Date: 19th August 2022 (Friday)
Time: 4:30 pm-5:30 pm (Hong Kong Time)
Purpose of the test
New entrants admitted without HKDSE results (regardless of admission channel and programme of admission) are required to sit for the placement test. Based on the results of the placement test, students will be assigned to either PHYS1003 or PHYS1110.
Test format
1. The time allowed is 60 minutes.
2. This will be a closed-book online test.
3. Zoom link will be provided through email.
Important Notes
Students attending the placement test will be pre-assigned to PHYS1110F as an interim arrangement.
A computer (with camera) and stable internet connection
1. You can use a portable calculator during the test.
2. You can only use the computer to view the question paper during the test. All other applications of the computer are strictly forbidden.
Prior preparation
1. Students should prepare their own answer papers, A4 size without any background design (other than faint lines if ruled paper is used).
2. Please write full name and Student ID number (if known) at the top of the first page, ahead of time.
3. Sign in to ZOOM on your computer 15 minutes before the start of the placement test.
4. The test paper will be distributed via ZOOM at 4:25pm.
ZOOM log-in identity
5. Your login name to ZOOM should be the same as your full name (e.g., John SMITH)
During the test
6. You should make reasonable effort to ensure that invigilators can see you during the entire test.
7. If you need to go to washroom, please seek permission on ZOOM.
8. You must stay until the end of the test as the invigilators will check your submitted answer script.
Finishing the test
9. Invigilators will announce the end of the test. You must stop writing immediately when the announcement is made.
10. Immediately use a document scanning app such as CamScanner or Genius Scan to scan ALL the answer pages. Then upload a single pdf file to a designated website (the link to the website will be sent to you after the test). You should complete this within 15 minutes.
Announcement of placement test results and physics class assignment
Based on the results of the placement test, you will be assigned to a physics course. A notification email will be sent to your CUHK O365 email account by 31st August 2022.