B.Sc. (CUHK), M.Phil. (CUHK), Ph.D. (Indiana University)

Research Areas
  • Artificial Intelligence
    • Human Computer Interaction
    • Medical Image Analysis
  • Rich Media
    • AR/VR
    • Computer Graphics
    • Computer Vision
    • Visualization


  • Associate Editor, IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications (IEEE CG&A): from March 10, 2020 – now
  • Associate Editor, Computer Graphics Forum (CGF): from April 1st, 2013 to March, 2016


Chi-Wing Fu, Philip received the B.Sc. degree (first-class honors) and M.Phil. degree in Computer Science and Engineering from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from Indiana University, Bloomington. He is now a Professor in the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He served as the co-chair of SIGGRAPH ASIA 2016’s Technical Brief and Poster program, associate editor of IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications and Computer Graphics Forum, panel member in SIGGRAPH 2019 Doctoral Consortium, and program committee members in various research conferences, including SIGGRAPH Asia Technical Brief, SIGGRAPH Asia Emerging tech., IEEE visualization, CVPR, IEEE VR, VRST, Pacific Graphics, GMP, etc. His current research interests include computation fabrication, point cloud processing, 3D computer vision, data visualization, and user interaction.