Reading List:


1. More is simpler: effectively and efficiently assessing node-pair similarities based on hyperlinks. PVLDB 2014

2. P-Rank: a comprehensive structural similarity measure over information networks. CIKM 2009

3. ASCOS++: An Asymmetric Similarity Measure for Weighted Networks to Address the Problem of SimRank. TKDD 2015

4. SimRank on Uncertain Graphs. TKDE 2017

5. SLING: A Near-Optional Index Structure for SimRank. SIGMOD 2016

6. READS: A Random Walk Approach for Efficient and Accurate Dynamic SimRank. PVLDB 2017

Nearest Neighbor Query and Subgraph Search:

1.SRS: Solving c-Approximate Nearest Neighbor Queries in High Dimensional Euclidean Space with a Tiny Index, VLDB 2014.

2.Query-Aware Locality-Sensitive Hashing for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search, VLDB 2015

3.Locality-Sensitive Hashing Scheme Based on Dynamic Collision Counting, SIGMOD 2012.

4.SK-LSH: an efficient index structure for approximate nearest neighbor search, VLDB 2014

5.Locality-sensitive hashing scheme based on p-stable distributions, SCG 2004.

6.Real-Time Multi-Criteria Social Graph Partitioning: A Game Theoretic Approach, SIGMOD 2015.

7.An Efficient Similarity Search Framework for SimRank over Large Dynamic Graphs, VLDB 2015.

8.Leveraging Graph Dimensions in Online Graph Search, VLDB 2014.

9.Diversified Top-K Clique Search, ICDE 2015.

10.Quality and Efficiency in High Dimensional Nearest Neighbor Search, SIGmod 2009.

11.Efficient distributed subgraph similarity matching, VLDB 2015.

12.Diversified Subgraph Querying: A Level-based Approach.

13. k-Hit Query: Top-k Query with Probabilistic Utility Function, SIGMOD 2015

13.DSH: Data Sensitive Hashing for High-Dimensional k-NN Search, SIGMOD 2014

14.Efficient Algorithms for Answering the m-Closest Keywords Query, SIGMOD 2015

15.Event Pattern Matching over Graph Streams, VLDB 2014

16.Processing Moving kNN Queries Using Influential Neighbor Sets, VLDB 2014

17.Querying Big Graphs within Bounded Resources, SIGMOD 2014