Workshop: “Interaction between Buddhism and Chinese Philosophy”

9:30 – 17:10 (4/3, Fri) |
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Registration for attanding the conference
Prof. Chan Wing-Cheuk (Brock University, Canada)
Title:Huayan Buddhism and Zhu Xi Abstract / Thesis
Mainland China
Prof. Li Chenggui (Nanjing University)
Title:宋明理學中的三教之辨——戴震的學術實踐及學術經驗 Abstract
Prof. Ha Lei (Sichuan University)
Title:成為聖人的標準及其意義 Abstract / Thesis
Prof. Sheng Kai (Tsing Hua University)
Title:隋唐佛教宗派形成的文明史意義 Abstract / Thesis
Prof. Gong Jun (Sun Yat-sen University)
Title:從經史之學到道學:再論北宋思想史上的辟佛說 Abstract / Thesis
Prof. Lin Chen-kuo (Chengchi University)
Title:反向的判教:從牟宗三的《智的直覺與中國哲學》到泰勒的《重拾實在論》 Abstract / Thesis
Prof. Keng Ching (Taiwan University)
Title:佛家的空僅僅是抒義字嗎?牟宗三佛家體用義之再衡定 Abstract / Thesis
Prof. Yang Cho-hon (Graduate Institute of Philosophy Central University / Soochow University)
Prof. Jia Jinhua (University of Macau)
Title:《楞嚴經》與唐五代禪宗:禪宗中國化的問題再研 Abstract / Thesis
Hong Kong
Prof. Yao Zhihua (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Title:「依託施設」與「假名」 Abstract / Thesis
Prof. Jenny Hung (The Hong Kong University of Sciene and Technology)
Title:三論宗吉藏「空」觀與「不空佛性」思想的融合 Abstract / Thesis
Mr. Yang Changjie (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Title:再探字中有筆與句中有眼:黃庭堅書論與禪宗之交涉 Abstract / Thesis
Prof. Zheng Zemian (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Title:謝靈運的詩與玄——從《辨宗論》中的「宗極」與「憑無」讀謝公山水詩 Abstract / Thesis
Prof. Chang Soan (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Prof. Huang Yong (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Prof. Cheng Chung-yi (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Organizer: Research Centre for Chinese Philosophy and Culture