M.L. Liu, J. Allcock, K.C. Cai, S.Y. Zhang, John C.S. Lui. "Quantum networks with multiple service providers: Transport layer protocols and research opportunities."
Accepted in the IEEE Network Magazine, special issue on quantum communications and networking, September, 2022.
Z.Y. Wang, J.C. Ye, D. Lin, John C.S. Lui. "Achieving Efficiency via Fairness in Online Resource Allocation".
ACM Int. Sym. on Theory, Algorithmic Foundations, and Protocol
Design for Mobile Networks and Mobile Computing (MobiHoc), 2022.
J.L. Pang, Y.J. Ling, Ruiting Zhou, John C. S. Lui. ``An Incentive Auction for Heterogeneous Client Selection in Federated Learning.''
Accepted in the IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.
Ruiting Zhou, Xueying Zhang, Shixin Qin, John C. S. Lui, Zhi Zhou, Hao Huang, Zongpeng Li. ''Online Task Offloading for 5G Small Cell Networks''.
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 21(6), pp:2103-2115, 2022.
X.C. Wang, H. Xie, John C.S. Lui. ``Multiple-Play Stochastic Bandits with Shareable Finite-Capacity Arms''.
Accepted in ICML, 2022.
Xutong Liu, Haoru Zhao, Tong Yu, Shuai Li, John C.S. Lui. ``Federated Online Clustering of Bandits''.
Accepted in the Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI), 2022.
Kechao Cai, Yutong Liu, Janice Chen, John C.S. Lui. ``Learning with Guarantee via Constrained Multi-armed Bandit: Theory and Network Applications.''
Accepted in the IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.
Z.Y. Wang, J.C. Ye, John C.S. Lui. ``Towards Large-Scale Hybrid Edge Server Provision: An Online Mean Field Learning Approach''.
IEEE JSAC Series on Machine Learning in Communications and Networks, 40(8), 2347-2360, 2022.
X.C. Wang, H. Xie, John C.S. Lui. ``Multi-Player Multi-Armed Bandits with Finite Shareable Resources Arms: Learning Algorithms &
Accepted in IJCAI-ECAI, 2022.
J.C. Ye, K.C. Cai, D. Lin, J.R. Li, J.F. He, John C.S. Lui. ``Control-Theoretic and Online Learning Approach to Self-Tuning Queue Management''
Accepted in IWQoS, 2022.
Xiaoying Zhang, Xie Hong, JOhn C.S. Lui. ``Improving Bandit Learning via Heterogeneous Information Networks: Algorithms and Applications''.
Accepted ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD).
W.B. Chu, P.J. Yu, Z.W. Yu, John C.S. Lui, L. Yi. ``Online Optimal Service Selection, Resource Allocation and Task Offloading for Mobile
Edge Computing: A Utility-based Approach''.
Accepted IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC).
J. Zuo, X.T. Liu, C.J. Wong, John C.S. Lui, W. Chen. ``Online Competitive Influence Maximization''
To appear in the AISTATS, 2022.
Yang Lin, Y.Z. Janice Chen, M. Hajiesmaili, John C.S. Lui, D. Towsley. ``Distributed Bandits with Heterogeneous Agents''.
Xiong Wang, Jiancheng Ye, John C.S. Lui. ``Decentralized Task Offloading in Edge Computing: A Multi-User Multi-Armed Bandit Approach''.
X.X. Xu, Hong Xie, John C.S. Lui. ``Generalized Contextual Bandits With Latent Features: Algorithms and Applications''.
Accepted in the IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS).
Xiaofeng Ding, Lin Chen, Pan Zhou, Zichuan Xu, Shiping Wen, John C. S. Lui, Hai Jin. ``Dynamic online convex optimization with long-term constraints via virtual queue''.
Information Science, 577, pp. 140-161, 2021.
Lin Yang, Yu-Zhen Janice Chen, Stephen Pasteris, Mohammad Hajiesmaili, John C.S. Lui and Don Towsley. ``Cooperative Stochastic Bandits with Asynchronous Agents and Constrained Feedback''.
Thirty-Fifth Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2021).
Xie Hong, John C.S. Lui. ``A Reinforcement Learning Approach to Price Cloud Resources with
Provable Convergence Guarantees''.
Accepted in the IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS).
Xutong Liu, X.W. Chen, W. Chen and John C.S. Lui. ``Multi-layered Network Exploration via Random Walks: From Offline Optimization to Online Learning''.
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2021. (Accepted for long presentation.)
Z.Y. Wang, , J.C. Ye and John C.S. Lui. ``An Online Mean Field Approach for Hybrid Edge Server Provision''.
The 32nd ACM International Symposium on Theory, Algorithmic Foundations, and
Protocol Design for Mobile Networks and Mobile Computing (MobiHoc), 2021.
Tingwei Liu, Xie Hong, John C.S. Lui. ``Online Zero-Cost Learning: Optimizing Large Scale Network Rare Threats Simulation''.
Accepted in the IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC).
Xi Huang, S.M. Bian, X. Gao, W.J. Wu, Z.Y. Shao, John C.S. Lui, Y. Yang. ``Online VNF Chaining and Predictive Scheduling: Optimality and Trade-offs''
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (ToN), 29(4), pp.1867-1880, 2021.
Ye Li, Hong Xie, Yishi Lin and John C.S. Lui. ``Unifying Offline Causal Inference and Online Bandit Learning for Data Driven Decision''.
Accepted in the 30th Web Conference (WWW), 2021.
Xiaoying Zhang, Hong Xie and John C.S. Lui. ``Heterogeneous Information Assisted Bandit Learning: Theory and Application''.
Accepted in the IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 2021.
Shiyuan Zheng, Hong Xie and John C.S. Lui. ``Social Visibility Optimization in OSNs with Anonymity Guarantees: Modeling, Algorithms and Applications''.
Accepted in the IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 2021.
Hong Xie, Yongkun Li, John C.S. Lui. ``A Reinforcement Learning Approach to Optimize Discount &
Reputation Trade-offs in E-commerce Systems''.
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT), 20(4): 37:1-37:26, 2020.
Lin Yang, Mohammad Hajiesmaili, Mohammad Sadegh Talebi, John CS Lui, Wing Shing Wong. ``Adversarial Bandits with Corruptions: Regret Lower Bound and No-regret Algorithm''.
34th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2020.
Siwei Wang, Longbo Huang, John C. S. Lui. ``Restless-UCB, an Efficient and Low-complexity Algorithm for Online Restless Bandits''.
34th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2020.
Tingwei Liu, Xie Hong, John C. S. Lui. ``Optimizing Mixture Importance Sampling Via Online Learning: Algorithms and Applications''.
IEEE INFOCOM, 2020. (One of the top 3 papers in IEEE INFOCOM, 2020.)
Xiaowei Chen, W. Huang, Wei Chen, John C.S. Lui. ``Community Exploration: From Offline Optimization to Online Learning.''.
32nd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 2018.
Kechao Cai, Kun Chen, L.B. Huang, and John C.S. Lui. ``Multi-level Feedback Web Links Selection Problem: Learning and Optimization''.
IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 2017.
Kun Chen, Kechao Cai, Longbo Huang and John C.S. Lui. ``Beyond the Click-Through Rate: Web Link Selection with Multi-level Feedback''.
The 27th Int. Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence and the
23rd European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-ECAI-18), 2018.
Xueying Zhang, Ruiting Zhou, Zhi Zhou, John C.S. Lui, Zongpeng Li. ``An Online Learning-Based Task Offloading Framework for 5G Small Cell Networks''.
International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), 2020
John C.S. Lui. ``An Online Learning Approach to Network Application Optimization
with Guarantee'' (invited talk).
Frontiers of Networks, Workshop in ACM Mobihoc, 2018
Xie Hong, Yongkun Li, John C.S. Lui. ``Optimizing Discount & Reputation Trade-offs in E-commerce Systems: Characterization and Online Learning''.
Thirty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2019.
Kechao Cai, X.T. Liu, Janice Y.Z. Chen and John C.S. Lui. ``An Online Learning Approach to Network Application Optimization
with Guarantee''.
$T. Lin, B. Abrahao, W. Chen, R. Kleinberg, John C.S. Lui. ``Combinatorial Partial Monitoring Game with Linear Feedback and Its Applications''.
Int. Conf. on Machine Learning (ICML), 2014.
C.C. Liu, S.X. Bi, L. Luo, John C.S. Lui. ``Partial-Quasi-Newton Methods: Efficeint Algorithms for
Minimax Optimization Problems with Unbalanced Dimensionality''.
Accepted in ACM Int. Conf. on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), 2022.
