Prof. Chin Leng LIM, Choh-Ming Li Professor of Law, has published a new edited book “The Cambridge Companion to International Arbitration”

Prof. Chin Leng LIM, Choh-Ming Li Professor of Law, has published The Cambridge Companion to International Arbitration, which he was invited to edit.

“The Cambridge Companion to International Arbitration is an admirably ambitious and valuable book. Within the space of a single (if substantial) volume, it aims to cover and to discuss all aspects of the different forms of international arbitration, an expression which includes international commercial arbitration, foreign investor-State arbitration, inter-State arbitration and intra-State arbitration…the list of the authors is almost a rollcall of honour of the academics and practitioners in the world of twenty-first-century international arbitration.” – Lord Neuberger, Foreword

The book is available at Cambridge University Press, Amazon, Book Depository and Lavoisier.

Posted on 3 December, 2021