Nature of Visit | Staff | Host Institution / Conference (Organiser) | Region | Month / Year |
Conference | Prof. Winnie So (Invited Speaker) | National Symposium on New Advances in Hospice Care (Chinese Nursing Association) | (Virtual) | August – September 2022 |
Conference | Prof. Sek Ying Chair (Keynote Speaker) | International Conference on Healthy Ageing and Innovative Care (School of Nursing, Peking University) | (Virtual) | August 2022 |
Conference | Prof. Winnie So (Invited Speaker) | Tumour Symptom Management and Psychological Rehabilitation Seminar (The Third Xiangya Hospital of Central South University) | (Virtual) | August 2022 |
Conference | Prof. Winnie So (Invited Speaker) | 2022 International Oncology Nursing Forum (Nursing Department of Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute and Hospital) | (Virtual) | August 2022 |
Conference | Prof. Sek Ying Chair | 12th ICN NP/APN Network Conference (Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation) | Ireland | August 2022 |
Conference | Prof. Ken Ho & Prof. Marques Ng | 33rd International Nursing Research Congress (Sigma Theta Tau International Honour Society of Nursing) | (Virtual) | August 2022 |
Conference | Prof. Sek Ying Chair (Invited Speaker) & Prof. Winnie So (Invited Speaker) | Founding Ceremony of the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Gynaecological Oncology Nursing Committee (Nursing Department, The University of Hong Kong-Shenzhen Hospital) | (Virtual) | July 2022 |
Conference | Prof. Suzanne Lo | 14th Annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (International Academy of Technology, Education & Development) | (Virtual) | July 2022 |
Academic Visit | Prof. Carmen Chan | School of Nursing, Azusa Pacific University | USA | June - July 2022 |
Conference | Prof. Wai Tong Chien | 1st meeting of the ICN’s Western Pacific Region Global Nursing Leadership Institute Alumni Network (International Council of Nurses [ICN]) | (Virtual) | June 2022 |
Conference | Prof. Ka Ming Chow | MASCC/ISOO 2022 Annual Meeting on Supportive Care in Cancer (Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer [MASCC]) | (Virtual) | June 2022 |
Conference | Prof. Winnie So (Invited Speaker) | 2nd International Congress of Asian Oncology Society (AOS 2022) (Korean Cancer Association) | (Virtual) | June 2022 |
Conference | Prof. Connie Chong | ACBS World Conference 2022 (Association for Contextual Behavioural Science [ACBS]) | (Virtual) | June 2022 |
Conference | Prof. Dorothy Chan | 6th International Conference on Motivational Interviewing (ICMI 2022) (Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers) | (Virtual) | June 2022 |
Academic Visit | Prof. Connie Chong | Faculty of Psychology, University of Basel | Switzerland | May 2022 |
Conference | Prof. Winnie So (Invited Speaker) | 12th Jinling International Symposium on Cancer Research (Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital, Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing University Medical School) | (Virtual) | May 2022 |
Conference | Prof. Ho Yu Cheng (Invited Speaker) & Prof. Ka Ming Chow (Invited Speaker) | International Nurses' Day Conference (The Nethersole School of Nursing, Schools of Nursing and Midwifery at Keele University, Edith Cowan University, RCSI Medical University Bahrain, Catholic University of Applied Sciences Freiburg & General Sir Kotelawala Defence University) | (Virtual) | May 2022 |
Conference | Prof. Marques Ng | KDIGO Controversies Conference (Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes [KDIGO]) | (Virtual) | May 2022 |
Conference | Prof. Winnie So (Invited Speaker) | 2022 WHO Innovation Forum in the Western Pacific Region (World Health Organisation [WHO]) | (Virtual) | April 2022 |
Conference | Prof. Dorothy Chan, Prof. Ken Ho, Ms. Zoe Kwok & Ms. Miranda To | 25th East Asia Forum of Nursing Scholars (EAFONS 2022) Conference (College of Nursing, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taipei) | (Virtual) | April 2022 |
Conference | Prof. Winnie So (Keynote Speaker) | 2021 Chinese Conference on Oncology (CCO 2021) (Chinese Society of Clinical Oncology) | (Virtual) | April 2022 |
