Purpose of the test
New entrants admitted without HKDSE results (regardless of admission channel and programme of admission) are required to sit for the placement test. Based on the results of the placement test, students will be assigned to either PHYS1003 or PHYS1110.
Placement Test Schedule
The details of the placement test are shown below:
Date: 4th September, 2018 (Tue)
Time: 9:30 am-10:15 am (Please arrive at 9:00 am to report your attendance)
Venue: LSB LT1
Important Notes:
Students attending the placement test will be pre-assigned to PHYS1110F as an interim arrangement. After the placement test, they should join one of the five lecture sessions (PHYS1110 classes A-E) in the first teaching week. Students will be assigned to either PHYS1003 or PHYS1110 based on the results of the placement test.
Test format
1. There will be five long questions. The time allowed is 45 minutes.
2. Please bring a HKEAA approved calculator.
3. Bring your CU Link Card or a valid, physical photo ID such as HKID or passport
4. You are NOT allowed to use the followings during the test:
A. Cell phones, smart phones and other electronic devices
B. Any clocks, timers, or watches that beep or have audible alarms.
Below is a list of topics covered in the physics placement test:
1. Uniformly accelerated motion
2. Newton’s laws of motion
3. Momentum
4. Work, power and energy
5. Projectile motion
6. Uniform circular motion
7. Gravitation
8. Waves
Sample questions

Solutions to sample questions