I stood on the street and felt
Dear LWS students, We know pictures on Instagram don’t accurately describe our life. Real life is tedious and even gloomy sometimes. When I was listening to a podcast one tedious morning, the podcast anchor said it was the United Nations International Day of Happiness. At first, I sarcastically thought to myself, “What a strange day!”
Dear Students, 無憂樹下的纏繞與懷抱 乍暖還寒的時候,無憂樹開花了,不知道是否刻意還是無心插柳,無憂樹剛好站在十字路口之間,每每走到無憂的時候,我就要作出決定。有時,我會站立良久,不知如何是好,每當煩躁的時候,我會抱怨無憂,把我陷入兩難之間,我眼裡只看見眼前無憂樹和我一樣被纏繞着。然後,我會深呼吸一下,抬頭仰望樹上盛放的小橙花,告訴自己,隨心走下去吧,路路皆通,何須作繭自縛。於是,我再往前走,經過荷花池,踏入小樹徑、穿個石橋,回到無憂樹,我嚇然發現,眼前的無憂樹下原本是被纏繞着,但現在卻是被懷抱着。境物沒有變,心境卻可以,纏繞還是懷抱?一念。 The Saraca Asoca’s Embrace I don’t know if it was intentional or not, but the Saraca Asoca (worry-free tree) on campus is planted at the crossroads. I enjoy pondering in front of the tree. For example, once when I was agitated, I complained to the Saraca Asoca, why had I been
Dear students, The environment may not be changed but our mindset can be changed! It has been more than one year that our life has been changed due to pandemic situation. Most of the lessons have been moved to online / blended mode. College activities and other social gatherings are reduced. Unlike the past, we
Dear students, I recently read a book on productivity. Unlike other books that focus on time management skills, the author attends to how our brains work and how we can take advantage of this knowledge and plan our days strategically. According to his book, Two awesome hours: Science-based strategies to harness your best time and