Conference | Prof. Ken Ho (Plenary Speaker) | 13th International Nursing Conference (Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia) | (Virtual) | April 2022 |
Conference | Prof. Ho Yu Cheng, Prof. Connie Chong, Prof. Ka Ming Chow & Prof. Jojo Wong | International Research Conference in Health Sciences 2022 (Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka) | (Virtual) | March 2022 |
Conference | Prof. Sek Ying Chair (Invited Speaker) | Webinar: Advanced Practice Nursing: Achieving Equitable Healthcare Access (The Advanced Clinical Laboratory for Skills and Health Care Solution, Inc., Philippines) | (Virtual) | March 2022 |
Conference | Prof. Dorothy Chan, Dr. Bernard Law & Prof. Winnie So | International Conference on Cancer Nursing 2022 (International Society of Nurses in Cancer Care) | (Virtual) | February 2022 |
Conference | Prof. Winnie So (Invited Speaker) | Online Seminar on International Cancer Nursing (Keio University, Japan) | (Virtual) | December 2021 |
Conference | Dr. Sally Lo & Dr. Fiona Tang | 4th Developing Excellence in Medical Education Conference (Academy of Medical Educators) | (Virtual) | December 2021 |
Conference | Prof. Sek Ying Chair (Invited Speaker) | Webinar: Gently Caring of Very Low Birth Weight Infants Based on the Best Evidence (Children's Hospital of Fudan University) | (Virtual) | November 2021 |
Conference | Prof. Suzanne Lo & Dr. Fiona Tang | 2021 Yonsei International Nursing Conference (Yonsei University College of Nursing, South Korea) | (Virtual) | November 2021 |
Conference | Prof. Winnie So (Invited Speaker) | 5th AONS Conference (Asian Oncology Nursing Society [AONS]) | (Virtual) | November 2021 |
Conference | Prof. Dorothy Chan | 34th International Papillomavirus Conference (International Papillomavirus Society) | (Virtual) | November 2021 |
Conference | Prof. Helen Chan | ICN Congress 2021 (International Council of Nurses [ICN]) | (Virtual) | November 2021 |
Conference | Prof. Sek Ying Chair (Keynote Speaker) | 6th On-site First Witness Action Summit Forum (Hunan Provincial People's Hospital) | (Virtual) | November 2021 |
Conference | Prof. Sek Ying Chair (Invited Speaker) | 2021 Class on New Advances in Nursing Management cum Competency Certification Meeting for Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Nursing Managers under the Internet+ Model (Guangdong Nursing Association) | (Virtual) | October 2021 |
Conference | Prof. Helen Chan | 17th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care (European Association of Palliative Care) | (Virtual) | October 2021 |
Conference | Prof. Marques Ng | UK Kidney Week Virtual Conference 2021 (UK Kidney Association) | (Virtual) | October 2021 |
Conference | Prof. Wai Tong Chien | RCN International Nursing Research Conference 2021 (Royal College of Nursing [RCN]) | (Virtual) | September 2021 |
Nature of Visit | Staff | Host Institution / Conference (Organiser) | Region | Month / Year |
Conference | Prof. Winnie So (Keynote Speaker) | CACA Cancer Rehabilitation Society Annual Conference 2021 (China Anti-cancer Association [CACA]) | (Virtual) | July 2021 |
Conference | Prof. Dorothy Chan & Prof. Ho Yu Cheng | 32nd International Nursing Research Congress (Sigma Theta Tau International Honour Society of Nursing) | (Virtual) | July 2021 |
Conference | Prof. Sek Ying Chair (Keynote Speaker) | 7th Xiaoxiang Nursing Summit (Hunan Provincial People's Hospital) | (Virtual) | July 2021 |
Conference | Dr. Bernard Law | Nursing, Genomics and Healthcare 2021 (Wellcome Connecting Science) | (Virtual) | July 2021 |
Conference | Prof. Ho Yu Cheng & Prof. Connie Chong | ACBS Virtual World Conference 2021 (Association for Contextual Behavioural Science [ACBS]) | (Virtual) | June 2021 |
Conference | Prof. Ka Ming Chow | MASCC/ISOO 2021 Annual Meeting on Supportive Care in Cancer (Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer [MASCC]) | (Virtual) | June 2021 |
Conference | Prof. Dorothy Chan | 16th International Congress of Behavioural Medicine (ICBM 2021) (University of Glasgow) | (Virtual) | June 2021 |
