Kariippanon KE, Chong KH, Janssen X, Tomaz SA, Ribeiro EHC, Munambah, N, Chan CHS, Chathurangana PWP, Draper CE, Hamdouchi ElA, Florindo AA, Guan HY, Ha AS, Hossain, MS, Kim DH, Kim TV, Koh DCL, Löf M, Pham BN, Poh, BK, Reilly JJ, Staiano AE, Suherman A, Tanaka C, Tang HK, Tremblay MS, Webster EK, Wickramasinghe VP, Wong JE, Okely AD, Levels and Correlates of Objectively Measured Sedentary Behaviour in Young Children SUNRISE Study Results from 19 Countries, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 2022, doi: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000002886
Ng JYY, He Q, Chong KH, Okely A, Chan CHS, Ha ASC*. The impact of COVID-19 on preschool-aged children’s movement behaviors in Hong Kong: A longitudinal analysis of accelerometer-measured data, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2022, 18:11907. doi: 10.3390/ijerph182211907
Okely AD*, Kariippanon KE, Guan HY, Taylor EK, Suesse T, Cross PL, Chong KH, Suherman A, Turab A, Staiano AE, Ha AS*, El Hamdouchi A, Baig A, Poh BK, Del Pozo-Cruz B, Chan CHS, Nystrom CD, Koh D, Webster EK, Lubree H, Tang HK, Baddou I, Del Pozo-Cruz J, Wong JE, Sultoni K, Nacher M, Lof M, Cui MM, Hossain MS, Chathurangana PWP, Kand, U, Wickramasinghe VPP, Calleia R, Ferdous S, Kim TV, Wang XJ, Draper CE. Global effect of COVID-19 pandemic on physical activity, sedentary behaviour and sleep among 3-to 5-year-old children: a longitudinal study of 14 countries. BMC Public Health 2021, 21:940. doi: 10.1186/s12889-021-10852-3
Okely AD*, Reilly JR, Tremblay MS, Kariippanon KE, Draper CE, Hamdouchi AEl, Florindo AA, Green JP, Guan HY, Katzmarzyk PT, Lubree H, Pham BN, Suesse T, Willumsen J, Basheer M, Calleia R, Chong KH, Cross PL, Nacher M, Smeets L, Taylor E, Abdeta C, Aguilar-Farias N, Baig A, Bayasgalan J, Chan CHS, Chathurangana PWP, Chia M, Ghofranipour F, Ha AS, Hossain MS, Janssen X, Jáuregui A, Katewongsa P, Kim DH, Kim TV, Koh D, Kontsevaya A, Leyna GH, Löf M, Munambah N, Mwase-Vuma T, Nusurupia J, Oluwayomi A, Pozo-Cruz B del, Pozo-Cruz J del, Roos E, Shirazi A, Singh P, Staiano A, Suherman A, Tanaka C, Tang HK, Teo WP, Tiongco MM, Tladi D, Turab A, Veldman SLC, Webster EK, Wickramasinghe P, Widyastari DA. Cross-sectional examination of 24-hour movement behaviours among 3- and 4-year-old children in urban and rural settings in low-income, middle-income and high-income countries: the SUNRISE study protocol. BMJ Open 2021, 11,10. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-049267
Chan CHS, Ha ASC*, Ng JYY, Lubans, DR. The A+FMS cluster randomized controlled trial: An assessment-based intervention on fundamental movement skills and psychosocial outcomes in primary schoolchildren. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 2019, 22-8:935-940. doi: 10.1016/j.jsams.2019.05.002
Chan CHS, Ha ASC*, Ng JYY. Perceived and Actual Movement Skill Competence: The Association among Primary School Children in Hong Kong. Journal of Motor Learning and Development. Journal of Motor Learning and Development 2018, 6, s2: S351–S365. doi: 10.1123/jmld.2016-0070
Chan CHS, Ha ASC*, Ng JYY, Lubans, DR. Associations between fundamental movement skill competence, physical activity and psycho-social determinants in Hong Kong Chinese children. Journal of Sports Sciences 2018, 37, 2: 229-236. doi: 10.1080/02640414.2018.1490055
Chan CHS, Ha ASC*, Ng JYY. Improving fundamental movement skills in Hong Kong students through an assessment for learning intervention that emphasizes fun, mastery, and support: the A plus FMS randomized controlled trial study protocol. Springerplus 2016, 5, 724. doi: 10.1186/s40064-016-2517-6
Teaching Experience
Fundamental Movement Skills and Rhythmic Activity for Young Children
Selected Professional Services/Affiliations
Approved Practical Teaching Supervisor for Certificate of Ballet Teaching Studies - Royal Academy of Dance, UK
Approved Tutor for Certificate of Ballet Teaching Studies - Royal Academy of Dance, UK
Royal Academy of Dance Registered Teacher (RAD RT)