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Course Outlines

课程与科目 - Course Outlines

Course Outline

Course Code Course Title Lecturer Prog
2022-23 1st Term
CURE1000 Why Culture Matters Prof. CHEUNG Lik Kwan BA(CS)
CURE1001 Introduction to Cultural Studies Dr. KO Chun-kit
CURE1006 Introduction to Film and Screen Studies Dr. LI Tiecheng
Feminisms: Thoughts and Movements Dr. PANG Ka Wei Janet
Hong Kong Cinema Dr LI Mei Ting
CURE2032 Youth and Popular Culture Prof. CAO Xuenan
CURE2042/ UGEC2294 Xiqu and Culture Dr. LI Mei Ting
CURE3008 Outline of Cultural Theories Prof. Elmo GONZAGA
CURE3025 Technoscience and Culture Prof. CHEUNG Shoan Yin
CURE3026 New Media and Cyberculture Prof. CHUNG Peichi
CURE4038 Summer Internship Prof. LIM Kok Wai Benny
CURE1110 Religion and Contemporary Life Prof. YEUNG Kwok Keung
Dr. Tong Sau Lin
CURE1123/ UGED1400 World Religions Prof. James FRANKEL
Study of Christianity Prof. LAI Pan Chiu
CURE2144 Life and Death in Religions Dr. CHOW Wai Yin
CURE2180 Arabic for Beginner I Mr. YANG Xing Wen
CURE2227 Introduction to Taoism Prof. LAI Chi Tim
CURE3166 Religion, Health and Healing Dr. SIK Faren
CURE4153 Senior Seminar Prof. TAM Wai Lun
Dr. TSE Sze Hei
CURE4158 Religious Studies: Special Topics in Religion, Culture and Society - Buddhist Art in Dunhuang Dr. LOK Wai Ying Irene
CURE4159 Internship Dr. CHOW Wai Yin
BUDS5005 The Thoughts and History of Humanistic Buddhism Prof. CHEN Chien Huang MA(BS)
BUDS5008 Buddhism and Contemporary Society
“Tibetan Buddhism and Society”
Prof. Vijay Kumar SINGH
BUDS5011 Basic Sanskrit Prof. Vijay Kumar SINGH
BUDS5013 Theory and Method in Buddhist Studies Prof. Douglas GILDOW
BUDS5015 Buddhism and Religious Culture in China Prof. TAM Wai Lun
CULS5201 Basic Issues in Intercultural Studies Dr. PANG Ka Wei Janet MA(ICS)
CULS5202 Asian Modernities & City Cultures Prof. Elmo GONZAGA
CULS5206 Gender, Love and Sexuality in Intercultural Studies Dr. PANG Ka Wei Janet
CULS5207 Interdisciplinary Study of Technoscience Culture Prof. CHEUNG Shoan Yin
CULS5213 Media and Popular Culture Dr. LI Mei Ting
CULS5214 Politics of Cultural Identities Prof. CAO Xuenan
CULS5223 Animals and Society Dr. CHAN Yinha Vivian
CULS5225 Chinese Independent Film Studies Dr. LI Tiecheng
CULS5301 Concept of Contemporary Culture Prof. LEE Yongwoo MA(CUM)
CULS5303 Cultural Management and Arts Administration Prof. LIM Kok Wai Benny
CULS5307 Visual Arts Management Prof. LEE Yongwoo
CULS5308 Performing Arts Management Prof. LIM Kok Wai Benny
CULS5313A Cultural Development and Policy Prof. CHUNG Peichi
CULS5317 Xiqu and Performing Culture Dr. LI Mei Ting
CULS5320A Special Topics in Cultural Management I: Digital Creativity & Cultural Management Prof. Yi Hsuan YANG
CULS5329 Film Production & Presentation Dr. LI Tiecheng
RELS5005 Theories of Religious Studies Prof. LAI Chi Tim MA(RS)
RELS5314 Buddhism and Culture Dr. TONG Sau Lin
RELS5323 Life and Death in World Religions Dr. CHOW Wai Yin
RELS5331 Religion and Contemporary Society Prof. HUANG Weishan
THEO5226 Theology and Feminism Prof. WONG Wai Yin Christina
THEO5906 Methods and Paradigms of Christian Studies Prof. YAM Cheuk Yin Colten
THEO5910 New Testament in Contexts Dr. XIE Ganlin David
2022-23 2nd Term
CURE1000 Why Culture Matters Prof. CHUNG Peichi BA(CS)