Conference | Prof. Helen Chan (Invited Speaker) | The Transition of Palliative Care Development in Asia Pacific Region Webinar (Taipei Medical University) | (Virtual) | May 2021 |
Conference | Prof. Janita Chau | RCN Education Forum Virtual Conference & Exhibition 2021 (Royal College of Nursing [RCN]) | (Virtual) | April 2021 |
Conference | Prof. Janita Chau & Prof. Suzanne Lo | International Stroke Conference 2021 (American Heart Association) | (Virtual) | March 2021 |
Conference | Prof. Dorothy Chan, Dr. Bernard Law, Prof. Winnie So & Prof. Jojo Wong | International Conference on Cancer Nursing 2021 (International Society of Nurses in Cancer Care) | (Virtual) | February 2021 |
Nature of Visit | Staff | Host Institution / Conference (Organiser) | Region | Month / Year |
Conference | Prof. Helen Chan | International Conference on Frailty and Sarcopenia Research 2020 (CELSIUS) | France | March 2020 |
Conference | Prof. Wai Tong Chien | Euro Nursing 2020 (Longdom Conferences) | UK | March 2020 |
Academic Visit | Prof. Mary Waye | Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology | Japan | January 2020 |
Conference | Prof. Carmen Chan | 2020 Global Nursing Symposium (University of Riverside) | USA | January 2020 |
Academic Visit | Prof. Helen Chan | National Taiwan University | Taipei | December 2019 |
Academic Visit | Prof. Ka Ming Chow | University of Michigan | USA | December 2019 |
Conference | Prof. Ho Yu Cheng | 3rd Asia Pacific Advanced Heart Failure Forum (CUHK) | Macau | December 2019 |
Conference | Prof. Wai Tong Chien (Invited Speaker) | Symposium on "Technology Integration into Nursing education and Cultivation of Interdisciplinary Talents" (College of Nursing, National Taipei University of Nursing Health and Sciences) | Taipei | November 2019 |
Conference | Prof. Mary Waye | IUBMB Education Conference 2019 (International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [IUBMB] & Federation of Asian and Oceanian Biochemists and Molecular Biologists [FAOBMB]) | Phillippines | November 2019 |
Conference | Prof. Winnie So (Invited Speaker) | 4th AONS Conference (Asian Oncology Nursing Society [AONS]) | India | November 2019 |
Conference | Prof. Helen Chan | The Inaugural PCOC Outcomes & Benchmarking Conference (Palliative Care Outcomes Collaboration [PCOC]) | Australia | November 2019 |
Academic Visit | Prof. Wai Tong Chien | School of Nursing and Midwifery, La Trobe University | Australia | October - November 2019 |
Academic Visit | Dr. Bernard Law, Ms. Tika Rana & Prof. Winnie So | Dhaulagiri Zonal Hospital & Office of Municipal Executive, Jaimini Municipality, Kushmisera | Nepal | October 2019 |
Academic Visit | Prof. Ka Ming Chow | University of Michigan | USA | October 2019 |
Conference | Prof. Sek Ying Chair | Cardiology World Conference 2019 (Magnus Group) | Japan | October 2019 |
Academic Visit | Prof. Mary Waye | Institute for Biomedical Sciences at Academia Sinica, Institute of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine at National Taiwan University, & Taipei City Psychiatric Centre | Taipei | September 2019 |
Conference | Prof. Sek Ying Chair (Invited Speaker) & Prof. Wai Tong Chien (Invited Speaker) | 2019 SINO-US Nursing Forum (Fudan University) | Shanghai | September 2019 |
Conference | Prof. Sek Ying Chair (Invited Speaker) | High Risk Neonates Nursing Care and Development Care Workshop (Children's Hospital of Fudan University) | Fujian | September 2019 |
Conference | Prof. Jojo Wong | 18th Annual Research and Evidence-Based Practice Conference (UCLA Health & UCLA School of Nursing) | USA | September 2019 |
Conference | Prof. Janita Chau | 13th Vaccine Congress (Journal of Vaccine) | Thailand | September 2019 |
Nature of Visit | Staff | Host Institution / Conference (Organiser) | Region | Month / Year |
Academic Visit | Dr. Connie Chong | Personalised Learning Programme in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (Toronto Western Hospital) | Canada | August 2019 |
Conference | Prof. Amy Zang (Keynote Speaker) | 6th ASC Annual Conference (Asian Society of Cryosurgery [ASC]) | Shandong | August 2019 |
