Research Interests
Second language acquisition (SLA), task-based language teaching (TBLT), second language reading and writing, eye-tracking technology and the role of individual differences.
Fan, W. Y., & Jung, J. (accepted). Cantonese and Korean learners’ comprehension and appreciation of English textual humor. ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics.
Révész, A., Stainer, M., Jung, J., Lee, M., & Michel, M. (2022). Using eye-tracking as a tool to develop second language lexical skills. Language Learning & Technology.
Jung, J. (2010). [Review of the book, Second Language Reading Research and Instruction: Crossing the Boundaries, by ZhaoHong Han & Neil J. Anderson (Eds.).] Teachers College, Columbia University Working Papers in TESOL & Applied Linguistics, 10(1), 58-62.
Grants & Scholarships
Research Grants Council (RGC) Grant 2021/22, Hong Kong
- Early Career Scheme (ECS) Grant, HK$ 398,000, 2022-2024
- Title: The effects of gaze-contingent input enhancement on learning of second language collocations from computer-mediated reading
Direct Grant for Research, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Direct Grant for Research, Arts and Languages Panel, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, HK$90,000, 2020-2021
- Title: The effects of proactive versus reactive input enhancement on learning of L2 collocations: An eye-tracking study
Sep 2015
TIRF Doctoral Dissertation Grant Competition
- The International Research Foundation for English Language Education (TIRF) Doctoral Dissertation Grant, US$5,000, 2015-2016
- Title: The effects of task complexity on the difficulty of L2 reading test: An eye-tracking study
Jan 2015
Language Learning Dissertation Grant Award
- Language Learning Dissertation Grant, US$2,000, 2015
- Title: The effects of task complexity, glosses, and working memory capacity on L2 reading and L2 learning