Research Publications

Naijia Guo, Xiaoyu Xia, Junsen Zhang. Forthcoming. “Why Do Intergenerations Coreside? A Structural Matching Model with Evidence from China.” The Economic Journal.
Dan Liu, Liugang Sheng, Miaojie Yu. Forthcoming. “Highways and Firms' Exports: Evidence from China.” Review of International Economics.
Yizhen Gu, Naijia Guo, Jing Wu, Ben Zou. Forthcoming. “Home Location Choices and the Gender Commute Gap.” The Journal of Human Resources.
Xiqian Cai, Qingliang Fan, Congying Yuan. Oct 2022. “The Impact of Only Child Peers on Students’ Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Outcomes.” Labour Economics 78.
Yousha Liang, Kang Shi, Junjie Tang, Juanyi Xu. Jul 2022. “Pandemic and Containment Policies in Open Economy.” Journal of International Money and Finance 125.
Qingliang Fan, Yaqian Wu. Jul 2022. “Endogenous Treatment Effect Estimation with a Large and Mixed Set of Instruments and Control Variables.” The Review of Economics and Statistics.
Wai Chiu Woo. Jul 2022. “Dynamic inefficiency by promoting relative consumption.” Macroeconomic Dynamics.
Shuo Chen, Haoyuan Ding, Shu Lin, Haichun Ye. Jun 2022. "From Past Lies to Current Misconduct: The Long Shadow of China's Great Leap Forward." Journal of Development Economics 157.
Wei He, Yeneng Sun. Apr 2022. "Conditional Expectation of Correspondences and Economic Applications." Journal of Mathematical Economics.
Haoyuan Ding, Haichao Fan, Shu Lin. Feb 2022. “COVID-19, firm exposure, and firm value: A tale of two lockdowns.” China Economic Review 71.
Terence Tai Leung Chong, Cornelia Yip, Patrick Ming Yu Ngai. Feb 2022. “Economic implications of the sixth plenary session of the 19th CPC Central Committee for China’s Hong Kong.” Economic and Political Studies.
Songnian Chen, Xun Lu, Xi Wang. Jan 2022. “Nonparametric Estimation of Generalized Transformation Models with Fixed Effects.” Econometric Theory.
Renliang Liu, Liugang Sheng, Jian Wang. 2022. “Faking Trade for Capital Control Evasion: Evidence from Dual Exchange Rate Arbitrage in China.” Working Paper.
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*Last updated on 11 Aug 2022