Conference | Prof. Sek Ying Chair (Invited Speaker) | 1st SEAFCCN Congress (Southeast Asia Federation of Critical Care Nurses [SEAFCCN]) | Malaysia | August 2019 |
Conference | Dr. Alice Leung | Asian Congress of Nutrition 2019 (Food and Nutrition Society of Indonesia & Federation of Asian Nutrition Societies) | Indonesia | August 2019 |
Conference | Prof. Carmen Chan (Invited Speaker) & Prof. Helen Chan | 13th Asia Pacific Hospice Conference (Indonesian Palliative Society & Asia Pacific Hospice Palliative Care Network) | Indonesia | August 2019 |
Conference | Prof. Ka Ming Chow | Cancer Prevention Fellowship Programme (National Cancer Institute) | USA | August 2019 |
Conference | Prof. Helen Chan | International Care Ethics Observatory Conference 2019 (University of Surrey) | UK | July 2019 |
Conference | Prof. Winnie So (Invited Speaker) | 2nd International Conference on Excellence in Oncology Nursing (Narayana College of Nursing) | India | July 2019 |
Conference | Prof. Helen Chan (Invited Speaker) | CNA National Academic Conference on Respiratory Nursing (Chinese Nursing Association [CNA]) | Guangzhou | July 2019 |
Conference | Dr. Xi Cao (Keynote Speaker) & Prof. Sek Ying Chair (Keynote Speaker) | Annual Academic Conference on Geriatric Nursing cum Evidence-based Nursing Practice and Research Training Seminar (Hunan Nursing Association) | Hunan | July 2019 |
Conference | Prof. Suzanne Lo | 11th Annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (International Academy of Technology, Education and Development) | Spain | July 2019 |
Academic Visit | Prof. Suzanne Lo | School of Nursing, Faculty of Health, Queensland University of Technology | Australia | July 2019 |
Conference | Prof. Jojo Wong | ICN Congress 2019 Singapore (Singapore Nurses Association) | Singapore | June 2019 |
Conference | Dr. Connie Chong | ACBS World Conference 2019 (Association for Contextual Behavioural Science [ACBS]) | Ireland | June 2019 |
Academic Visit | Prof. Helen Chan (Invited Speaker) | 5th Geriatric Specialty Nurse Training Programme (Guangdong Nursing Association) | Guangdong | June 2019 |
Academic Visit | Prof. Winnie So | ICN Nursing Policy Leadership Programme (International Council of Nurses [ICN]) | Switzerland | June 2019 |
Conference | Prof. Ka Ming Chow | MASCC/ISOO 2019 Annual Meeting on Supportive Care in Cancer (Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer [MASCC]) | USA | June 2019 |
Conference | Prof. Wai Tong Chien (Speaker) | 627th International Conference on Economics and Social Sciences (The IRES) | Thailand | June 2019 |
Conference | Prof. Janita Chau | 30th Annual Meeting of ESPNIC (European Society of Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care [ESPNIC]) | Austria | June 2019 |
Conference | Prof. Sek Ying Chair (Keynote Speaker) | 5th Xiaoxiang Nursing Summit (Hunan Provincial People’s Hospital) | Hunan | June 2019 |
Academic Visit | Prof. Sek Ying Chair | Conferment Ceremony of Visiting Professorship cum Keynote Presentation, School of Nursing, Shenzhen University Health Science Centre | Shenzhen | May 2019 |
Conference | Prof. Sek Ying Chair (Invited Speaker) | 2nd Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau International Nursing Summit cum Guangdong Nursing Association 90th Anniversary Conference (Guangdong Nursing Association) | Guangzhou | May 2019 |
Conference | Prof. Sek Ying Chair (Invited Speaker) | Annual Global Academic Programmes Conference 2019 (University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Centre) | USA | April - May 2019 |
Academic Visit | Prof. Ho Yu Cheng | Napier Edinburgh University | UK | April 2019 |
Academic Visit | Prof. Ka Ming Chow | University of Michigan | USA | April 2019 |
Conference | Prof. Ka Ming Chow | 2019 Conference on Adolescent Health (Adolescent Health Initiative, University of Michigan Health System) | USA | April 2019 |
Academic Visit | Prof. Winnie So & Prof. Helen Chan | Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine | Shandong | April 2019 |
Academic Visit | Prof. Sek Ying Chair | School of Nursing, Sichuan University | Sichuan | April 2019 |
