Research Interests
Drama & Theatre Studies - Shakespeare Studies, Adaptation and Intermediality, Documentary Cinema Studies, Literary Linguistics, Hong Kong Literature in English,
Comparative Literature/ Linguistics, Experiential learning through cultural activities, Drama translation, Speech and Drama pedagogy
Selected Publications
IN PRESS: Cambridge University Press. The Intertextuality and Intermediality of the Anglophone Popular Song.
Stage-play and Screen-play: The Intermediality of Theatre and Cinema. Published by Routledge, Taylor Francis, UK. January 2017. Refereed monograph.
Hong Kong Documentary Film (co-authored with Ian Aitken); Edinburgh University Press, 2014. Refereed.
Johnnie To's PTU in The New Hong Kong Cinema Series (Hong Kong University Press, 2009) Refereed monograph.
Hong Kong - A Cultural and Literary History in the City of the Imagination series, Oxford University Press, US/ HKU Press, 2007). Refereed monograph.
Staging Fictions - The Prose Fiction Stage Adaptation as Social Allegory (Edwin Mellen UK Press, 2004) Refereed monograph.
City Voices - An Anthology of Hong Kong Writing in English, Xu Xi and Michael Ingham, eds. (HKU Press, 2003). Refereed.
More Recent Journal Articles and Book Chapters
“Moody Food of Us that Trade in Love”: Remediations of Shakespeare’s Sonnets in Popular Music. Book chapter in Jane Kingsley-Smith & William Reg Rampone, eds. Shakespeare’s Global Sonnets. Palgrave Macmillan, 2022, August, 2022.
“Of An Age, Not Just for All Time: Shakespeare’s Screen Traffic in a City and Time ‘Out of Joint’’. In Shakespeare, 17:2, 242-253. Routledge-Taylor-Francis journal, 2021. Sole author. DOI:10.1080/17450918.2020.1841825.
“We Will Perform in Measure, Time and Place": Synchronicity, Signification and Cultural Mobility in Tang Shu-wing Theatre Studio’s Cantonese language Macbeth, in Poonam Trivedi, Paromita Chakravarti & Ted Motohashi (eds.) Asian Interventions in Global Shakespeare, Routledge, U.K. 2020. Sole author.
Too Much Reality? Reflections on the Educational-Observational Film World of Tammy Cheung & Augustine Lam. Ex-position, (42). Refereed article, published Dec. 2019. Sole author.
‘History is now' : Fiction's history and history's fiction in representations of Hong Kong’s story : a dissonant view: 「此刻就是歷史」:小說歷史與歷史小說新近演繹的香港故事 - 各抒己見. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Hong Kong, 59, 214-230. [6]. Refereed article. Co-authored with C. Mattison. Published Oct. 2019.
Shakespeare and the Theatre Broadcast Experience : A View from Hong Kong. In P. Aebischer, S. Greenhalgh, & L. Osborne (Eds.), Shakespeare and the 'Live' theatre broadcast experience (pp. 185-192). London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc. Refereed chapter, published 2018. Sole author.
“In a Double Sense”. Syntactic Ambiguity and the Pragmatics of Equivocation in Shakespearean Dramatic Dialogue in Anglistica AION 21.1 (2017), 83-95 ISSN: 2035-8504 doi: 10.19231/angl-aion.201715. Published online, December 2018. Sole author.
“Admit me Chorus to this History”: Shakespeare's M.C.s and Choric Commentators - How Medieval, how Early Modern?’ Neophilologus, 2018. D-17-00071.1. DOI: 10.1007 s11061-018-9576-6. Sole author. Refereed. Published online, October 2018. Sole author.
“Now no way can I stray”: Interpreting Syntactic and Semantic Role Ambiguity in Shakespeare’s Dramatic Verse with Non-native Performers and Readers’. In Shakespeare Studies, eds. James R. Siemon & Diana E. Henderson. University of Boston/ Fairleigh Dickinson Press. Vol. 46. Winter 2018. Ch. 14, pp. 163-184. Refereed article. Sole author.
’Comparing syntactic strategies for proximity and distance in the verse/prose comedies of Shakespeare and Jonson’, co-authored with Richard Ingham (University of Westminster, UK). Memorial di Shakespeare - A Journal of Shakespeare Studies, eds. Rosy Colombo, Iolanda Plescia, Online bilingual journal (English/Italian), Sapienza University Press, Rome, Published February 2018.
