Hong Kong Studies (published by The Chinese University Press) is now accepting articles and reviews written in English or traditional Chinese for a general issue of the journal, tentatively scheduled for publication in the first half of 2022. Hong Kong Studies is the first bilingual academic journal to focus on Hong Kong from an interdisciplinary perspective. The editors believe that the timely expansion of the field of Hong Kong Studies warrants a journal of its own, in order to provide a focused platform for facilitating exchange between different disciplines and viewpoints in relation to Hong Kong. We welcome papers from multiple fields in the humanities and the social sciences, including but not limited to literature, linguistics, cultural studies, philosophy, sociology, politics, history, education, and gender studies. We also encourage intersectional and cross-disciplinary dialogues on Hong Kong affairs.
Articles no longer than 6,000 words in English and 8,000 words in Chinese (including footnotes) and scholarly reviews (books, films, performances) between 1,200 and 2,000 words should be sent to hongkongstudies@cuhk.edu.hk before 30 June 2021 for consideration. If you are interested in writing a review for Hong Kong Studies, please first write to the editors to discuss the suitability of the selected item. When submitting your work, please follow our style sheet available here: https://goo.gl/UyLM8A. Please also provide an abstract of 250 words and a short biographical note of no more than 50 words on a separate page. Submissions will be double-blind reviewed.
香港中文大學出版社出版的《香港研究》(2022年第一期)徵稿。《香港研究》是全球第一本以香港為主要研究對象的雙語學術期刊,旨在提升「香港研究」在國際學術界的地位,以及發掘以跨學科或多元交織視角探討香港議題的研究成果。本期刊涵蓋學科包括, 但不限於:文學、語言學、哲學、文化研究、社會學、政治學、國際關係、歷史、教育、性別研究等等。本期刊已邀請本港及海外學者出任編輯或顧問,並設有同儕審查機制,以期論文內容更富參考價值。