CURE1009 Research Methods in Cultural Studies Dr. PANG Ka Wei Janet
CURE2005 Culture and Travel Prof. WU Ka Ming
CURE2007 Celebrity, Stars and Hong Kong Popular Culture Dr. LI Mei Ting
CURE2014 Body Politics and Representations Prof. CHEUNG Shoan Yin
CURE2031 Understanding Visual Culture Prof. Katrien JACOBS
CURE2047 Performance Studies Prof. CHAN Sui Hung Natalia
CURE2066 Visual Design: Software and Practices Dr. LI Tiecheng
CURE3006 Special Topics in Cultural Studies: Korean Popular Culture Prof. LEE Yongwoo
CURE3007 Gender and Sexuality in Cultural Studies Prof. TAN Jia
CURE4014 Graduation Thesis Dr. PANG Ka Wei Janet
CURE4031 Arts, Propaganda and Social Action Prof. CAO Xuenan
CURE1110 Religion and Contemporary Life Dr. TONG Sau Lin
Prof. YEUNG Kwok Keung
CURE1111 The Study of Religion Dr. CHOW Wai Yin
CURE2113 Philosophy of Religion Prof. LAI Pan Chiu
CURE2114 Sociology of Religion  
CURE2157 Intermediate Seminar Prof. Douglas GILDOW
CURE2181 Arabic for Beginner II Mr. YANG Xing Wen
CURE2226 Introduction to Islam Traditions Prof. James FRANKEL
Chinese Temples and Festivals Prof. LAI Chi Tim
CURE3115 Religious Education and Development Psychology Prof. Douglas GILDOW
CURE3116 Religion and Globalization Dr. MOK Kie Man
CURE3378 Fieldwork in Islamic Culture and Religion Prof. James FRANKEL
BUDS5001 Pure Land Buddhism Prof. CHEN Chien Huang MA(BS)
BUDS5002 Chan Buddhism Dr. XUE Yu
BUDS5007 Chinese Buddhist Art Prof. KIM Minku
BUDS5012 Graduation Paper Prof. TAM Wai Lun
BUDS5014 Buddhist Studies in the West Prof. Douglas GILDOW
CULS5203 The Body in Culture and Art Prof. CHEUNG Shoan Yin MA(ICS)
CULS5204 Cultural Studies in Film and Video Prof. TAN Jia
CULS5216 Queer Movements and Sexual Politics Dr. PANG Ka Wei Janet
CULS5217 Digital Culture and Society Prof. CAO Xuenan
CULS5222 Culture and Politics of the Anthropocene Prof. WU Ka Ming
CULS5224 Discourse on Hong Kong, Hong Kong Discourse Dr. LI Mei Ting
CULS5226 Transnational Asian Cultural Studies Prof. Elmo GONZAGA
CULS5411 Documentary Media: From Pre-cinema to Multi-Media Web Communities Dr. LI Tiecheng
CULS5309 Museum and Archives Studies Prof. Josh YIU MA(CUM)
CULS5313B Cultural Development and Policy Dr. WONG Ashley
CULS5316 Graduate Research Paper / Project Prof. LIM Kok Wai Benny
CULS5318 Exhibition and Curatorial Studies Prof. LEE Yongwoo
CULS5320B Special Topics in Cultural Management I: Religious Heritage in Asia Prof. SER Shaw Hong

Special Topics in Cultural Management II: Psychology of Audience: Applied Research Project

For enroll this course, please fill in the online form by 10 Sept 2022

Prof. Winton AU
CULS5322 Internship in Cultural Management Prof. LIM Kok Wai Benny
CULS5331 Seminars in Cultural Management Prof. Dietrich NEUMANN
CULS5401 Contemporary Arts & Cultural Interactivity Prof. Katrien JACOBS
CULS5415 City Imaginaries and Cinema Poetics Prof. Dietrich NEUMANN
RELS5143 Contemporary Issues in Ethics, Society & Religion Prof. LAM Wing Kwan Anselm MA(RS)
RELS5273 Catholic Social Ethics Prof. LAM Wing Kwan Anselm
RELS5322 Research Paper in Religious Studies Dr. CHOW Wai Yin
RELS5328 Taoism, Health and Nourishing of Life Prof. LAI Chi Tim
Dr. LUK Tsing Tsing Crystal
RELS5335 Understanding Religion through Film Dr. TONG Sau Lin
THEO5221 Protestantism in Reform China Prof. YING Fuk Tsang