CUHK LAW maintains its high ranking in the 28th Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot

At the 28th Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot (Vis Vienna Moot) completed virtually on 1 April 2021, the CUHK LAW Team, for the fourth consecutive year, ranked in the top 16 teams out of some 380 participating teams from law schools around the world.

To achieve this ranking the CUHK LAW Team argued against teams from Denmark, Germany, India, Mozambique, Russia, Singapore, and Ukraine. Natalie Tse (LLB) was awarded an Honourable Mention (Top 10%) for her advocacy in the competition.

In the 18th Willem C. Vis East International Commercial Arbitration Moot (Vis East Moot) completed virtually on 21 March 2021, the CUHK LAW Team received an Honourable Mention (Top 10%) for its Memorandum for the Claimant. Harry Tsang (LLB) was awarded an Honourable Mention (Top 10%) for his advocacy in the competition.

The CUHK LAW teams were coached by Prof. Peter RHODES who was supported by former team members and student coaches Leo CHOI (LLB), Winsome LAI (LLB), Patrick LAM (LLB), Christie LEUNG (LLB), Tszyat LIU (LLB), Donald LUI (PCLL), and Michelle WONG (PCLL). CUHK LAW faculty member Mr. Paul MITCHARD QC greatly helped the team with their advocacy training.

The team members were Lindley CHAN (LLB), Chloe LAM (LLB), Lily LIU (PCLL), Sunny LIU (LLB), Hugo LO (LLB), Godfrey NG (LLB), Harry TSANG (LLB), Natalie TSE (LLB), Anthony WONG (JD), Jiabing YAN (LLB), and Iris ZHOU (JD).

Posted on 23 April, 2021