WS Teacher’s Message #11

Dear students,



最近被運算法推送了一個關於單車的廣告,有趣的是這款外型討好的運動單車是在水面上踏的,原來這款Hydrafoil單車是2018年由紐西蘭創辦人Guy Howard-Willis聯同設計師發明的。像公路單車一樣,它行走時具速度,轉彎暢順,亦能讓單車手在水中重新上車起步。設計面世後,全球訂單湧至,大眾甚至認為該發明能夠發展成一門新的水上運動。踩單車和水上運動都不是新事物,那為什麼之前沒有人能做出來呢?Guy Howard-Willis在一個TEDx分享時就輕描淡寫地打趣道:『因為要達到以上三個條件很難,難到冇人想會去做。』而他撐能過這些難關,關鍵是在於一個信念及一個反思。他相信能想像出來的東西就一定意味著它有能實現的可能性。而驅使他要讓願望成真的是一個反省您真的想到死時還未知道自己的夢想或想法是否可行嗎?







When the dream comes true

Innovators often have new ideas, but among many ideas that fail, only a handful of them will become a reality. So why do innovators continue their work every day? The answer should be more than just loving the project. 

Recently, an ad about a new bike was pushed to me. Flipping my understanding, this bike is made to be ridden on water. This Hydrofoil bike was created by New Zealand founder Guy Howard-Willis and his designer in 2018. Like a road bike, it travels with speed, turns smoothly, and allows cyclists to get back on the bike in the water. After the design came out, the team was flooded with orders from around the globe, and the public even commented that the invention could be developed into new water sports. Neither cycling nor water sports are new, so why hasn’t anyone done it before? Guy Howard-Willis quipped in a TEDx sharing: “Because it’s very difficult to make one that meets the above three conditions, so hard that no one wants to do it.”

Nevertheless, he survived these difficulties with beliefs and persistence. He believes that if you are able to dream it must mean it’s in the realms of possibility. And what drives him to wake up every day and make his dream become a reality is a question: “Do you really want to reach the end of your life only to be left wondering whether your dream or idea would work?”

I think innovation needs these kinds of beliefs and persistence. Do you have some ideas flowing now? Why not try to take the first step and turn your imagination into reality!

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