R. Wang, Y.K. Li, H. Xie, Y.L. Xu, John C.S. Lui, S.B. He. ``Towards Fast and Scalable Random Walks over Disk-Resident Graphs via Efficient I/O Management.''
Accepted in the ACM Transactions on Storage.
Shiyuan Zheng, Xie Hong, JOhn C.S. Lui. ``Optimizing Social Visibility in OSNs with Anonymity Guarantees: Efficient Algorithms and Applications''.
IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering (TNSE), 9(4): 2237-2251, 2022.
Xiaoying Zhang, Xie Hong, JOhn C.S. Lui. ``Improving Bandit Learning via Heterogeneous Information Networks: Algorithms and Applications''.
Accepted ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD).
Xiaoying Zhang, Hong Xie, Pei Yi, John C.S. Lui. ``Enhancing Sybil Detection via Social-Activity Networks: A Random Walk Approach''.
Accepted IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC).
YK Li, R. Wang, S. Lin, W.J. Wu, H. Xie, Y.L. Xu, John C.S. Lui. Common Neighbors Matter: Fast Random Walk Sampling with Common Neighbor Awareness.
Accepted IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering.
Da Yan, Guimu Guo, Jalal Khalil, M. Tamer Ozsu, Wei-Shinn Ku, John C. S. Lui. ``G-thinker: a general distributed framework for finding qualified subgraphs in a big graph with load balancing''.
The VLDB Journal, 31(2): 287-320, 2022.
Shiyuan Zheng, Xie Hong, John C.S. Lui. ``Pricing Social Visibility Service in Online Social Networks: Modeling and Algorithms''.
The 2021 IEEE/ACM International Conference on
Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), 2021.
Da Yan, Guimu Guo, Jalal Khalil, M. Tamer Ozsu, Wei-Shinn Ku, John C. S. Lui. ``G-thinker: a general distributed framework for finding qualified subgraphs in a big graph with load balancing''.
The VLDB Journal, August, 2021.
Hong Xie, M.Z. Zhong, Y.K. Li, and John C.S. Lui. ``Understanding Persuasion Cascades in Online Product Rating Systems: Modeling, Analysis, and Inference''.
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data 15(3), 36:1-36:29, 2021.
Xutong Liu, X.W. Chen, W. Chen and John C.S. Lui. ``Multi-layered Network Exploration via Random Walks: From Offline Optimization to Online Learning''.
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2021. (Accepted for long presentation.)
F.Y. Sun, P.H. Wang, J.Z. Zhao, N.X, J.X. Zeng, J.Tao, K.K. Song, X.H. Guan, John C.S. Lui. ''Mobile Data Traffic Prediction by Exploiting Time-Evolving User Mobility Patterns''.
Accepted in the IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC).
Rui Wang, Yongkun Li, Shuai Lin, Hong Xie, Yinlong Xu, John C. S. Lui. ``On Modeling Influence Maximization in Social Activity Networks under General Settings''.
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD), 15(6), pp. 108:1-28, 2021.
Junzhou Zhao, Pinghui Wang, Zhouguo Chen, Jianwei Ding, John C. S. Lui, Don Towsley, Xiaohong Guan. ``Tracking triadic cardinality distributions for burst detection in high-speed graph streams''.
Journal of Knowledge and Information Sciences, 63(4): 939-969, 2021.
Shiyuan Zheng, Hong Xie and John C.S. Lui. ``Social Visibility Optimization in OSNs with Anonymity Guarantees: Modeling, Algorithms and Applications''.
Accepted in the IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 2021.
Pei Yi, Hong Xie*, Yongkun Li and John C.S. Lui. ``A Bootstrapping Approach to Optimize Random Walk Based Statistical Estimation over Graphs''.
Accepted in the IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 2021.
Y.Y. Qi, P.H. Wang, Y.M. Zhang, Q.Z. Zhai. C.X. Wang, G.J. Tian. John C.S. Lui, X.H. Guan. ``Streaming Algorithms for Estimating High Set Similarities in LogLog Space''.
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), 33(10), pp. 3438-3452, October 1, 2021.
Xutong Liu, Y.Z. Janice Chen, John C.S. Lui, Konstantin Avrachenkov. ``Learning to Count: a Deep Learning Framework for Graphlet Count Estimation''.
Accepted in the Network Science Journal.
R. Wang, Y.K. Li, H. Xie, Y.L. Xu, John C.S. Lui. ``GraphWalker: An I/O-Efficient and Resource-Friendly Graph Analytic System
for Fast and Scalable Random Walks''.
USENIX Annual Technical Conference (ATC), 2020.
Tingwei Liu, Xie Hong, John C. S. Lui. ``Optimizing Mixture Importance Sampling Via Online Learning: Algorithms and Applications''.
IEEE INFOCOM, 2020. (One of the top 3 papers in IEEE INFOCOM, 2020.)
T. Chen, Z.H. Li, Y.X. Zhu, J.C. Chen, X.P. Luo, John C.S. Lui, X.D. Lin, X.S. Zhang. ``Understanding Ethereum via Graph Analysis''.
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (ToIT), 18:1-18:32, 2020.
J.Z. Zhao, P.H. Wang, J. Tao and John C.S. Lui. ``Continuously Tracking Core Items in Data Streams with Probabilistic Decays''.
IEEE Int. Conf. on Data Engineering (ICDE), 2020.
Da Yan, G. Guo, M.M.R. Chowdhury , M. T. Ozsu , W.S. Ku , John C. S. Lui. ``G-thinker: A Distributed Framework for Mining Subgraphs in a Big Graph''.
IEEE Int. Conf. on Data Engineering (ICDE), 2020.
Byeongjin Choe, Yishi Lin, Sungsu Lim, John C.S. Lui, Kyomin Jung. ``Efficient Spread-size Approximation of Opinion Spreading in General Social Networks''.
Physical Review E, 2019.
P.H. Wang, Y.Y. Qi, Y.M. Zhang, Q.Z. Zhai, C.X. Wang, John C. S. Lui, X.H. Guan ``A Memory-Efficient Sketch Method for Estimating High Similarities in Streaming Sets''.
ACM KDD, 25-33, 2019.
Y.K. Li, Z.Y. Wu, S. Lin, H. Xie, M. Lv, Y.L. , John C.S. Lui. ``Walking with Perception: Efficient Random Walk Sampling via Common Neighbor Awareness''.
35th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 2019.
J.Z. Zhao, S. Shang, X.L. Zhang, P.H. Wang, John C.S. Lui. ``Submodular Optimization Over Streams with Inhomogeneous Decays''.
Thirty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2019.
J.Z. Chao, X.L. Zhang, S. Shang, P.H. Wang, John C.S. Lui. ``Tracking Influential Nodes in Time-Decaying Dynamic Interaction Networks.''.
IEEE Int. Conf. on Data Engineering (ICDE), 2019.
Junzhou Zhao, Pinghui Wang, John C.S. Lui. ``Optimizing Node Discovery on Networks: Problem Definitions, Fast Algorithms, and Observations''.
Journal of Information Sciences, 477:161-185, 2019.
Xutong Liu, Yu-Zhen Janice Chen, John C.S. Lui, Konstantin Avrachenkov. ``Graphlet Count Estimation via Convolutional Neural Networks.''.
Int. Conference on Complex Networks. Cambridge Univeristy, 2018.
Xiaowei Chen, W. Huang, Wei Chen, John C.S. Lui. ``Community Exploration: From Offline Optimization to Online Learning.''.
32nd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 2018.
Junzhou Zhao, Pinghui Wang, John C.S. Lui, Don Towsley, X.H. Guan. ``Sampling Online Social Networks by Random Walk with Indirect Jumps''.
Journal of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 33(1):24-57, 2019.
Xiaowei Chen, John C.S. Lui. ``Mining Graphlet Counts in Online Social Networks''.
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, TKDD 12(4), 41:1-41:30, 2018.
Yishi Lin, Wei Chen, John C.S. Lui. ``Boosting Information Spread: An Algorithmic Approach''.
IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 5(2): 344-357, June, 2018.
Kechao Cai, Xie Hong, John C.S. Lui. ``Information Spreading Forensics via Sequential Dependent Snapshots''.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking: 26(1): 478-491, 2018.
P.H. Wang, J. Tao, X.L. Zhang, Z.G. Li, J.F. Cheng, John C.S.
Lui, D. Towsley, J.Z. Zhao, X.H. Guan. ``MOSS-5: A Fast Counting Graphlets in Large Graphs''.
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), 30(1), 2018.
David S.W. Hui, Y.C. Chen, G. Zhang, W.J. Wu, Guanrong Chen,
John C. S. Lui and Yingtao Li. ``A Unified Framework for Complex Networks with Degree Trichotomy Based on Markov Chains''.