Conference | Prof. Mary Waye (Invited Speaker) | 8th National Quality Forum (Qingdao Women and Children’s Hospital) | Qingdao | April 2019 |
Conference | Prof. Helen Chan (Invited Speaker) | Asia-Pacific Region on Advance Care Planning Consensus Taipei Forum (Asia Pacific Hospice Palliative Care Network) | Taipei | April 2019 |
Conference | Prof. Ka Ming Chow | 13th International Conference on Language, Education, Humanities and Innovation (Interdisciplinary Circle of Science, Arts, & Innovation) | Japan | April 2019 |
Conference | Dr. Fiona Tang | 2nd International Conference on Open Learning and Education Technologies (Interdisciplinary Circle of Science, Arts, & Innovation) | Japan | April 2019 |
Conference | Prof. Wai Tong Chien | 591st International Conferences on Medical and Health Science (International Society for Engineering Research and Development) | Beijing | March 2019 |
Conference | Prof. Carmen Chan | 2019 March Global Conference on Education (University of Riverside) | USA | March 2019 |
Conference | Prof. Wai Tong Chien (Keynote Speaker) | International Conference on Precision Nursing (National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences) | Taipei | March 2019 |
Academic Visit | Prof. Sek Ying Chair | College of Pharmacy and Nursing, University of Nizwa | Oman | March 2019 |
Academic Visit | Prof. Winnie So, Prof. Jojo Wong & Ms. Rana Tika | Nobel College & Asian College for Advanced Studies | Nepal | February 2019 |
Conference | Prof. Aileen Chan | International Stroke Conference 2019 (American Heart Association) | USA | February 2019 |
Conference | Prof. Winnie So (Invited Speaker) | International Oncology Nursing Seminar (Keio University) | Japan | February 2019 |
Academic Visit | Prof. Sek Ying Chair | University of Shantou Medical College No.1 Affiliated Hospital | Shantou | January 2019 |
Conference | Prof. Mary Waye (Invited Speaker) | Taishan Academic Forum — International Conference on Cognitive Neuroscience and Brain Diseases (Shandong Provincial Education Department & Weifang Medical University) | Shandong | January 2019 |
Conference | Prof. Sek Ying Chair (Invited Speaker) Prof. Helen Chan (Invited Speaker) | Founding of the Professional Nursing Committee cum the 1st Academic Conference (School of Nursing, Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine) | Shandong | January 2019 |
Academic Visit | Prof. Sek Ying Chair | Global Nursing Research Centre, The University of Tokyo | Japan | December 2018 |
Academic Visit | Prof. Wai Tong Chien | National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences | Taipei | December 2018 |
Academic Visit | Prof. Sek Ying Chair | Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital, the Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing University Medical School | Nanjing | December 2018 |
Conference | Prof. Sek Ying Chair | Nursing Research Conference | China | December 2018 |
Academic Visit | Dr. Fiona Tang | Centre for Biomedical Ethics and Law, Faculty of Medicine, KU Leuven | Belgium | December 2018 |
Academic Visit | Prof. Sek Ying Chair | School of Nursing, Peking Union Medical College | Beijing | December 2018 |
Conference | Prof. Helen Chan (Invited Speaker), Prof. Ho Yu Cheng (Invited Speaker), Prof. Wai Tong Chien (Invited Speaker), Prof. Jojo Wong (Invited Speaker) & Prof. Janita Chau | 2018 Yonsei International Nursing Conference (College of Nursing, Yonsei University) | South Korea | November 2018 |
Conference | Prof. Amy Zang (Keynote Speaker) | Summit Forum on the Construction of Nursing Discipline and Development of Specialty Nursing (No. 2 Hospital of Shandong University) | Shandong | November 2018 |
Conference | Prof. Winnie So (Invited Speaker) | International Conference on Recent Advances in Medical, Medicine and Health Sciences (World Research Forum for Engineers and Researchers) | India | November 2018 |
Conference | Prof. Winnie So (Invited Speaker) | International Conference on Health Care Reform, Health Economics and Health Policy (Research Foundation) | India | November 2018 |
