- Bryan Mercurio, Simon Lester and Arwel Davies (eds), World Trade Law: Text, Materials and Commentary (Oxford, United Kingdom: Hart Publishing, 2nd ed, 2012) 931 pgs.
- Bryan Mercurio, ‘Trade Liberalization and Poverty Reduction: Complimentary or Contradictory Aims’ in Krista Nadakavukaren Schefer (ed), Poverty and International Economic Law: Duties to the World’s Poor (Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 1st ed, 2013) 66-78.
- Bryan Mercurio, ‘TRIPs and Access to Essential Medicines’ in Geert Van Calster and Denise Prévost (eds), Research Handbook on Environment, Health and the WTO (Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar, 1st ed, 2013) 233-269.
- Bryan Mercurio and Justin Wong, ‘Low-Carbon-Emissions Standards and the WTO: Do Californian Measures Targeting Greenhouse Gas Emissions Discriminate Against Canadian Oil’ (2012) 45 (2) UBC Law Review 451-496.
- Bryan Mercurio, ‘Awakening the Sleeping Giant: Intellectual Property Rights in International Investment Agreements’ (2012) 15 (3) Journal of International Economic Law 871-915.
- Bryan Mercurio, ‘China and Intellectual Property Rights’ (Paper presented at Beyond the WTO: China in the International Economic Order, University of New South Wales, Faculty of Law, Sydney, Australia, 3 August 2012).
- Bryan Mercurio, ‘Beyond the Rhetoric: What exactly does the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) do?’ (Paper presented at Distinguished Speaker Series, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland, 9 October 2012).
- Bryan Mercurio, ‘Up in Smoke: Legal Challenges to Plain Packaging of Tobacco Products’ (Paper presented at Seoul National University, Faculty of Law, ‘Foreign Authority Forum, Faculty of Law , Seoul National University, Korea, 12 October 2012).
- Bryan Mercurio, ‘The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement: Does ACTA go too far?’ (Paper presented at 43rd World IP Congress, International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI), Seoul, Korea, 21 October 2012).
- Bryan Mercurio, ‘The Trans-Pacific Partnership: Wasted Effort, Missed Opportunity’ (Paper presented at the International Association for Asia Pacific Studies (IAAPS) 3rd Annual Conference ‘Change in the Asia Pacific World: Challenges and Opportunities’, International Association for Asia Pacific Studies (IAAPS), Hong Kong, 23 November 2012).
- Bryan Mercurio, ‘Who’s Afraid of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement: Beyond the Rhetoric’ (Paper presented at Symposium on International Economic Law: New Issues and Challenges, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 3 December 2012).
- Bryan Mercurio, ‘California’s Low Carbon Emission Standards: Well Intentioned or Intentional Discrimination’ (Paper presented at International Forum on Transnational Trade Law and Sustainable Development, National University of Kaohsiung, College of Law, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 4 December 2012).
- Bryan Mercurio, ‘Tobacco, Trade and IPRs in Investment Agreements’ (Paper presented at IP Law Developments and Trends: Conventional Doctrine and Trade Rules, National Tsing Hua University, Institute of Law for Science and Technology, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 6 December 2012).
- Bryan Mercurio, ‘Expanding the boundaries: Intellectual Property as an Investment’ (Paper presented at Searching for the Boundaries of Intellectual Property Law ed. by University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Law, Drake University and Peking University, Hong Kong, 15 December 2012).
- Bryan Mercurio, ‘The Future of the WTO’ (Paper presented at Europa Institut an der Universitat Zurich, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 12 April 2013).
- Bryan Mercurio, ‘The Giant is Now Awake: Intellectual Property Rights in Investment Treaties’ (Paper presented at CfIG-Colloquium, Leeds University Law School, University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom, 17 April 2013).
- Bryan Mercurio, ‘Intellectual Property Rights and Investment Law: The New Frontier’ (Paper presented at Invited Speaker Series in Law and Economics of Intellectual Property: (Re)thinking Intellectual Property, Fundamental Questions and New Perspectives, Centre for International Intellectual Property Studies (CEIPI), Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France, 22 April 2013).
- Bryan Mercurio, ‘The WTO Version 2.0: Energy, Environment and Continued Relevance’ (Paper presented at Symposium on International Trade and Business Law, National Chiao Tung University, Taipei, Taiwan, 14 June 2013).
- Bryan Mercurio, ‘The Benefits and Burdens of the TPP’ (Paper presented at Asia’s Plurilateral Trade Agreements: TPP, ASEAN and Beyond, Asia WTO Research Network, Taipei, Taiwan, 15 June 2013).
- Bryan Mercurio, ‘The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement: From Failure to Game Changer’ (Paper presented at Peace, Development and Economic Changes in the Asia-Pacific, Department of Japanese Studies, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 20 June 2013).
- Bryan Mercurio, ‘The Contribution of Regional Trade Agreements in Asia: Why the Business Community Ignores Intra-Asian Trade’ (Paper presented at The Eighth International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS), Macao, 25 June 2013).
- Intellectual Property Rights and Investment Law: the new frontier in Invited Speaker Series in Law and Economics of Intellectual Property: (Re)thinking Intellectual Property, Fundamental Questions and New Perspectives organized by Centre for International Intellectual Property Studies (CEIPI) at the Université de Strasbourg (2013-04)
- The Giant is now awake: Intellectual Property Rights in Investment Treaties in Distinguiged Lecturer to the CfIG organized by Leeds University Law School (2013-04)
- The Future of the WTO in Distinguiged Lecture Series organized by Europa Institut an der Universität Zürich (2013-04)
- Up in Smoke: Legal Challenges to Plain Packaging of Tobacco Products in Foreign Authority Forum organized by Seoul National University (2012-10)
- Beyond the Rhetoric: What exactly does the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) do? in Distinguished Lecture organized by University of Basel (2012-10)