
Academic Staff

Collier NOGUES

Assistant Professor
BA Barnard College of Columbia University; MFA UC Irvine; PhD HKU

Tel 3943 7018
Office Fung King Hey 327

Administrative Post:
Undergraduate Coordinator (Literary Studies/Creative Writing)
Language Coordinator

Research Interests
20th and 21st-century poetry in English; interactive and digital literatures; transpacific literatures; ecopoetics and documentary poetics; decolonization and demilitarization activism; archive studies
Selected Publications
The Ground I Stand On Is Not My Ground, Drunken Boat, April 2015 [print book] [digital interactive book] Selected by Forrest Gander as winner of the 2014 Drunken Boat Poetry Book Contest.
On the Other Side, Blue, Four Way Books, April 2011 [print book]
Research-led Creative Practice
Jan 2021
Yale-NUS, DOCUMENT: New Art & Writing about Place-based Histories: core collaborator. Grant-funded investigation of transdisciplinary approaches to archival research. Digital exhibition of immersive poems launched February 2022. Poem titles: “History Is Knowing,” Groundwater,” “Hog Simulation,” and “Across the Sea (Cape Henoko).” (please click “Collier Nogues”).
July 2017
Container Press “Multitudes” series: solicited writer/artist.Digital exhibition of solicited artist’s books, project #1: Rolodex Open Rotary Card File. Artwork title: “Miniature Perimeter.”
June 2016
City University of Hong Kong, Gallery 360°: co-curator and digital poet. Public Exhibition of CURVED: Bilingual Literature for Immersive Multi-screen Environments, a Chinese/English animated digital poetry installation in a 360° immersive theater.
June 2024
SALTS Gallery, Basel, Switzerland: solicited artist. Gallery exhibition of hybrid text/print works curated by Quinn Latimer: The Printed Room: read the room / you’ve got to. Artwork title: “The Ground I Stand On Is Not My Ground.”
Selected articles and book chapters
Under Review
“Together in the Future Wilderness: CAConrad’s Queer Appearances.” Queer Studies in Media and Popular Culture.
Jan 2023
“Experimentation.” Craft essay, A-Z of Creative Writing Methods, Bloomsbury (forthcoming).
Apr 2018
“‘with [our] entire breath’: The U.S. Military Buildup on Guåhan (Guam) and Craig Santos Perez’s Literature of Resistance.” Shima: The International Journal of Research into Island Cultures, vol. 12, no. 1: Island Narratives and Literature.
Selected Creative Works
Nov 2021
Writing in Difficult Times: A Bilingual Collection of Essays: “A Clock for Seeing.” Lyric essay, Cart Noodles Press.
May 2021
Hong Kong Vanities: “Tea Snack”
Fall 2020
Writing-Plus: “Rain Scene” and lesson plan supplement for Hong Kong secondary classrooms, commissioned by Writing-Plus and the Hong Kong International Literary Festival. link
Aug 2020
Jul 2020
TIMBER: “Preface: Important Notice” and “Article XII: Autonomy” (text and animations from CURVED, a digital collaboration with Mei Kwan Ng and Jhave Johnston)
Jun 2020
Jun 2021
20/20: A Bilingual Anthology of Hong Kong Poetry, Voice and Verse Press: “Tentacular,” “Preface: Important Notice” and “Article XII: Autonomy.”
May 2019
The Curator: “Foreclosure”
Apr 2017
Fall 2016
Spr 2016
nclave: folio of ten poems in Chinese translation
Spr 2016
Another Chicago Magazine: “The Island” and “News”
Apr 2016
“Impromptu #2: Bureaucratic Syntax.” Craft essay, The Found Poetry Review’s “Impromptu: National Poetry Month Writing Prompts” series.
Aug 2015
Hick Poetics: an Anthology of Writing from the Hinterlands, Lost Roads Press: “Stories I Hear,” “A Review of 1935,” “The Helmet,” and “A Small Hot Town.”
Dec 2014
Drunken Boat: “Across July”
Jan 2014
La Fovea: “A Special Occasion Calls for a Beauty of an Outfit” and “Each of Us, Flies”
Wtr 2014
“Pushing Your Material Around.” Craft essay, The Southeast Review.
Desde Hong Kong: Poets in Conversation with Octavio Paz, Chameleon Press:“Between Coming and Going” and “The Wake.”
Fall 2013
The Cincinnati Review: “Leaping, Leapt” and “Craft Kit”
Fall 2013
Mead: The Magazine of Literature and Libations: “Examination and Discovery”
July 2013
The American Academy of Poets’ Poem-A-Day, July 5: “A Small Hot Town”
July 2013
Spr 2011
Massachusetts Review: “Moriah”
Fall 2010
Nimrod: “Conversion” and “Frozen Letter”
Spr 2010
Pleiades: “The First Year In Wilderness,” “Train Prayer,” and “Kitchen Corridor”
Fall 2009
Zocalo Public Square: “Studying: Fidelity”
Fall 2009
Boxcar Poetry Review: “Wake Day”
Smr 2009
The Laurel Review: “How I Take Care of Her Now That She’s Gone” and “A.W.O.L.”
The Anteater Reader, University of California, Irvine: “The Bath.”
Shade 2006: An Anthology of Fiction and Poetry, Four Way Books: “The Words That Should Have Been Written” and “Visit (Preserves).”
Research Grants and Awards
Hong Kong Ph.D. Fellow, School of English, University of Hong Kong
Aug 2020
Resident Writer, Transnational Virtual Writing Residency, Mongrel Writers Residence & Cha: An Asian Literary Journal
July 2016
Poetry Fellow, The Frost Place Conference on Poetry
Spr 2016
Writer-in-Residence, Lingnan University, Hong Kong
Spt 2014
Writing Fellow, MacDowell Colony
Smr 2013
Artist/Writer Grant, Vermont Studio Center
Wtr 2010,2009
Fishtrap Writer-in-Residence, Wallowa County, Oregon
Wtr 2009
Fishtrap Writer-in-Residence, Wallowa County, Oregon
Smr 2009
Writing Fellow, Ucross Foundation
Wtr 2008
Writing Fellow, MacDowell Colony
Semi-finalist, “Discovery”/Boston Review Poetry Contest
Finalist, Fine Arts Work Center Creative Writing Fellowship
Lynn Garnier Memorial Award in Poetry
Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, UC Irvine Department of English
Humanities Center Grant, UC Irvine
UC Irvine Writer’s Scholarship to attend Squaw Valley Community of Writers
Academy of American Poets University Prize
UC Irvine Humanities Research Institute Grant
UC Regent’s Fellowship