Undergraduate Summer Research Internship


The Faculty Undergraduate Summer Research Internship programme is launched to offer CUHK engineering undergraduate students with funding support to undertake a research project under the supervision of professors in summer.  The objectives are to give students exposure to research environment, and grooms them for graduate studies and overseas summer research schemes.

The Scheme
  1. Non-final engineering year undergraduate students with a CGPA of 3.4 or above are eligible.

  2. Students who are planning and/or is going to participate summer programmes; or take summer courses overseas for more than three weeks accumulatively; or need to take more than three weeks of accumulated leave are NOT eligible for the internship programme.

  3. The scheme is for undergraduate students with research interest to join on the voluntary basis, and it is currently a non-credit bearing programme.

  4. The student will need to approach a professor in the Faculty (in any department) to be his/her supervisor based on the proposed project title the professor provided.

  5. The student is required to write a 1-page proposal about the research problem and research objective after discussing his/her research ideas with the supervising professor.

  6. It is expected that the student will be attached to a professor/research lab.  The prior approval/agreement of which should be obtained by the student.

  7. Participants are required to attend two English workshops organized by the Independent Learning Centre (ILC) on 22 June 2022 (Wed) and 1 August 2022 (Mon) respectively.

  8. Participants will have to submit a Progress Report and Final Report on 6 July 2022 (Wed) and 15 August 2022 (Mon) respectively.

  9. There will be a compulsory Poster Presentation at the end of the summer for participants to present their research results.  Awards will be given to the top 10% projects assessed by a committee.

Research Grant

A research grant of HK$10,000 will be awarded to each student for him/her to work on an approved project/problem for 3 summer months between June-August, upon completion of the research project with earnest effort well recognized by the supervising professor.

The grant support is primarily provided to students for the specific project/work agreed, and to cover his/her daily travel expenses, meals and miscellaneous spending like printing reference materials.  The disbursement is to be paid in two installments adopting a performance-based awarding system:

First Installment (June 2022)



Second Installment (October 2022)

Percentage of targeted work completed 80% - 100%


Percentage of targeted work completed ​50% - 79%


Percentage of targeted work completed ​20% - 49%


Percentage of targeted work completed <20%


Important Notes

Please take note of the programme​ schedule as follows:

Important Dates
  • Application Deadline

31 March, 2022 (Thu)

  • Announcement of Application Results

End of April 2022

  • Summer Research Period

1 June – 19 August 2022

  • ILC English Workshop I 
    (Title: Research Report Writing for Engineering Students)

Date: 22 June 2022 (Wed)
Time: 10:30am - 12:15pm
Mode: ZOOM

  • Submission of Progress Report

6 July 2022 (Wed)

  • ILC English Workshop II
    (Title: Posters and Oral Presentations for Research Reports in Engineering​)

Date: 1 August 2022 (Mon)
Time: 10:30am - 12:15pm
Mode: ZOOM

  • Submission of Final Report and Poster
    (The report format is decided by supervisor.)

15 August 2022 (Mon)

  • ​Poster Presentation

19 August 2022 (Fri)


Absence from the ILC English workshop(s) and/or Poster Presentation
The application must be made within five working days immediately followed the day of absence from the required activities and/or scheduled meeting with the supervisor, tutor or their designates with supporting documents.
Absence without approval will be penalized by a reduction in the second installment according to:
  1. Each English Workshop – 10% of the second installment will be deducted;
  2. Poster presentation – 30% of the second installment with be deducted;
  3. Each scheduled meeting with supervisor or tutor or their designates – 5% of the second installment will be deducted.
Any student who is absent from the required activities and/or scheduled meetings, even with approval, shall not exceed three times in aggregate, or else the entire second installment shall be forfeited.
If the student joined the UG Summer Research Internship and attended the ILC workshops before, he/she would be exempted from attending ILC workshop(s) for the current year.  The student is required to inform both supervisor and the Faculty two weeks before the workshop(s).
Penalty for Late Submission of Reports and/or Poster
HK$500/calendar day should be deducted from the second installment if a participant did not submit report/poster by the submission deadline.
Once a student withdraws from the programme, or he/she is terminated by his/her supervisor, the student will not be allowed to join the programme for the following year.

To apply for an internship, please download the appli​cation form, and take the following steps:

  1. Approach a professor from the Project Title List to identify the research you propose to work on
  2. Write a 1-page research proposal in the Application Form about the problem you will study, and what you hope to accomplish
  3. Get the professor you consulted to agree to supervise you and sign the form
  4. Upload the Application Form with endorsed research proposal (PDF format)
  5. Input the required fields and submit your application online

The application deadline is on 31 March, 2022 (Thu).​