Lee Woo Sing College Men Basketball Team beat SH. Ho College and won the first runner-up in Intercollegiate Sports Competition. The Members of the Team are: Back YUEN Siu Hing Kenneth TUNG Wei CHENG Yee Yin WONG Tak NG Chun Man Colman TIAN AnLong Front LAING Victor CHEUNG Siu Fung LAU Wai Chak Stanley CHONG […]
Category: NEWS-EN
FU Chor Chee (Year 2, LLB) who represented Lee Woo Sing College Swimming Team in CUHK Intercollegiate Sports Competition 2017-18 obtained outstanding results with 3 bronze medals (200M Freestyle, 100M Freestyle and 100M Backstroke)
CUHK received a generous donation of HK$1.3 million from Shanghai Fraternity Association Hong Kong Limited, with effect from the academic year 2017-18, for the establishment of Shanghai Fraternity Association Diligence Bursaries. For 2017-18, bursaries will be offered to 65 financially needy students who demonstrate diligence in their studies, among them 15 students from Lee Woo
Under the auspices of the Qin Jia Yuan Foundation Chinese Cultural Project, the College invites Prof. Ruth E. S. HAYHOE, Professor of Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at University of Toronto deliver a lecture on 20 April 2017. Members of the public are welcome to attend.
(Chinese Only) 中國傳統戲曲包羅萬樣,各有千秋,都是中國的文化瑰寶。為推動中國戲曲在香港的發展,香港中文大學 (中大) 和聲書院及香港振興京崑傳承中心,承蒙上海戲劇學院附屬戲曲學校的鼎力支持,特邀上海崑劇團、上海評彈團及上海淮劇團,於今天 (2016年10月6日) 至10月8日,假尖沙咀街坊福利會會堂及中大邵逸夫堂上演《姹紫嫣紅 – 2016中國傳統戲曲曲藝推廣巡演》。是次巡演歡迎公眾參加,費用全免。 是次巡演,由上海戲劇學院附屬戲曲學校宋磊老師及國家一級演員韓婷婷女士率隊,多位國家一級演員及上海戲劇學院附屬戲曲學校優秀老師參與其中,包括沈昳麗女士、高博文先生、胡剛先生、牟元笛先生、陸錦花女士、楊舒雯女士及潘潔華女士等。 各名家將會傾力演出多個著名曲目,包括由沈昳麗女士演出《牡丹亭.尋夢》、高博文先生演出《珍珠塔》、牟元笛先生演出《乾坤福壽鏡.失子驚瘋》等,觀眾除可大飽耳福,更有機會欣賞到將近失傳的蹺功技藝,實屬難得。 主辦單位對戲曲文化的傳承可謂不遺餘力,特意安排上海戲劇學院附屬戲曲學校學生及中大京崑通識課程學員與一眾大師同台演出,進一步讓年青人認識中國戲曲之美。每晚的演出均有一壓軸環節,由京崑宗師俞振飛弟子顧鐵華博士帶領一眾演員演唱《大唐貴妃》【梨花頌】,演出謝幕曲以紀念京劇大師梅葆玖,為精彩的表演劃上完美的句號。 巡演的詳情如下﹕日期﹕ 2016年10月6日 (星期四) 及10月7日(星期五)時間﹕ 晚上7時地點﹕ 九龍尖沙咀彌敦道136A號尖沙咀街坊福利會會堂 日期﹕ 2016年10月8日 (星期六)時間﹕ 晚上7時地點﹕ 新界沙田香港中文大學邵逸夫堂 查詢﹕ 3943-1504 (電話); wscollege@cuhk.edu.hk (電郵)網上報名﹕https://cloud.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/webform/view.php?id=1852024 中大和聲書院贊助人李和聲博士及書院院監會成員顧鐵華博士致力推廣中國京崑戲曲,率先於2013年在中大舉辦《國粹藝術進校園京劇崑曲導賞》,於2015年5月成立香港振興京崑傳承中心,以弘揚中國傳統曲藝,並大力支持中大和聲書院開辦京崑通識課程,務求於香港高等學府普及京崑藝術。 去年10月,中大和聲書院與香港振興京崑傳承中心聯同香港城市大學中國文化中心及香港理工大學文化推廣委員會,合辦《姹紫嫣紅– 中國傳統戲曲曲藝校園巡演》,演出非常成功,為京崑藝術在港普及化打下強心針。
The Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme is set up by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region annually since 2013. Jointly organized by the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer and the Equal Opportunities Commission, the Scheme aims to show appreciation to local enterprises and organizations which have made their websites and mobile
College’s Catering Service Committee recently agreed a new bargain with our caterer: Starting from 1 May 2016, all valid WSAccess+ and affiliate card holders will enjoy 20% off for all orders at all catering outlets in Lee Woo Sing College, including WS Pavilion, THe Harmony and Cafe Tolo! Thank you for supporting our catering service.
Open Bazaar, Challenge Tower and Feast for Thousands were held on 27 January, 1 and 4 February 2016 respectively in celebration of the College’s 8th Anniversary Celebration (hereafter “the Celebration”). With the great dedication of the College students in preparing and planning for the whole programme in the past few months, a series of celebration events
8th Anniversary Celebration Crowned with Success!Read More »
Lee Woo Sing College recently held the Green Education Day and invited the founder of Taiwan Green Island Elephant Social Enterprise, Mr. Lee Meng-fa, together with the Green Island Elephant, to introduce the development of environmental education and sustainability initiatives in Taiwan to students, staff and alumni. The College would like to take this opportunity