WARS_Gold Award 2020-21

Lee Woo Sing College has received “Gold Award” at the Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme (WARS) 2020/21 in the Website Stream. Since the College has been credited Gold Awards for three consecutive editions (2016 and 2018/19), a “Triple Gold Award” was credited for the first time, making it the first CUHK College in achieving the highest […]

Founding Master Gold Medal

Open for Application: Founding Master Gold Medal for Graduating Students Established by the College in 2014, this prestigious award each year honors THREE College graduating students who have demonstrated all-round performance throughout his/her University study while at the same time obtaining excellent academic performance.  We are very pleased to announce that the Gold Medal Award

Application for Founding Master Gold Medal for Graduating StudentsRead More »

Earth Hour

CUHK continues to support ‘Earth Hour’ this year.  To raise public awareness on ocean protection, non-essential lights on campus will be switched off at 8:30pm on 27 March (Saturday) for an hour. Lee Woo Sing College supports the event. The following area of the college will be switched off at the captioned timeslot: Water wall

Earth HourRead More »

Financial Aid 經濟援助

(Application Period: 18 January 2021 (9am) – 31 January 2021 (1145pm)) 7 awards of HK$20,000 each are available to full-time undergraduate students who are the children of Hong Kong Disciplined Services. Eligibility To be eligible, the candidates should: –     be full-time undergraduate students; –     be the children of the following Hong Kong Disciplined Services (serving,

Call for Application: CUHK Scholarship for Children of the Disciplined Services 2020/21Read More »


The College has launched an auto-reply system for Facebook messenger, WhatsApp and WeChat. You can access the Chatbot in the Home Page of the college website or the link below: Facebook: https://m.me/137318086341557 WhatsApp: https://web.whatsapp.com/send?phone=85252464937&text=Hello WeChat: http://weixin.qq.com/r/0RMcBMvEe5YErY9n90bD To start chatting with the bot, you can simply click the link. Then enter the command “Hello” in the

WS Chatbot is hereRead More »

Financial Aid 經濟援助

During the tough period of the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the College set up a designated “WS People Fund – COVID-19 Student Bursary Support” to provide financial assistance to students and their family affected by COVID-19. Subject to the review by the Scholarships and Bursaries Committee, an amount ranging from $5,000 to $10,000 would

Call for Application: WS People Fund – COVID-19 Student Bursary SupportRead More »

Congregation 第八十八屆大會

The University has announced on 13 Nov 2020 that: In light of the increasing health risks and upon the advice from the Committee on Health Promotion and Protection, as well as prudent risk assessment by the University management with input from all Colleges and Faculties, the University had to decide, regretfully, that the 88th Congregation

New Arrangements of 88th Congregation cum LWS 8th Graduation CeremonyRead More »

The online donation platform of “WS People Fund” has been launched in July. Alumni, teachers and staff, and friends of Lee Woo Sing College can now support the College’s sustainable development donating to the fund online. The online “WS People Fund” donation platform accepts VISA and MasterCards payment. Donors can make instant (one-time) donation through the platform’s

WS People Fund Online Donation Platform LaunchedRead More »

College News 書院消息

It is the second time for Mrs. Alice Law and the College Office to win the Positive Workplace Service Award. The ceremony was held on 8 May 2018. Dr. Lee Woo Sing and Dr. Li Woo Hing attended the ceremony to show their support. The awardees share how they build up a positive workplace culture

Mrs. Alice Law and College Office won Positive Workplace Service Award 2018/19Read More »