Scientific Reports (under Nature), Vol 7, Article #: 3723, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-03613-z, June 2017.
P.H. Wang, Y. Qi, John C.S. Lui, D. Towsley, J.Z. Zhao, J. Tao. ``Inferring Higher-Order Structure Statistics of Large Networks From Sampled Edges''.
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), 31(1), 2019.
Xiaowei Chen John C.S. Lui. ``A Unified Framework to Estimate Global and Local Graphlet Counts for Streaming Graphs''.
IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2017).
Junzhou Zhao, Pinghui Wang, John C.S. Lui, Don Towsley; Xiaohong Guan. ``I/O-Efficient Calculation of H-Group Closeness Centrality over Disk-Resident Graphs''.
Journal of Information Sciences Journal, 400: 105-128, 2017.
P.P. Zhao, Yongkun Li, Hong Xie, Z.Y. Wu, Y.L. Xu, John C. S. Lui ``Measuring and Maximizing Influence via Random Walk in Social Activity Networks.''
22nd. In.t Conf. of Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA), 2017.
Yishi Lin, Wei Chen, John C.S. Lui. ``Boosting Information Spread: An Algorithmic Approach''.
Accepted for publication in the IEEE Int. Conf. of Data Engineering (ICDE), April, 2017.
Kechao Cai, Hong Xie, John C.S. Lui. ``Generalization of Information Spreading Forensics via Sequential Dependent Snapshots.''.
Sigmetrics Performance Evaluation Review, 44(2), 2016.
Xiaowei Chen, Yongkun Li, Pinghui Wang, John C.S. Lui. ``A General Framework for Estimating Graphlet Statistics via Random Walk''.
PVLDB 10(3): 253-264, 2016.
Yi Yang, Da Yan, Huanhuan Wu, James Cheng, Shuigeng Zhou, John C. S. Lui. ``Diversified Temporal Subgraph Pattern Mining''.
ACM KDD Conference, 1965-1974, 2016.
Xiaowei Chen, Yongkun Li, Pinghui Wang, John C.S. Lui. ``A General Framework for Estimating Graphlet Statistics via Random Walk''.
Accepted for publication in the VLDB Conference, 2017.
Xiaowei Chen, John C.S. Lui. ``Mining Graphlet Counts in Online Social Networks''.
Accepted for publication in the IEEE Int. Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), December, 2016.
Qin Liu, Zhenguo Li, John C.S. Lui, Jiefeng Cheng. ``PowerWalk: Scalable Personalized PageRank via Random Walks with Vertex-Centric Decomposition''.
The 25th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2016),
October, 2016.
D. Yan, J. Cheng, M.T. Ozsu, F. Yang, Y. Lu, John C.S. Lui, Q. Zhang, W. Ng. ``A General-Purpose Query-Centric Framework for Querying Big Graphs''.
42nd Int. Conference on VLDB, September, 2016.
Kechao Cai, Xie Hong, John C.S. Lui. ``Generalization of Information Spreading Forensics via Sequential Dependent Snapshots''.
Workshop on MAthematical performance Modeling and Analysis (MAMA), June, 2016.
P.H. Wang, John C.S. Lui, D. Towsley, J.Z. Zhao. ``Minfer: A Method of Inferring Motif Statistics From Sample Edges''.
IEEE ICDE, May, 2016.
Xiaowei Chen, Yongkun Li, Pinghui Wang, John C.S. Lui. ``A General Framework for Estimating Graphlet Statistics via Random Walk''.
VLDB 10(3): 253-264, 2016.
Q. Liu, J. Cheng, Z. Li, John C.S. Lui. ``VENUS: A Streamlined Graph Computation System on a Single PC''.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng (TKDE), 28(8), 2016.
Z.G. Li, Y.X. Fang, Q. Liu, R. Cheng, John C.S. Lui. ``Walking in the Cloud: Parallel SimRank at Scale''.
PVLDB 9(1): 24-35 (2015), 2016. (Also appear in
the 42nd Int. Conf. on VLDB, September, 2016).
Chen Wang, Hongbo Jiang, Tianlong Yu, John C.S. Lui. ``SLICE: Enabling Greedy Routing in High Genus 3D WSNs with General
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 24(4): 2472-2484, 2016.
Yishi Lin, Xiaowei Chen, John C.S. Lui.
``I/O Efficient Algorithms for Exact Distance Queries on
Disk-Resident Dynamic Graphs''.
IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and
Mining (ASONAM 2015).
Yishi Lin, John C.S. Lui.
``Analyzing Competitive Influence Maximization Problems with
Partial Information: An Approximation Algorithmic Framework''.
Journal of Performance Evaluation (also accepted in the
IFIP W.G. 7.3. Performance Conference, 2015).
J. Zhao, John C.S. Lui, D. Towsley, P. Wang, X. Guan. ``A Tale of Three Graphs: Sampling Design on Hybrid Social-Affiliation Networks''.
IEEE Int. Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 2015.
J. Cheng, Q. Liu, Z. Li, W. Fan, John C.S. Lui, C. He. ``VENUS: Vertex Centric Streamlined Graph Computation on a Single PC''.
IEEE Int. Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 2015.
P.H. Wang, J.Z Zhao, John C.S. Lui, D. Towsley and X. Guan. ``Unbiased Characterization of Node Pairs Over Large Graphs''.
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD), 9(3), 2015.
Yishi Lin, John C.S. Lui, K. Jung, S. Lim. ``Modeling Multi-state Diffusion Process in Complex Networks: Theory and Applications''.
Journal of Complex Networks, 2(4), December, 2014.
T. Lin, B. Abrahao, W. Chen, R. Kleinberg, John C.S. Lui. ``Combinatorial Partial Monitoring Game with Linear Feedback and Its Applications''.
Int. Conf. on Machine Learning (ICML), 2014.
P.H. Wang, John C.S. Lui, D. Towsley, X.H. Guan, B. Ribeiro, J.Z. Zhao. ``Efficinetly Estimating Motif Statistics of Large Networks''.
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD), 9(2), September, 2014.
J. Zhao, John C.S. Lui, D. Towsley, X.H. Guan. ``Measuring and Maximizing Group Closeness Centrality over Disk-Resident Graphs''.
The 6th Annual Workshop on Simplifying Complex Networks for Practitioners (SIMPLEX),
S. Korea, 2014.(Best Paper Award)
W. Wu, RTB Ma, John C.S. Lui. ``Exploring Bundling Sale Strategy in Online Service Markets with Network Effects'',
IEEE INFOCOM, Toronto, Canada, 2014.
Sungsu Lim, Kyomin Jung, John C.S. Lui. ``Phase Transition of Multi-state Diffusion Model in Networks'',
SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 41(3): 31-33, 2013.
Yishi Lin, John C.S. Lui, Kyomin JUng, Sungsu Lim. ``Modeling Multi-state Diffusion Process in Complex Networks:
Theory and Applications'',
2nd Workshop on Complex Networks and their Applications, Kyoto, Japan, 2013.
Hongying Liu, Patrick P.C. Lee, John C.S. Lui. ``On the Credit Evolution of Credit-Based Incentive Protocols in
Wireless Mesh Networks''.
Journal of Computer Networks, 57(17): 3327-3343, 2013.
Pinghui Wang, J. Zhao, John C.S. Lui and Don Towsley. ``Sampling Node Pairs Over Graphs''.
IEEE Int. Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE'13), 2013.
S.Y. Zheng, X.D. Liu, H. Xie and John C.S. Lui. "Reposting Service in Online Social Networks: Modeling and Online Incentive Protocols".
The 30th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), 2022.
C.C. Liu, S.X. Bi, L. Luo, John C.S. Lui. ``Partial-Quasi-Newton Methods: Efficeint Algorithms for
Minimax Optimization Problems with Unbalanced Dimensionality''.
Accepted in ACM Int. Conf. on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), 2022.
Z. Xu, Z.C. Xu, Q.F. Xia, L. Wang, Z. Zhou, John C.S. Lui, W. Liang, W. Z. Xu, G.W. Wu. ``Stable Service Caching in MECs of Hierarchical Service Markets with Uncertain Request Rates.
Accepted in the IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.
Xie Hong, John C.S. Lui. ``A Reinforcement Learning Approach to Price Cloud Resources with
Provable Convergence Guarantees''.
Accepted in the IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS).
Xie Hong, John C.S. Lui. ``Quantifying Worker Reliability for Crowdsensing Applications: Robust Feedback Rating & Convergence''.
Accepted in the IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC).
Ruiting Zhou, Jinlong Pang, Zhibo Wang, John Chi Shing Lui and Zongpeng Li. ``A Truthful Procurement Auction for Incentivizing Heterogeneous Clients in Federated Learning''.
