Giving to School
2021 was a milestone year marking the 30th Anniversary of The Nethersole School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. In commemorating this special and memorable occasion, we launched a fund-raising campaign to seek donations from our alumni and friends to support the development of the School in various aspects, including but not limited to School projects and activities, research initiatives, scholarships for students with academic merits/financial needs, and sponsorships for purchasing or upgrading essential equipment to support effective teaching and learning.
You are cordially invited to participate in this fund-raising campaign, which has now become an ongoing event of the School!
With the generous support of you and many other enthusiastic alumni and friends, we hope more donations can be solicited to support the development of the School in nurturing the current and future generations of nurses.

Donations can be made by individuals, groups (e.g. a graduation class) or organisations. As a token of thanks, all donors will be well acknowledged. Every donation will make a difference, regardless of the amount. Your generosity will enable our School to continue to strive for excellence and make a real difference to maximise benefits for our students and the society as a whole.
- Tax-deductible receipt applicable in Hong Kong will be issued for donors who have made a donation of HK$100 or above.
- Acceptance of donation is subject to the University’s approval. All unaccepted donations will be returned to the respective donors.