CSCI6500 Seminars for M.Phil. Studies


Course code CSCI6500
Course title Seminars for M.Phil. Studies
Course description Seminars on topics in Computer Science and Engineering to be presented by experts from academic or industry. (Only pass/fail grade will be given) (Students shall gain units each time they pass the course.)
Unit(s) 1
Course level Postgraduate
Semester 1 and 2
Grading basis P / U
Grade Descriptors P:  Performance meets, exceeds or far exceeds expectation in relevant measurement dimensions; Overall level of competence: Moderate to High;
U: Performance does not meet expectation in most relevant measurement dimensions; Overall level of competence: Not reaching the basic standard.
Learning outcomes At the end of the course of studies, students will:
1. Enhance presentation skills.
2. Enhance skills in communication & engagement in scientific discussion.
3. Understand recent research in different areas of Computer Science and Engineering.
4. Enhance skills in academic writing.
Assessment Others: 100%
Recommended Reading List N.A.