The 41st IEEE Int. Conf. on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), 2021.
Hong Xie, Yongkun Li, John C.S. Lui. ``A Reinforcement Learning Approach to Optimize Discount &
Reputation Trade-offs in E-commerce Systems''.
Accepted in the ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT).
Li Ye, Hong Xie, Yishi Lin, John C.S. Lui. ``Rewarding Social Recommendation in OSNs: Empirical Evidences,
Modeling and Optimization''.
IEEE Transactions on Data and Knowledge Engineering (TKDE), 34(9), pp. 4410-4424, September, 2022.
Ye Li, Xie Hong, John C.S. Lui, Kenneth L. Calvert. ``Quantifying Deployability & Evolvability of Future Internet Architectures via Economic Models''.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (ToN), 28(5), pp.1995-2008, 2020.
Xie Hong, John C.S. Lui. ``Mining Deficiencies of Online Reputation Systems: Methodologies,
Experiments and Implications''.
IEEE Trans. Serv. Comput. 13(5): 887-900, 2020.
Z.Y. Song, R.T. Zhou, S.H. Zhao, S.X. Qin, John C.S. Lui. ``Edge Emergency Demand Response Control via Scheduling in Cloudlet Cluster''.
IEEE ICCN Workshop at INFOCOM, 2020.
Xiaoying Zhang, Hong Xie, Junzhou Zhao, John C. S. Lui. ``Understanding Assimilation-contrast Effects in Online Rating Systems: Modelling, Debiasing, and Applications''.
ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 38(1): 2:1-2:25, 2020.
Xie Hong, Yongkun Li, John C.S. Lui. ``Understanding Persuasion Cascades in Online Product Rating Systems''.
Thirty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2019.
Xie Hong, Yongkun Li, John C.S. Lui. ``Optimizing Discount & Reputation Trade-offs in E-commerce Systems: Characterization and Online Learning''.
Thirty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2019.
Li Ye, Weijie Wu, John C.S. Lui. ``On the Profitability of Bundling Sale Strategy for Online Service Markets with Network Effects''.
Accepted in the ACM Transactions on Internet Technology.
Li Ye, Xie Hong, John C.S. Lui. ``Quantifying Deployability & Evolvability of Future Internet Architectures via Economic Models''
IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), 2018.
Xie Hong, John C.S. Lui. ``A Markov Decision Process Approach to Analyze Discount & Reputation
Trade-offs in E-commerce Systems''.
Mathematical Performance Modeling and Analysis (MAMA), 2018.
Xiaoying Zhang, Xie Hong, Junzhou Zhao, John C.S. Lui. ``Modeling Assimilation-Contrast Effects in Online Product
Rating System: Debiasing and Recommendation''.
27th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the 23rd European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-ECAI),
Sister conference best-paper track, 2018.
Kun Chen, Kechao Cai, Longbo Huang and John C.S. Lui. ``Beyond the Click-Through Rate: Web Link Selection with Multi-level Feedback''.
The 27th Int. Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence and the
23rd European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-ECAI-18), 2018.
Xie Hong, Richard T.B. Ma, John C.S. Lui. ``Enhancing Reputation via Price Discount in E-Commerce Systems: A Data Driven Approach''.
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD), 12(3), 2018.
Ye Li, Hong Xie, Weijie Wu, and John C.S. Lui. ``Mining Customer Valuations to Optimize Product Bundling Strategy''.
IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 2017.
J. Guo, F.M. Liu, T. Wang, John C.S. Lui. ``Pricing Intra-Datacenter Networks with Over-Committed
Bandwidth Guarantee''.
USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC '17), 2017.
Xiaoying Zhang, Junzhou Zhao and John C.S. Lui. ``Modeling the Assimilation-Contrast effects in
Online Product Rating Systems: Debiasing and Recommendations''.
The ACM Conference on Recommender Systems(RecSys), 2017.
(Best Paper Award)
J. Anselmi, D. Ardagna, John C.S. Lui, A. Wierman, Y.J. Xu, Z.C. Yang. ``The Economics of the Cloud''.
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance
Evaluation of Computing Systems (TOMPECS), 2(4), August, 2017.
Xiaomeng Yi, Fangming Liu, Di Niu, Hai Jin, John C. S. Lui. ``Cocoa: Dynamic Container-Based Group Buying Strategies for Cloud Computing.''.
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems (ToMPECS), 2(2): 8:1-8:31, 2017.
Xie Hong, RTB Ma, John C.S. Lui. ``Trading Discount for Reputation? On the Design and Analysis of E-Commerce Discount Mechanisms ''.
ACM Sigmetrics/IFIP Performance, June , 2016.
Xie Hong and John C.S. Lui ``Incentive Mechanism and Rating System Design for Crowdsourcing Systems: Analysis,
Tradeoffs and Inference''.
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 11(1), 2018.
Xie Hong, John C.S. Lui, Don Towsley ``Design and Analysis of Incentive and Reputation Mechanisms for Online Crowdsourcing System''.
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems (TOMPECS), 1(3), 2016.
Silei Xu, John C.S. Lui. ``Product Selection Problem: Improve Market Share by
Learning Consumer Behavior''.
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD), 10(4): 34:1-34:25, 2016.
Xie Hong, John C.S. Lui. ``A Data Driven Approach to Uncover Deficiencies in Online
Reputation Systems''.
IEEE Int. Conf. on Data Mining (ICDM), November, 2015.
Xie Hong, John C.S. Lui.
``Modeling eBay-Like Reputation Systems: Analysis,
Characterization and Insurance Mechanism Design''.
Journal of Performance Evaluation (also accepted in the
IFIP W.G. 7.3. Performance Conference, 2015).
Xie Hong, John C.S. Lui. ``A Mechanism Approach to Reduce New Seller Ramp-Up
Time in eBay-Like Reputation Systems''.
IEEE ICDCS, July, 2015.
Xie Hong, John CS Lui. ``Mathematical Modeling and Analysis of Product Rating with Partial Information''.
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD), 9(4), 2015.
Hong Xie, John C.S. Lui. ``Modeling crowdsourcing systems: design and analysis of incentive mechanism and rating system'',
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 42(2): 52-54, (2014).
Silei Xu, John C.S. Lui. ``Product Selection Problem: Improve Market Share by Learning Consumer Behavior''.
20th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), 2014.
Silei Xu, Yishi Lin, Xie Hong, John C.S. Lui. ``A Provable Algorithmic Approach to Product Selection Problems for Market Entry and Sustainability''.
26th Int. Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management (SSDBM), 2014.
W. Wu, RTB Ma, John C.S. Lui. ``Exploring Bundling Sale Strategy in Online Service Markets with Network Effects'',
IEEE INFOCOM, Toronto, Canada, 2014.
R.TB Ma, John C.S. Lui, Vishal Misra. ``On the Evolution of the Internet Economic Ecosystem''.
Accepted for publication in the IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking.
Zichao Yang, John C.S. Lui. ``Security Adoption and Influence of Cyber-insurance Markets
in Heterogeneous Networks Performance Evaluation''.
Journal of Performance Evaluation, 74: 1-17, 2014.
J. Anselmi, D. Ardagna, John C.S. Lui, A. Wierman, Y. Xu, Z. Yang. ``The economics of the cloud: Price competition and congestion'',
Joint Workshop on Pricing & Incentives in Networks and Systems with
Network Economics (W-PIN+NetEcon), 2013.
Yudong Yang, Richard T.B. Ma, and John C.S. Lui. ``Price Differentiation and Control in the Kelly Mechanism''.
Performance Evaluation Journal, 70(10): 792-805, 2013.
J. Guo, F. Liu, H. Tang, Y. Lian, H. Jin, John C.S. Lui. ``Falloc: Fair Network Bandwidth Allocation in IaaS Datacenters Via a Bargaining Game Approach'',
The IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), 2013.
Wijie Wu, John C.S. Lui, Richard T.B. Ma. ``On Incentivizing Upload Capacity in P2P-VoD Systems:
Design, Analysis and Evaluation''.
Accepted for publication in the Computer Networks Journal.
Richard T.B. Ma, John C.S. Lui, Vishal Misra. ``A Preference Model for Deciding the Market
Share of Network Service Providers''.
Workshop on Telecom Economics, Engineering and Policy at the 24th ITC Conf., 2012.
Richard T.B. Ma, D.M. Chiu, John C.S. Lui, Vishal Misra. ``Price Differentiation in the Kelly Mechanism''.
The First Workshop on Pricing and Incentives in Networks, London, UK, 2012.
Bridge Q. Zhao, Y.K. Li, John C.S. Lui and Dah-Ming Chiu. ``Mathematical Modeling of Advertisement and Influence Spread
in Social Networks''.
