Reading List:
1. More is simpler: effectively and efficiently assessing node-pair similarities based on hyperlinks. PVLDB 2014
2. P-Rank: a comprehensive structural similarity measure over information networks. CIKM 2009
3. ASCOS++: An Asymmetric Similarity Measure for Weighted Networks to Address the Problem of SimRank. TKDD 2015
4. SimRank on Uncertain Graphs. TKDE 2017
5. SLING: A Near-Optional Index Structure for SimRank. SIGMOD 2016
6. READS: A Random Walk Approach for Efficient and Accurate Dynamic SimRank. PVLDB 2017
Nearest Neighbor Query and Subgraph Search:
1.SRS: Solving c-Approximate Nearest Neighbor Queries in High
Dimensional Euclidean Space with a Tiny Index, VLDB 2014.
2.Query-Aware Locality-Sensitive Hashing for Approximate Nearest
Neighbor Search, VLDB 2015
3.Locality-Sensitive Hashing Scheme Based on Dynamic Collision Counting,
SIGMOD 2012.
4.SK-LSH: an efficient index structure for approximate nearest neighbor
search, VLDB 2014
5.Locality-sensitive hashing scheme based on p-stable distributions, SCG
6.Real-Time Multi-Criteria Social Graph Partitioning: A Game Theoretic
Approach, SIGMOD 2015.
7.An Efficient Similarity Search Framework for SimRank over Large
Dynamic Graphs, VLDB 2015.
8.Leveraging Graph Dimensions in Online Graph Search, VLDB 2014.
9.Diversified Top-K Clique Search, ICDE 2015.
10.Quality and Efficiency in High Dimensional Nearest Neighbor Search,
SIGmod 2009.
11.Efficient distributed subgraph similarity matching, VLDB 2015.
12.Diversified Subgraph Querying: A Level-based Approach.
13. k-Hit Query: Top-k Query with Probabilistic Utility Function, SIGMOD
13.DSH: Data Sensitive Hashing for High-Dimensional k-NN Search, SIGMOD
14.Efficient Algorithms for Answering the m-Closest Keywords Query, SIGMOD
15.Event Pattern Matching over Graph Streams, VLDB 2014
16.Processing Moving kNN Queries Using Influential Neighbor Sets, VLDB
17.Querying Big Graphs within Bounded Resources, SIGMOD 2014