and Hostel Tutors

Wardens and Hostel Tutors


Prof. TAO Yufei Tony (Dorothy and Ti-Hua KOO Building)

Dr. CHOI Siu Ming Theo (North Block)

Senior Hostel Tutor

Ms. ZUO Zhumeng, Nora (3/F & 4/F, North Block)

Hostel Tutors

Mr. CHENG Pok Him (3/F, Dorothy and Ti-Hua KOO Building)

Mr. POON Tsz Yin Jeff (4/F & 5/F, Dorothy and Ti-Hua KOO Building)

Ms. CHOY Kit Ying Sakura (6/F & 7/F, Dorothy and Ti-Hua KOO Building)

Ms. CHEUNG Ka Man, Carmen (8/F & 9/F, Dorothy and Ti-Hua KOO Building)

Ms. LIU Wun Yan Noelle (10/F & 11/F, Dorothy and Ti-Hua KOO Building)

Ms. LIN Cuichan, Vicky (1/F & 2/F, North Block)

Mr. QI Donghang, Sam (G/F & 5/F, North Block)

Mr. LI Hon Shing, Hanson (6/F & 7/F, North Block)
Welcome from Wardens
"I feel privileged to serve as one of the wardens of Lee Woo Sing College, and it is my honour to welcome you as a part of our community. I hope you are excited about your upcoming residential experience. The WSSU Residential Students’ Association, wardens and the tutor team organise many activities throughout the academic year. We cordially invite all of you to join us. These events will provide you with a fascinating opportunity to engage in a harmonious community, cultivate a commitment of social responsibility with compassion, and acquire international perspectives.

During your university life, you may face some inevitable and unprecedented challenges. We hope that our college motto “Wisdom, Humanity, Integrity, Harmony” will navigate you through the unpredictability and help you to overcome it. Certainly, our team is always here to assist you and provide guidance. As a physical education researcher and practitioner, I also encourage you to regularly exercise, because it can relieve your tension and clear your mind. That is why you can easily spot me in the fitness rooms and the sports fields, and when you see me feel free to have a chat with me!

I look forward to welcoming each of you to the hostel of Lee Woo Sing College."
Dr Choi Siu Ming
Dr. CHOI Siu Ming
Warden, North Block
Wardens’ Office

Location: G07, G/F, Dorothy and Ti-Hua KOO Building, Lee Woo Sing College

Warden Hours: 9:00pm, every Thursday (during term time)