ACM Workshop on the Economics of Networked Systems (NetEcon), 2009.
Bridge Q. Zhao, Y.K. Li, John C.S. Lui and Dah-Ming Chiu. ``On Modeling Product Advertisement in Large Social Networks''.
Bridge Q. Zhao, John C.S. Lui and Dah-Ming Chiu. ``Analysis of Adaptive Incentive Protocols for P2P Networks''.
(AR: 19% out of 1435 submissions).
RTB. Ma, D.M. Chiu, John C.S. Lui, V. Misra, D. Rubenstein. ``The Shapley Value: its Use and Implications on Internet Economics''.
Allerton Conference, 2008.
(AR: around 30%.)
Q. Zhao, John C.S. Lui, D.M. Chiu. ``Mathematical Modeling of Incentive Policies in P2P Systems''.
ACM Network Economics (NetEcon), 2008.
RTB Ma, D.M. Chiu, John C.S. Lui, V. Misra, D. Rubenstein.
``Interconnecting Eyeballs to
Content: A Shapley Value Perspective on ISP Peering and Settlement''.
ACM Network Economics (NetEcon), 2008.
Q. Wang, D.M. Chiu, John C.S. Lui. ``ISP Uplink Pricing in a Competitive Market''.
15th Int. Conference on Telecommunications (ICT), 2008.
Sam C.M. Lee and John C.S. Lui. ``On the Interaction and Competition among Internet Service Providers''.
IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), 26(7), 2008.
(Technical Report)
Ray K. Lam, D.M. Chiu, John C.S. Lui. ``On the Access Pricing and Network Scaling Issues of
Wireless Mesh Networks''.
(Technical Report)
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 56(11), Nov, 2007.
Alan T.S. Ip, John C.S. Lui, J.C. Liu. ``A Revenue-Rewarding Scheme For Cooperative
Proxy Media Streaming Systems''. (Technical Report)
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications,
and Applications (TOMCCAP), 4(1), 2008.
Hui Wang, Dah-Ming Chiu, John C.S. Lui, Rocky K.C. Chang. ``Inter-AS Inbound Traffic Engineering via ASPP''.
the IEEE Transaction on Network and Service Management,
4(1), pp. 62-70, June 2007.
X.Y.Shen, H.B. Jiang, D.B. Liu, K.H. Yang, F.Y. Deng, John C. S. Lui, J.C. Liu, S. Dustdar, Jun Luo. ``PupilRec: Leveraging Pupil Morphology for Recommending on Smartphones.''
IEEE Internet Things Journal, 9(17), pp:15538-15553, 2022.
Z.B. Wang , D.F. Liu , Y.N. Sun , X.Y. Pang , P. Sun , F. Lin , John C. S. Lui , K. Ren. "A Survey on IoT-enabled Home Automation Systems: Attacks and Defenses."
Accepted in the IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials.
Zhuohua Li, J.C. Wang, M.S. Sun and John C.S. Lui. "Detecting Cross-Language Memory Management Issues in Rust".
27th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS), 2022.
J.C. Wang, Z.H. Li, M.S. Sun and John C.S. Lui. "Zigbee's Network Rejoin Procedure for IoT Systems: Vulnerabilities and Implications".
The 25th International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses (RAID 2022).
Xiaoying Zhang, Hong Xie, Pei Yi, John C.S. Lui. ``Enhancing Sybil Detection via Social-Activity Networks: A Random Walk Approach''.
Accepted IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC).
Jincheng Wang, Zhuohua Li, Mingshen Sun, John C.S. Lui. ``Topology-Theoretic Approach To Address Attribute Linkage Attacks In Differential Privacy''.
Journal of Computers \& Security, Vol 113, 2022.
X.Y. Pang, Z.B. Wang, D.F. Liu, John C. S. Lui, Q. Wang, J. Ren. ``Towards Personalized Privacy-preserving Truth Discovery over Crowdsourced Data Streams''.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (ToN), 30(1), pp. 327-340, 2022.
X.B. Ma, J. Qu, J.F. Li, John C. S. Lui, Z.H. Li, W.M. Liu, X.H. Guan. ``Inferring Hidden IoT Devices and User Interactions via Spatial-temporal Traffic Fingerprinting.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (ToN), 30(1), pp. 394-408, 2022.
Zhuohua Li, Jincheng Wang, Mingshen Sun, John C.S. Lui. ``MirChecker: Detecting Bugs in Rust Programs via Static Analysis''.
ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), 2021.
Jincheng Wang, Zhuohua Li, Mingshen Sun, John C.S. Lui. ``Topology-Theoretic Approach To Address Attribute Linkage Attacks In Differential Privacy''.
BigSecurity: Int. Workshop on Security and Privacy in Big Data (IEEE INFOCOM'2021).
Yang Hu, John C.S. Lui, W.J. Hu, Xiaobo Ma, Jianfeng Li, Xiao Liang. ``Taming Energy Cost of Disk Encryption Software on Data-Intensive Mobile Devices''.
Future Generation Computer Systems, 107: 681-691, 2020.
P. Zhao, H.B. Jiang, John C.S. Lui, C. Wang, F.Z. Zeng. F. Xiao, Z.T. Li. ``P^3-LOC: A Privacy-Preserving Paradigm-Driven Framework for Indoor Localization''.
IEEE/ACM Trans. of Networking, 26(6), 2018.
Xiaoying Zhang, Xie Hong, John C.S. Lui. ``Sybil Detection in Social-Activity Networks: Modeling, Algorithms and Evaluations''.
IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), 2018.
Tingwei Liu, John C.S. Lui, X.Q. Ma, H.B. Jiang. ``Enabling Relay-Assisted D2D Communication for Cellular Networks:
Algorithm and Protocols''.
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 5(4): 3136-3150, 2018.
Mingshen Sun, Xiaolei Li, John C. S. Lui, Richard T. B. Ma, Zhenkai Liang, ``Monet: A User-Oriented Behavior-Based Malware Variants Detection System for Android''.
IEEE Trans. Information Forensics and Security 12(5): 1103-1112, 2017.
Mingshen Sun, Tao Wei, John C.S. Lui. ``TaintART: A Practical Multi-level Information-Flow Tracking System for Android RunTime''.
ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), October, 2016.
Mingshen Sun, John C.S. Lui, Yajin Zhou. ``Blender: Self-randomizing Address Space Layout for Android''.
19th International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and
Defenses (RAID'16), September, 2016.
H. Yang, John C.S. Lui, W. Hu, X. Ma, J. Li, X. Liang. ``Taming Energy Cost of Disk Encryption Software on Data-Intensive Mobile Devices''.
The 13th International Conference on Mobile Systems and Pervasive Computing (MobiSPC),
August, 2016.
Mingshen Sun, Mengmeng Li and John C.S. Lui. ``DroidEagle: Seamless Detection of Visually Similar Android Apps''.
ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec),
M. Zheng, H. Xue. Y.L. Zhang, T. Wei, John C.S. Lui. ``Enpublic Apps: Security Threats Using iOS Enterprise and Developer Certifi
cates''. ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security, ASIACCS, 2015.
Mingshen Sun, Min Zheng, John C.S. Lui and Xuxian Jiang. ``Design and Implementation of an Android Host-based Intrusion
Prevention System''.
The 30th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC), 2014.
Yongkun Li, John C. S. Lui. ``Friends or Foes: Distributed and Randomized Algorithms to
Determine Dishonest Recommenders in Online Social Networks''.
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 9(10), 2014.
Qin Liu, John C.S. Lui, Cheng He, Lujia Pan, Wei Fan, Yunlong Shi. ``SAND: A Fault-Tolerant Streaming Architecture for
Network Traffic Analytics''.
IEEE Int. Conf. on Dependable Systems and Networks, (DSN), 2014.
Min Zheng, Mingshen Sun, John C.S. Lui. ``DroidTrace: A Ptrace Based Android Dynamic Analysis System
with Forward Execution Capability''.
IEEE Int. Wireless Communication and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), 2014.
Min Zheng, Mingshen Sun, John C.S. Lui. ``DroidRay: A Security Evaluation System for Customized Android Firmwares''.
9th ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS), 2014.
P. Zhang, C. Lin, Y.X. Jiang, P.P.C. Lee, John C.S. Lui. ``ANOC: Anonymous Network-Coding-Based
Communication with Efficient Cooperation''.
Accepted for publication in the IEEE JSAC.
S.F. Yeung, John C.S. Lui. ``Secure Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP)
for Hierarchical Proxy Caching: Theory Design and Implementation''. (Technical Report)
International Journal of Network Security, 7(3), 2008.
Chee-Wei Tan, D.M. Chiu, John C.S. Lui, David K.Y. Yau. ``A Distributed Throttling Approach for
Handling High Bandwidth Aggregates''
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems,
18(7), pp. 983-995, July, 2007.
