Associate Professor
B.Th. (Lutheran Theological Seminary);
M.Phil. (St. Andrews);
Ph.D. (Glasgow)
KKB 314
Kung Lap Yan teaches courses on Christian ethics, systematic theology, religion and society, new religious movement and death and dying. His publications are found in journals such as Religion, State and Society, Studies in World Christianity, Social Thought, Logos and Pneuma, and Fujen Religious Studies. Recent articles are “Christian ethics and homosexual: a narrative approach”, “Religious role in global social movement: the social landscape of Hong Kong Christianity”, “The emergence of exchange politics in China, and its implications for church-state relations” and “Love your enemies: a theology for the aliens in their native land, Chin in Myanmar”. His recent published books are Back to the Basics: An Exploration of Life Education (2013), Beyond Right and Wrong: Toward a Christian Moral Imagination (2010) and The Peculiar Faith (2008). Currently, he is undertaking research on Christian ethics, public theology, and life education.
Articles/ Book Chapters
>> Click here to Prof. KUNG's profile on Divinity School of Chung Chi College website.