ENGG3803 Engineering Entrepreneurship Development Project


Course code ENGG3803
Course title Engineering Entrepreneurship Development Project
Course description The 2-unit course is project based. Students will be provided with individual or small group project supervision to help them implement their project proposal from ENGG3802.  The objective of the course is to provide an initial technical implementation showing the technical feasibility of the proposal. The focus is carry out practical prototyping, simulations and/or computer coding and build a pre-alpha proof of concept demonstration via initial computer software or design/building of the critical hardware subsystems.  At the end of the course, students will present their work to a panel of assessors in a project competition, and those shortlisted will be assessed by a panel including external entrepreneurs who may consider the successful projects for possible continuation (eg as the final year project or capstone project of their major programme).
本雙學分科目是以項目為本。進行個人或小團體的指導,幫助學生實現ENGG3802中建議書的項目。本科旨在提供初步的技術實現, 以顯示技術上的可行性。重點是開展實用原型,模擬和/或電腦編碼,通過電腦軟件或子系統上關鍵硬件的設計和製造,初步證明概念的正確。在本科完結前,學生需要在一項目比賽中向評審小組展示他們的作品,入圍者將由一個包括校外企業家的評審小組考慮可行的延續方案(例如作為主修課程的畢業論文或頂峰項目)。
Unit(s) 2
Course level Undergraduate
Pre-requisite ENGG3802 with Grade B+ or above or with consent of instructor
Semester 2
Grading basis Graded
Grade Descriptors A/A-:  EXCELLENT – exceptionally good performance and far exceeding expectation in all or most of the course learning outcomes; demonstration of superior understanding of the subject matter, the ability to analyze problems and apply extensive knowledge, and skillful use of concepts and materials to derive proper solutions.
B+/B/B-:  GOOD – good performance in all course learning outcomes and exceeding expectation in some of them; demonstration of good understanding of the subject matter and the ability to use proper concepts and materials to solve most of the problems encountered.
C+/C/C-: FAIR – adequate performance and meeting expectation in all course learning outcomes; demonstration of adequate understanding of the subject matter and the ability to solve simple problems.
D+/D: MARGINAL – performance barely meets the expectation in the essential course learning outcomes; demonstration of partial understanding of the subject matter and the ability to solve simple problems.
F: FAILURE – performance does not meet the expectation in the essential course learning outcomes; demonstration of serious deficiencies and the need to retake the course.
Learning outcomes By the end of the course, students should be able to
– implement a technical proposal
– demonstrate a software or hardware based prototype product
– deliver a technical presentation
(for reference only)
Recommended Reading List NA


CSCIN programme learning outcomes Course mapping
Upon completion of their studies, students will be able to:  
1. identify, formulate, and solve computer science problems (K/S);
2. design, implement, test, and evaluate a computer system, component, or algorithm to meet desired needs (K/S);
3. receive the broad education necessary to understand the impact of computer science solutions in a global and societal context (K/V);
4. communicate effectively (S/V);
5. succeed in research or industry related to computer science (K/S/V);
6. have solid knowledge in computer science and engineering, including programming and languages, algorithms, theory, databases, etc. (K/S);
7. integrate well into and contribute to the local society and the global community related to computer science (K/S/V);
8. practise high standard of professional ethics (V);
9. draw on and integrate knowledge from many related areas (K/S/V);
Remarks: K = Knowledge outcomes; S = Skills outcomes; V = Values and attitude outcomes; T = Teach; P = Practice; M = Measured