(Technical Report)
Patrick P.C. Lee, John C.S. Lui, David K.Y. Yau. ``SEAL: A Secure Communication Library for
Building Dynamic Group Key Agreement Applications''
Journal of Systems and Software, 80(3), pp. 356-370, March 2007.
(Technical Report)
John C.S. Lui, Vishal Misra, Dan Rubenstein. ``On the Robustness of Soft State Protocols''.
IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP),
Berlin, Germany, October, 2004.
(AR: 33/213=15%)
Tingwei Liu, John C.S. Lui, X.Q. Ma, H.B. Jiang. ``Enabling Relay-Assisted D2D Communication for Cellular Networks:
Algorithm and Protocols''.
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 5(4), 2018.
Chen Wang, Wei Wei, Hongzhi Lin, Hongbo Jiang, John C. S. Lui. ``BLOW-UP: Toward Distributed and Scalable Space Filling Curve Construction in 3D Volumetric WSNs''.
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN) 12(4), 30:1-30:20, 2016.
Hoying Liu, Patrick P.C. Lee, John C.S. Lui. ``On the Credit Evolution of Credit-Based Incentive Protocols in
Wireless Mesh Networks''.
Journal of Computer Networks, 57(17): 3327-3343, 2013.
Yuedong Xu, John C.S. Lui and D.M. Chiu. ``Improving Energy Efficiency Via Probabilistic Rate Combination
in 802.11 Multi-rate Wireless Networks''.
Journal of Ad Hoc Networks, 7(7), pp. 1370-1385, 2009.
Y. Wang, John C.S. Lui and D.M. Chiu. ``Characterizing the Capacity Gain of Stream Control
Scheduling in MIMO Wireless Mesh Networks''.
Accepted for publication in Journal of Wireless
Communications and Mobile Computing.
(Technical Report)
Ray K. Lam, D.M. Chiu, John C.S. Lui. ``On the Access Pricing and Network Scaling Issues of
Wireless Mesh Networks''.
(Technical Report)
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 56(11), Nov, 2007.
Yu Dong, David K.Y. Yau, John C.S. Lui. ``An Opportunistic Scheduler to Balance Performance Measures and
Energy Consumption in Wireless Networks:
Design and Implementation''
Wireless Internet Conference, Budapest, Hungary, July 10-15, 2005.
Cedric C.F. Fong, John C.S. Lui, M.H. Wong, "Distributed Caching and Broadcasting in a Wireless Mobile
Computing Environment".
Computer Journal, Vol 42(6), pp. 455-472, 1999.
John C.S. Lui, Cedric C.F. Fong, H.W. Chan, "Location Updates and Probabilistic Tracking Algorithms for Mobile
Cellular Networks".
International Workshop on Mobile Computing, June, 1999.
John C.S. Lui. "Performance Evaluation of Location Update Protocol with Dynamic
Area Assignment".
INFORMS International Conference, Israel, July, 1998.
Cedric Fong, John C.S. Lui, M.H. Wong, Edmundo.D. Silva, "Performance Analysis of Mobile Terminals Tracking Algorithms".
18th IFIP TC7 Conference on System Modeling and Optimization, 1997.
Wijie Wu, John C.S. Lui, Richard T.B. Ma. ``On Incentivizing Upload Capacity in P2P-VoD Systems:
Design, Analysis and Evaluation''.
Computer Networks Journal, 57(7), 1674-1688, 2013.
Bridge Q. Zhao, John C.S. Lui and Dah-Ming Chiu. ``Exploring the Optimal Chunk Selection Policy
for Data-Driven P2P Streaming Systems''.
The 9th International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing, 2009. (Technical Report)
(AR: 19% out of 126 submissions).
Tom Z.J. Fu, D.M. Chiu, John C.S. Lui. ``PBS: Periodic Behavioral Spectrum of P2P Applications''.
Passive and Active Measurements, 2009.
(AR: 28\%)
M.H. Lin, John C.S. Lui and D.M. Chiu. ``Design and Analysis of ISP-Friendly File Distribution Protocol''.
Allerton Conference, 2008.
( AR: around ~30%.)
B. Fan, John C.S. Lui and D.M. Chiu. ``On the Performance and File Availability Enhancement of
BitTorrent-like Protocols''.
Under revision in the Journal of Computer Networks.
B. Fan, John C.S. Lui and D.M. Chiu. ``The Design Tradeoffs of BitTorrent-Like File Sharing Protocols''.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 17(2), pp. 365-376, 2009.
(Technical Report)
Ken Y.K. Hui, John C.S. Lui, David K.Y. Yau. ``Small-World Overlay P2P Networks''.
IEEE International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS),
Montreal, Canada, June 2004.
(AR: 30/154=19%)
T.B. Ma, Sam C.M. Lee, John C.S. Lui, David K.Y. Yau. ``An Incentive Mechanism for P2P Networks''.
The 24th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS),
Tokyo, Japan, March 23-26, 2004.
(AR: 84/475=17%)
B. Yang, D. Sheen, J.X. Zhang, F. Dong, J.Z. Luo and John C.S. Lui. "Towards the Full Extensibility of Multipath TCP with eMPTCP".
The 30th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), 2022.
Z.Y. Wang, J.C. Ye, D. Lin, John C.S. Lui. Approximate and Deployable Shortest Remaining Processing Time Scheduler.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 30(3): 1368-1381, 2022.
Z.Y. Wang, , J.C. Ye and John C.S. Lui. ``An Online Mean Field Approach for Hybrid Edge Server Provision''.
The 32nd ACM International Symposium on Theory, Algorithmic Foundations, and
Protocol Design for Mobile Networks and Mobile Computing (MobiHoc), 2021.
Z.Y. Wang, J.C. Ye, D. Lin, Y.P. Chen, John C.S. Lui. ``Designing Approximate and Deployable SRPT Scheduler: A Unified Framework''.
Accepted in the Int. Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS), 2021.
X. Wang, J.C. Ye, John C.S. Lui. ``Joint D2D Collaboration and Task Offloading for Edge Computing: A Mean Field Graph Approach''.
Accepted in the Int. Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS), 2021.
Ruiting Zhou, Jinlong Pang, Zhibo Wang, John Chi Shing Lui and Zongpeng Li. ``A Truthful Procurement Auction for Incentivizing Heterogeneous Clients in Federated Learning''.
The 41st IEEE Int. Conf. on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), 2021.
Weibo Chu, Zhiwen Yu, John C.S. Lui, Yi Lin. ``Jointly Optimizing Throughput and Content Delivery Cost over Lossy Cache Networks''.
IEEE Transactions on Communications, 69(6): 3846-3863, 2021.
Z.C. Xu, Z.H. Zhang, John C.S. Lui, W.F. Liang, Q.F. Xia, P. Zhou, W.Z Xu, and G.W. Wu. ``Affinity-aware VNF placement in mobile edge clouds via leveraging GPUs''.
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 70(2), pp. 2234-2248, December 1, 2021.
Zhaoyan Song, Ruiting Zhou, Shihan Zhao, Shixin Qin, John C. S. Lui, Zongpeng Li. ``Emergency demand response in edge computing''.
EURASIP Journal of Wireless Communication Networking, 2020(1), 175, 2020.
Xueying Zhang, Ruiting Zhou, John C.S. Lui and Zongpeng Li. ``Dynamic Pricing and Placement for Distributed Machine Learning Jobs''.
The 6th Int. Conf. on Big Data Computing and Communication (BigCom), 2020. (Best Paper Award)
Xiaobo Ma, J. Qu, Jianfeng Li, John C. S. Lui, Zhenhua Li, Xiaohong Guan. ``Pinpointing Hidden IoT Devices via Spatial-temporal Traffic Fingerprinting''.
Dian Shen, Junzhou Luo, Fang Dong, Xiaolin Guo, Kai Wang, John C.S. Lui. ``Distributed and Optimal RDMA Resource Scheduling in Shared Data Center Networks''.
Xueying Zhang, Ruiting Zhou, Zhi Zhou, John C.S. Lui, Zongpeng Li. ``An Online Learning-Based Task Offloading Framework for 5G Small Cell Networks''.
Accepted in the International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), 2020
Z.C. Xu, Y.G. Qin, P. Zhou, John C. S. Lui, W.F. Liang, Q.F. Xia, W.Z. Xu and G.W. Wu ``To Cache or Not to Cache: Stable Service Caching in Mobile Edge-Clouds of a Service Market''.
IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), 2020.
Fan Guo, YK Li, Min Lv, Y.L. Xu, John C.S. Lui. ``DCUDA: Dynamic GPU Scheduling with Live Migration Support''.
