
Call for Applications for Ernst Cassirer Summer School

Keynote Lecturers:

1. Professor Titular Hernán Pringe, Universidad Diego Portales, Chile
2. Professor Gerald Hartung, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Deutschland
3. Professor Sebastian Luft, Marquette University, United States

Application Instructions:
Please send the following documents to gsmoss@cuhk.edu.hk by March 15th, 2019.

• CV of no more than 3 pages.
• 1 Page Statement of Intent.
• Short Writing Sample under 3000 words in either English or German.

Conditions for Application:
All applicants must have at least one degree in philosophy. (All readings and seminars will be conducted in English. The course will be open to a maximum of 10 international participants and 10 additional local participants from Hong Kong. All participants will be provided with the required readings.)

Financial Support:
The Summer School in Neo-Kantian Philosophy is generously supported by the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong, as well as the Chinese University of Hong Kong. All accepted international applications will be provided free accommodation from the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Dr. Gregory S. Moss
Assistant Professor of Philosophy
Philosophy Department
Chinese University of Hong Kong

For details, please see.
