Cross-institutional Course/Subject Enrolment for Research Postgraduate Students

To enhance the opportunities for postgraduate students to have access to courses and expertise at sister universities in Hong Kong, the eight UGC-funded universities (CityU, CUHK, EdUHK, HKBU, HKU, HKUST, LU and PolyU) have entered into a collaboration scheme of sharing research postgraduate courses of participating universities. Interested students please read the following information carefully and submit applications for course enrolment according to the procedures and deadlines specified by each of the participating universities.



Postgraduate students of research programmes from CityU, EdUHK, HKBU, HKU, HKUST, LU and PolyU who want to enrol in CUHK courses


2022-23, Term 1


The first teaching term 2022-23 of CUHK will start on 5 September 2022. Please note the following information:



Select CUHK course(s) from the List of Courses offered by CUHK (2022-23, Term 1). Check the teaching timetable for details of date/time/venue. Please note that the date/time/venue are subject to change. If your application is accepted, please check the timetable again before classes commence.

2. Download and complete Sections I, II and III of the Application Form for Cross-institutional Course/Subject Enrolment for Research Postgraduate Students and submit it to the responsible office of your home institution by the deadline announced by your home institution. It should reach the Graduate School of CUHK via your home institution by 15 August 2022. Normally, late applications will not be accepted.

You will be informed of the application result by 29 August 2022 by e-mail the latest.

4. You are only allowed to add/drop any subjects within the first two weeks of commencement of each term, i.e. 5-19 September 2022 for 2022-23, Term 1.


Important message:


The default mode of delivery of teaching and learning will be in person and on campus for all research postgraduate students in 2022–23, Term 1.


To safeguard the health and safety of the University community, members who do not submit a vaccination/self-testing results via the COVID-19 Vaccination/Regular Testing Report System (VTR) will be denied campus access.   Please refer to the CUHK’s announcement for details.  Successful applicants will receive a link to submit vaccination/self-testing results in the application result.




CUHK postgraduate students of research programmes who want to enrol in courses offered by other participating universities 


Application procedures: 


Visit websites of the universities concerned for detailed information:


2022-23, Term 1


  Institutions Information available from Application deadline 
  The Education University of Hong Kong 1 August 2022 22 August 2022
  City University of Hong Kong 2 August 2022 19 August 2022
  Hong Kong Baptist University 29 July 2022 19 August 2022
  The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 22 July 2022 19 August 2022
  The University of Hong Kong 1 August 2022 19 August 2022
  Lingnan University 27 July 2022 25 August 2022

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

(Students wishing to take courses offered by HKUST under the Scheme should fill in an e-form first.)


2 August 2022 25 August 2022

Download and complete Sections I, II, and III of the Application Form for Cross-institutional Course/Subject Enrolment for Research Postgraduate Students.

3. Download the Approval Form for Cross-institutional Course Enrolment (one form for one university you wish to attend) and complete Sections A and B. You will also need to obtain approval from your Supervisor and Division Head (Section C).
4. Submit the application form AND the approval form to the Graduate School (7th Floor, Yasumoto International Academic Park) at least THREE working days before the deadline set by the university you wish to attend as specified above. Late applications will not be accepted.
5. The host university will inform you of the application results.


Course and unit exemptions:

After completion of the course(s), you will receive an academic report for the course(s) from the university attended. If you wish to apply for course and unit exemption based on the course(s) completed, please pay the prescribed application fee and submit the application form for course and unit exemption together with relevant documents to your Division Head for endorsement, and then to the Graduate School for approval.



Updated on 3 August 2022