ACM Symposium of Cloud Computing (SoCC), 114-125, 2019.
Fan Guo, YK Li, Min Lv, Y.L. Xu, John C.S. Lui. ``HP-Mapper: A High Performance Storage Driver for Docker Containers''.
ACM Symposium of Cloud Computing (SoCC), 325-336, 2019.
D. Yan G.M. Gu, M. R. Chowdhury, M.T. Ozsu John C.S. Lui, W.D. Tan ``T-thinker: a task-centric distributed framework for compute-intensive
divide-and-conquer algorithms''.
PPoPP, 411-412, 2019.
Tingwei Liu, John C.S. Lui, Dong Lin, David Hui. ``On the Feasibility of Inter-domain Routing via a Small Broker Set''.
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 30(2):415-427, 2019.
John C.S. Lui. ``An Online Learning Approach to Network Application Optimization
with Guarantee'' (invited talk).
Frontiers of Networks, Workshop in ACM Mobihoc, 2018
Tingwei Liu, John C.S. Lui, X.Q. Ma, H.B. Jiang. ``Enabling Relay-Assisted D2D Communication for Cellular Networks:
Algorithm and Protocols''.
Accepted in IEEE Internet of Things Journal.
Jian Li, Srinivas Shakkotta, John C.S. Lui, Vijay Subramanian. ``Accurate Learning or Fast Mixing?
Dynamic Adaptability of Caching Algorithms''.
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), 36(6): 1314-1330, 2018.
Jinbei Zhang, Weijie Wu and John C.S. Lui. ``On the Theory of Function Placement and Chaining for Network
Function Virtualization''.
The Nineteenth International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and
Computing (MobiHoc), 2018.
W.B. Chu, M. Dehghan, John C.S. Lui, D. Towsley, Z.L. Zhang. ``Joint Cache Resource Allocation and Request Routing for
In-network Caching Services''.
Journal of Computer Networks, 131, pp.1-14, 2018.
Kechao Cai, X.T. Liu, Janice Y.Z. Chen and John C.S. Lui. ``An Online Learning Approach to Network Application Optimization
with Guarantee''.
S.H. Tseng, B. Bai and John C.S. Lui. ``Hybrid Circuit/Packet Network Scheduling with Multiple Composite Paths''.
J. Guo, F.M. Liu, T. Wang, John C.S. Lui. ``Pricing Intra-Datacenter Networks with Over-Committed
Bandwidth Guarantee''.
USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC '17), 2017.
Q. Zhang, Y.Xiao, F.M. Liu, John C.S.Lui, J. Guo and T. Wang, ``Joint Optimization of Chain Placement and Request Scheduling for Network Function Virtualization''.
IEEE Int. Conf. of Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), June, 2017.
D. Lin, D. Hui, W.J. Wu, Tingwei Liu, Y.T. Yang, Y. Wang, John C.S. Lui, G. Zhang and Y.T. Li On the Feasibility of Inter-domain Routing via a Small Broker Set''.
IEEE Int. Conf. of Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), June, 2017.
Fangming Liu, Jian Guo, Xiaomeng Huang, John C. S. Lui, ``eBA: Efficient Bandwidth Guarantee Under Traffic Variability in Datacenters''.
IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 25(1): 506-519, 2017.
Qin Liu, John C.S. Lui. ``SAND: A Fault-Tolerant Streaming Architecture for
Network Traffic Analytics''.
Journal of System Software, 122: 553-563, 2016.
Chen Wang, Hongbo Jiang, Tianlong Yu, John C.S. Lui. ``SLICE: Enabling Greedy Routing in High Genus 3D WSNs with General
Accepted for publication in the IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2016.
Jian Guo, Fangming Liu, John C.S. Lui,Hai Jin. ``Fair Network Bandwidth Allocation in IaaS Datacenters via a Cooperative
Game Approach''.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 24(2), 2016.
Qin Liu, John C.S. Lui, Cheng He, Lujia Pan, Wei Fan, Yunlong Shi. ``SAND: A Fault-Tolerant Streaming Architecture for
Network Traffic Analytics''.
IEEE Int. Conf. on Dependable Systems and Networks, (DSN), 2014.
J. Guo, F. Liu, X. Huang, John C.S. Lui, M. Hu, G. Qiao. ``On Efficient Bandwidth Allocation for Traffic Variability in Datacenters'',
IEEE INFOCOM, Toronto, Canada, 2014.
J. Guo, F. Liu, H. Tang, Y. Lian, H. Jin, John C.S. Lui. ``Falloc: Fair Network Bandwidth Allocation in IaaS Datacenters Via a Bargaining Game Approach'',
The IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), 2013.
Z. Chou, F. Liu, Y. Xu, R. Zou, H. Xu, John C.S. Lui, H. Jin. ``Carbon-aware Load Balancing for Geo-distributed Cloud Services'',
The IEEE 21st Int. Symposium On Modeling, Analysis and Simulation
of Computer & Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS'13), 2013.
W.J. Wu, John C.S. Lui. ``Exploring the Optimal Replication Strategy in P2P-VoD Systems:
Characterization and Evaluation''.
Accepted for publication in the IEEE TPDS.
Jilong Wang, D.M. Chiu, John C.S. Lui. ``Credit Based Networking''.(invited paper)
Int. Conference on Communication Systems and Networks (COMSNET), 2009.
Tom T.J. Fu, D.M. Chiu, John C.S. Lui. ``PBS: Periodic Behavioral Spectrum of P2P Applications''.
Passive and Active Measurements, 2009.
(AR: 28\%)
M.H. Lin, John C.S. Lui and D.M. Chiu. ``Design and Analysis of ISP-Friendly File Distribution Protocol''.
Allerton Conference, 2008.
( AR: around ~30%.)
Hu Yan, D.M. Chiu and John C.S. Lui. ``Profiling and Indentification of P2P Traffic''.
Journal of Computer Networks, 53(6), pp. 849-863, 2009.
Sam C.M. Lee and John C.S. Lui. ``On the Interaction and Competition among Internet Service Providers''.
IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), 26(7), 2008.
(Technical Report)
Sam C.M. Lee, Joe W.J. Jiang, D.M. Chiu, John C.S. Lui. ``Interaction of ISPs: Distributed Resource Allocation and
Revenue Maximization''.
(Technical Report)
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems,
19(2), pp. 204-218, 2008.
Hui Wang, Dah-Ming Chiu, John C.S. Lui, Rocky K.C. Chang. ``Inter-AS Inbound Traffic Engineering via ASPP''.
the IEEE Transaction on Network and Service Management,
4(1), pp. 62-70, June 2007.
Chee-Wei Tan, D.M. Chiu, John C.S. Lui, David K.Y. Yau. ``A Distributed Throttling Approach for
Handling High Bandwidth Aggregates''
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems,
18(7), pp. 983-995, July, 2007.
(Technical Report)
Adrian S.W. Tam, Dah-Ming Chiu, John C.S. Lui, Y.C. Tay. ``A Case of TCP-Friendly Admission Control''.
Fourteenth IEEE International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS),
Yale Univ., New Haven, 2006.
(AR: 27/157=17%)
John C.S. Lui, Vishal Misra, Dan Rubenstein. ``On the Robustness of Soft State Protocols''.
IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP),
Berlin, Germany, October, 2004.
(AR: 33/213=15%)
Leana Golubchik, Don Towsley, Edmundo de Souza e Silva, John C.S. Lui, "Internet2 Wide-Area Applications",
Internet2 Network Research Workshop, Chicago, IL, USA. April 18-19, 2001.
Wijie Wu, John C.S. Lui, Richard T.B. Ma. ``On Incentivizing Upload Capacity in P2P-VoD Systems:
Design, Analysis and Evaluation''.
Computer Networks Journal, 57(7), 1674-1688, 2013.
S.F. Yeung, John C.S. Lui. ``Secure Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP)
for Hierarchical Proxy Caching: Theory Design and Implementation''. (Technical Report)
International Journal of Network Security, 7(3), 2008.
Alan T.S. Ip, John C.S. Lui, J.C. Liu. ``A Revenue-Rewarding Scheme For Cooperative
Proxy Media Streaming Systems''. (Technical Report)
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications,
and Applications (TOMCCAP), 4(1), 2008.
Alan T.S. Ip, J.C. Liu, John C.S. Lui. ``COPACC: An Architecture of Cooperative Proxy-Client
Caching System for On-Demand Media Streaming''
IEEE Transaction on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 18(1), 70-83,
January, 2007.
(Technical Report)
Leana Golubchik, Don Towsley, Edmundo de Souza e Silva, John C.S. Lui, "Internet2 Wide-Area Applications",
Internet2 Network Research Workshop, Chicago, IL, USA. April 18-19, 2001.
