

Academic Year
Course Types
First Term
Code Title Teacher Period Location
PHIL1110 Introduction to Philosophy Gregory Moss Tue 14:30-17:15 YIA 201
PHIL1310 Logic Kou Kei-chun Mon 14:30-16:15; Tuto ERB 803; TSA
PHIL2020 History of Chinese Philosophy I Cheng Chung-yi Wed 14:30-17:15 ERB 803
PHIL2040 History of Western Philosophy I Hayden Kee Thu 10:30-13:15 UCC C4
PHIL3131 Pre-Qin Daoist Philosophy David Chai Tue 10:30-13:15 LDS 214
PHIL3152 Topics in Ancient Western Philosophy: Ancient Greek Metaphysics Gregory Moss Mon 13:30-16:15 LDS 214
PHIL3211 Indian Buddhist Philosophy U. A. Vinay Kumar Wed 14:30-17:15 LSK 212
PHIL3253 Practical Ethics Kwok Pak-nin Tue 14:30-16:15; Tuto LDS 214; TSA
PHIL3333 Comparative Philosophy of Religion U. A. Vinay Kumar Thu 14:30-17:15 LDS 214
PHIL3662 Topics in Anglo-American Philosophy: God: Existence and Nature Lo Tien-chun Tue 10:30-13:15 ERB 803
PHIL3672 Topics in Continental Philosophy: Nietzsche Leung Ka-wing Wed 10:30-13:15 LSK 206
PHIL3800 Metaphysics Wong Kai-yee Tue 13:30-14:15; Thu 14:30-16:15 ERB 803; ERB 803
PHIL4333 Philosophy of Mind Nicholas Rimell Fri 9:30-11:15; Tuto LSK 306; TSA
PHIL4800A Thesis Yao Zhihua Mon 10:30-13:15 LSK 203
PHIL4800B Thesis Leung Ka-wing Mon 10:30-13:15 LSK 201
PHIL4800C Thesis Mang Fan-lun Mon 10:30-13:15 LSK 210
PHIL5070 Seminar on Chinese Philosophy: Wuwei (non-action) David Chai Thu 9:30-12:15 LSK 203
PHIL5180 Special Seminar on Selected Philosophical Issues Lin Chen-kuo Fri 14:30-17:15 Online
PHIL5340 Seminar on Modern Western Philosophy: Kant Lau Chong-fuk Thu 18:30-21:30 YIA LT9
PHIL5370 Seminar: Issues in the History of Western Philosophy: Concepts and Distinctions Kwan Tze-wan Wed 18:30-21:30 YIA LT9
PHIL7070 Seminar on Chinese Philosophy: Wuwei (non-action) David Chai Thu 9:30-12:15 LSK 203
PHIL7180 Special Seminar on Selected Philosophical Issues Lin Chen-kuo Fri 14:30-17:15 Online
PHIL7340 Seminar on Modern Western Philosophy: Kant Lau Chong-fuk Thu 18:30-21:30 YIA LT9
PHIL7370 Seminar: Issues in the History of Western Philosophy: Concepts and Distinctions Kwan Tze-wan Wed 18:30-21:30 YIA LT9
Second Term
Code Title Teacher Period Location
PHIL1110 Introduction to Philosophy Lo Tien-chun Tue 14:30-17:15 YIA 201
PHIL1413 Philosophies of Life Kwok Pak-nin Mon 13:30-16:15 LSK 212
PHIL2030 History of Chinese Philosophy II Zheng Zemian Wed 14:30-17:15 ICS L1
PHIL2050 History of Western Philosophy II Saulius Geniusas Tue 14:30-17:15 ERB 803
PHIL2060A Philosophy & Human Conditions Lo Kit-hung Wed 10:30-13:15 NAH 114
PHIL2060B Philosophy & Human Conditions Wong Kai-yee Wed 10:30-13:15 LDS 218
PHIL3000 Ethics Nicholas Rimell Fri 9:30-11:15; Tuto ERB 803; TSA
PHIL3111 Pre-Qin Confucian Philosophy Zheng Zemian Tue 10:30-13:15 LSK 212
PHIL3141 Neo-Daoist Philosophy David Chai Mon 9:30-12:15 LSK 206
PHIL3152 Topics in Ancient Western Philosophy: Aristotle, Metaphysics Leung Ka-wing Thu 10:30-13:15 LSK 206
PHIL3233 Social and Political Philosophy Mang Fan-lun Tue 10:30-13:15 LSK 206
PHIL3652 Topics in Contemporary Western Philosophy: Philosophy of Nature Hayden Kee Mon 13:30-16:15 LDS 214
PHIL3820 Epistemology TBC TBC TBC
PHIL4262 Existentialism Wong Yiu-hong Thu 10:30-13:15 LDS 214
PHIL4313 Philosophy of Language Wong Kai-yee Tue 14:30-17:15 LSK 206
PHIL4532 Seminar on Western Philosophy: Epistemic Injustice Ethan Nowak Wed 10:30-13:15 LSK 206
PHIL5090 Seminar on Western Philosophy: German Idealism Gregory Moss Thu 14:30-17:15 SWH 1
PHIL5150 Topics in Western Philosophy: What matters in survival Nicholas Rimell Tue 10:30-13:15 UCC 204
PHIL5180 Special Seminar on Selected Philosophical Issues Dan Zahavi Fri 14:30-17:15 LSK 308
PHIL5340 Seminar on Modern Western Philosophy: Hermeneutics Saulius Geniusas Wed 18:30-21:30 YIA 503
PHIL5360 Seminar on Continental European Philosophy: Sartre’s Existential Phenomenology Lau Kwok-ying Tue 18:30-21:30 YIA LT9
PHIL7090 Seminar on Western Philosophy: German Idealism Gregory Moss Thu 14:30-17:15 SWH 1
PHIL7150 Topics in Western Philosophy: What matters in survival Nicholas Rimell Tue 10:30-13:15 UCC 204
PHIL7180 Special Seminar on Selected Philosophical Issues Dan Zahavi Fri 14:30-17:15 LSK 308
PHIL7340 Seminar on Modern Western Philosophy: Hermeneutics Saulius Geniusas Wed 18:30-21:30 YIA 503
PHIL7360 Seminar on Continental European Philosophy: Sartre’s Existential Phenomenology Lau Kwok-ying Tue 18:30-21:30 YIA LT9



General Education, Part-time MA, Philosophy Major (2022-2023)

Philosophy Major (2022-2023)