“Come You Spirits’: An alternative afterlife to Shakespeare’s Macbeth and Othello as mediated through Japanese classical noh and kyogen theatre forms.’ Paper co-authored with Dr Kaoru Nakao of Osaka University, Asian Theatre Journal. Vol. 35, No. 1. Spring. Published January 2018. Hawaii University Press.
’Ordinary Man’: Christy Moore and the Irish Contemporary Ballad’, refereed article in U.S. university journal Music and Politics, University of Michigan Press, published 2017 summer issue. Sole author.
'Popular Song in Adaptation’ Chapter 22 in Thomas Leitch, ed. The Oxford Handbook of Adaptation Studies. New York: Oxford University Press. Published April 2017. Sole author.
’The Stretched Metre of an Antique Song': Jazzin' the Food of Love’ In Diana Henderson, Ed. Shakespeare Studies, Vo. 44, The Terence Hawkes Forum special issue. Published Autumn 2016. Boston University Press. Sole author.
Bilingualism in the early English Ballad: Francophone influences in the development of the ballad genre in medieval England' in Medieval Matters Series, Ed. Albrecht Classen, volume on Medieval Multilingualism: Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture'. De Gruyter, Netherlands. Published August 2016. Sole author.
‘That Shakespeherian Rag’: Shakespeare and Jazz. Article in The Cambridge Guide to World Shakespeare, Bruce Robinson and Aimara Resende, eds. Cambridge University Press. March 2016. Sole author.
‘Pardonetz-moi qe jeo de ceo forsvoie': John Gower’s Anglo-Norman Identity.’ Neuphilologus, 99 (4). pp. 667-684. ISSN 00282677. Published Oct. 2015. Co- authored with Prof. Richard Ingham.
’Beyond Asian? Beyond cinema? Intermediality, the performative and the cosmopolitan in the documentary films of Evans Chan' in Asian Cinema 25(2) 2015, pp. 139-152. Sole author.
English language student English drama productions (Hong Kong)
Romeo and Juliet (2002); Pygmalion (2004); Charley’s Aunt (2006); The Taming of the Shrew (2007); The Two Gentlemen of Verona (2009); The Importance of Being Earnest (2011); A Raisin in the Sun (2014); Chinglish (2017); Animal Farm (2018); My Fair Lady (musical drama, 2019). I also taught and directed students participating in the annual Chinese University Shakespeare Festival for tertiary students between 2007 and 2013, devising 20 minute productions based on, among others, The Comedy of Errors, The Two Noble Kinsmen, As You Like It, Twelfth Night and Antony and Cleopatra.
Research Grant
GRF as Principal Investigator (completed June ‘20 and submitted to RGC): ‘O brave new world!’: A comparative study of simulcast and captured live Shakespeare-in-cinema in the UK and Hong Kong’. Funding - $148,000. Jan 2018- Dec. 2020. Completed.
Knowledge Transfer (KT): ‘Virtual Pioneers - Creative, interactive methods of exploring literary narratives for secondary English students using simulation technology.’ June 2017-June 2018. Funding -$70,000. Successfully completed.
GRF, as Principal Investigator General Research Fund, RGC Hong Kong: ‘Shakespeare: A Study in Syntax and Style for Teachers and Performers in a Second Language.’Jan. 2016 - Dec 2017. Funding $312,000. Successfully completed.
Teaching Development Grant Spring 2015-2017; PI Principal Investigator ‘Online Resources for Developing Virtual/Real; Performances in English Dept. Performance-based and Creative-based Elective courses. Funding $192,000. TLC No. 102439. Successfully completed.
GRF as PI General Research Fund RGC Hong Kong: ‘A Critical Analysis of Stage-to-Screen and Screen-to-Stage Adaptation Discourses: An Analysis of Key Terms and Practices. RGC funding $178,000. Jan. 2013 - Dec. 2014. Successfully completed.
PI on research project ‘Arts Songs: Modern Poem Settings as Literary Adaptation. Awarded RGC funding (reference DR09A7) of HK$ 77,000 for the project. Completed. See journal publications Nos. 1, 5, 11 and 14 for outcomes. Successfully completed.
Co-I on CERG/ RGC research project with Prof Ian Aitken (HKBU) ‘Hong Kong Documentary Film, 2008-2011.