John C.S. Lui, Oldfield K.Y. So, Peter T.S. Tam, "Deriving An Optimal Synchronization Interval for Supporting View
Consistency in a Distributed Virtual Environment".
Fifth International Workshop on Multimedia Information Systems (MIS'99),
pp, 99-106, October 21-23, 1999.
John C.S. Lui, M.F. Chan, "Efficient Partitioning Algorithm for the Distributed Virtual
Environment System".
Sixth International Conference on Distributed Multimedia System
(DMS'99), July, 1999.
John C.S. Lui, Oldfield K.Y. So, Peter T.S. Tam, "Deriving Communication Sub-graph and Optimal Synchronization
Interval for Distributed Virtual Environment System".
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Systems, June, 1999.
John C.S. Lui, M.F. Chan, K.Y. So, T.S. Tam, "Balancing Workload and Communication Cost for a Distributed
Virtual Environment".
Fourth International Workshop on Multimedia Information Systems,
September 24-26, 1998.
John C.S. Lui, M.F. Chan, K.Y. So, T.S. Tam, "Dynamic Partitioning for a Distributed Virtual Environment".
Third High Performance Computing Asia Conference, 23 - 25
September, 1998.
John C.S. Lui, H.W. Fung, Y.H. Wong, "Linux-RMS: An Open System Scheduler for Supporting Realtime
Multimedia Applications".
Third High Performance Computing Asia Conference, 23-25 September, 1998.
John C.S. Lui, M.F. Chan, T.F. Chan, W.S. Cheung, W.W. Kwong. "Virtual Exploration and Information Retrieval System: Design and
Third International Workshop on Multimedia Information Systems, 1997.
L. Yao, Y.K. Li, F. Guo, S. Wu, Y.L. Xu, and John C.S. Lui.
``Towards High Performance and Efficient Memory Deduplication via Mixed Pages.''
Accepted in the IEEE Transactions on Computers.
R. Wang, Y.K. Li, H. Xie, Y.L. Xu, John C.S. Lui, S.B. He. ``Towards Fast and Scalable Random Walks over Disk-Resident Graphs via Efficient I/O Management.''
Accepted in the ACM Transactions on Storage.
F. Guo, Y.K. Li, Y.L. Xu, S. Jiang, John C.S. Lui. ``SmartMD: A High Performance Deduplication Engine with Mixed
USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC '17), 2017.
Yongkun Li, Biaobiao Shen, Yubiao Pan, Yinlong Xu, Zhipeng Li, John C. S. Lui. ``Workload-Aware Elastic Striping With Hot Data Identification for SSD RAID Arrays.''.
IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 36(5), 815-828, 2017.
Gaoying Ju, Yongkun Li, Yinlong Xu, Jiqiang Chen and John C. S. Lui. ``Stochastic Modeling of Hybrid Cache Systems''.
The IEEE Modeling, Analysis adn Simulation of Computer adn Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS),
September, 2016.
Yongkun Li, Patrick P. C. Lee, John C. S. Lui, Yinlong Xu. ``Impact of Data Locality on Garbage Collection in SSDs:
A General Analytical Study''.
Proceedings of the 6th ACM/SPEC International Conference on
Performance Engineering (ICPE), 2015.
Yongkun Li, Patrick P.C. Lee, John C. S. Lui. ``Analysis of Reliability Dynamics of SSD RAID''.
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 65(4): 1131-1144 (2016).
Yongkun Li, Patrick P.C. LEe, John C.S. Lui. ``Stochastic Modeling and Optimization of Garbage Collection Algorithms in Solid State Drive
Journal of Queueing Systems,77(2), 115-148, 2014.
Silei Xu, Runhui Li, Patrick P. C. Lee, Yunfeng Zhu, Liping Xiang, Yinlong Xu, John C. S. Lui. ``Single Disk Failure Recovery for X-code-based Parallel Storage Systems''.
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 64(4), 2014.
Y.K. Li, Patrick P.C. Lee, John C.S. Lui. Stochastic Modeling of Large-Scale Solid-state Storage
Systems: Analysis, Design Tradeoffs and Optimization
Y.K. Li, Patrick P.C. Lee, John C.S. Lui. ``Stochastic Analysis on RAID Reliability for Solid-State Drives'',
The IEEE 32nd Int. Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS), 2013.
Yuchong Hu, Chiu-Man Yu, Yan Kit Li, Patrick P. C. Lee and John C. S. Lui.
``On the Practicality and Extensibility of a Network-Coding-Based
Distributed File System''(*).
International Symposium on Network Coding (NETCOD), 2011.
John C.S. Lui, X.Q. Wang, "Providing QoS Guarantee for Individual Video Stream via Stochastic
International Conference on the Performance and QoS of Next Generation
Networking", Nagoya, Japan, November 27-30, 2000.
C.F. Chou, Leana Golubchi, John C.S. Lui, "A Performance Study of Dynamic Replication Techniques in
Continuous Media Servers".
MASCOTS International Conference, San Francisco, August 29-September 1,2000.
(AR: 57/94=60%)
John C.S. Lui, X.Q. Wang, "Admission Control Algorithm for Providing Quality-of-Service
Guarantee for Individual Connection in a Video-on-Demand System".
IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communication (ISCC),
Antibes-Juan-les-Pins, France, 4-6 July, 2000.
(AR: 122/224=54%)
Leana Golubchik, John C.S. Lui, Edmundo de Souza E. Silva,
Richard Gail, "Evaluation of Performance Tradeoffs in Scheduling Techniques for
Mixed Workload Multimedia Servers".
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Systems, June, 1999.
Edmundo de Souza e Silva, H.Richard Gail, Leana Golubchik and
John C.S. Lui, "Analytical Models for Mixed Workload Multimedia Storage
International Conference of Performance Evaluation, Istanbul,
Turkey, August 22-26, 1999.
(AR: 24/120=20%)
Leana Golubchik, ChengFu Chow, and John Lui, "A Performance Study of Dynamic Replication Techniques in
Continuous Media Servers".
ACM SIGMETRICS Conference, June, 1999.
(AR: 18/92=19%)
Peter W.K. Lie, John C.S. Lui, Leana Golubchik. "Threshold-Based Dynamic Replication in Large-Scale
Video-on-Demand Systems".
RIDE98, Eighth International Workshop on Research Issues in Data
Engineering, February, 1998.
(AR: 18/36=50%)
John C.S. Lui, Kelvin K.W. Law, "Load Balancing and VCR Functionalities Support via Subband Coding
International Conference on Network and Operating Systems Support
for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV '96). April, 1996.
S.W. Lau, John C.S. Lui. "A Novel Video-On-Demand Storage Architecture for Supporting
Constant Frame Rate with Variable Bit Rate Retrieval".
International Conference on Network and Operating Systems Support
for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV '95), 1995.
L. Golubchik, John C.S. Lui and R.R. Muntz, ``I/O Stream Sharing for Continuous Media Systems''.
Data Engineering Bulletin, 18(4), pp.17-26, 1995.
Clarence. Lau, John C.S. Lui, P.C. Wong, "A Cost-effective Near-line Storage Server for Multimedia
11th International Conference on Data Engineering. March, 1995.
(AR: 56/233=24%)
Quan-Lin Li, John C.S. Lui. ``Block-Structured Supermarket Models''.
Accepted for publication in the Journal of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems.
Q.L.Li, G. Dai, Y. Wang , John C.S. Lui. ``The Mean-Field Computation in a
Supermarket Model with Server Multiple Vacations''.
Journal of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, 24(4): 473-522, 2014.
Quan-Lin Li, John C.S. Lui and Yang Wang. ``A Matrix-Analytic Solution for Randomized Load Balancing Models
with PH Service Times''
Performance Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems:
Milestones and Future Challenges, LNCS, 6821, 2011.
C.F. Chou, Leana Golubchik, John C.S. Lui. ``Multi-class Multi-Server Threshold-based Systems: a
Study of Non-instantaneous Server Activation''
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems,
18(1), 96-110, January, 2007.
(Technical Report)
Leana Golubchi, John C.S. Lui, "Open Problems for Threshold-based Systems".
The Second Workshop on Mathematical Modeling and Analysis,
Santa Clara, USA, June 17-18, 2000.
John C.S. Lui, W.K. Lam, "General Methodology in Analyzing the Performance of
Parallel/Distributed Simulation under General Computational
Third International Conference on the numerical Solution of Markov Chain,
September 6-10, 1999.
John C.S. Lui, R.R. Muntz, "Evaluating Bounds on Steady State Availability of Repairable
Systems from Markov Models".
First International Conference on the Numerical Solution of the
Markov Chains, January, 1990.