Conference | Prof. Mary Waye | 12th International Nursing Research Conference (International Institute for Technology Education and Research) | South Korea | November 2018 |
Conference | Prof. Sek Ying Chair, Prof. Carmen Chan & Prof. Wai Tong Chien | 2018 Transforming Health, Driving Policy Conference (American Academy of Nursing) | USA | November 2018 |
Academic Visit | Prof. Wai Tong Chien & Prof. Janita Chau | Peking University Health Science Centre (Cochrane China Network) | Beijing | October 2018 |
Conference | Prof. Sek Ying Chair | 2nd International Conference on Diabetes and its Complications 2018 (United Scientific Group) | USA | October 2018 |
Conference | Prof. Winnie So (Invited Speaker) | 1st Jiangsu Postgradaute Nursing Academic Forum (Nanjing Medical University) | Nanjing | October 2018 |
Conference | Prof. Winnie So (Invited Speaker) | China’s Annual Summit Forum of Palliative Care 2018 (Chinese Nursing Association) | Changsha | October 2018 |
Academic Visit | Prof. Carmen Chan, Prof. Ka Ming Chow, & Prof. Winnie So & Prof. Ho Yu Cheng | University of Auckland | New Zealand | September 2018 |
Academic Visit | Prof. Carmen Chan & Prof. Ka Ming Chow | Auckland University of Technology | New Zealand | September 2018 |
Academic Visit | Prof. Mary Waye | University of Toronto | Canada | September 2018 |
Conference | Prof. Mary Waye | International Congress on Personalised Health Care (The Quebec Network for Personalised Health Care (QNPHC)) | Canada | September 2018 |
Conference | Prof. Winnie So (Invited Speaker), Prof. Sek Ying Chair, Prof. Carmen Chan, Prof. Dorothy Chan, & Prof. Ka Ming Chow | International Conference on Cancer Nursing 2018 (International Society of Nurses in Cancer Care) | New Zealand | September 2018 |
Nature of Visit | Name of Visitor | Title & Institution / Organisation | Region | Month / Year |
Academic Visit & Online Lecture | Prof. Sally Chan | Pro Vice-Chancellor & Chief Executive Officer (Singapore Campus), The University of Newcastle | Australia | January 2021 |
Academic Visit & Online Lectures | Prof. Anna Strewler | Assistant Clinical Professor, School of Nursing, University of California, San Francisco | USA | January 2021 |
Nature of Visit | Name of Visitor | Title & Institution / Organisation | Region | Month / Year |
Academic Visit | 2 Visitors | Manchester Metropolitan University | UK | July 2019 |
Academic Visit | Prof. Debra Barton | Mary Lou Willard French Professor of Nursing and Associate Dean for Research, University of Michigan School of Nursing | USA | June 2019 |
Academic Visit | 3 Visitors | Geriatric Nursing Care Committee of Guangdong Nursing Association | Guangdong | April 2019 |
Academic Visit | 2 Visitors | Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Airlangga | Indonesia | March 2019 |
Academic Visit | Prof. Fiona Ross | Professor of Health Research, Kingston University and St George's, University of London | UK | January 2019 |
Academic Visit | Prof. Greta Cummings | Dean and Professor, Faculty of Nursing, University of Alberta | Canada | January 2019 |
Academic Visit | 2 Visitors | Graduate School, Centro Escolar University | Philippines | December 2018 |
Academic Visit | 3 Visitors | School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, University of Dublin | Ireland | December 2018 |
Academic Visit | 4 Visitors | Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine & Shenzhen University | Shandong & Shenzhen | November 2018 |
Academic Visit | Dr. Judy Chow | Senior Lecturer, Department of Health & Caring Sciences, Linnaeus University | Sweden | November 2018 |
Academic Visit | Dr. Shelley Conroy & Dr. Tanya Sudia | Louise Herrington School of Nursing, Baylor University | USA | October 2018 |
Academic Visit | Prof. Dame Jessica Corner | Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Knowledge Exchange, University of Nottingham | UK | October 2018 |
Academic Visit | Prof. JoAnne Saxe | Clinical Professor, Community Health Systems, School of Nursing, University of California, San Francisco | USA | September 2018 |

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For enquiries regarding potential academic activities with our School, please contact: