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CUHK HKIAPS Receives HK$3 Million from Well Link Financial Group Supporting Chinese Law Programme
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) is delighted to receive a generous donation of HK$3 million from the Well Link Financial Group in support of a research project undertaken by the Chinese Law Programme of the Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies (HKIAPS) of CUHK. A donation ceremony was held on 29 November 2017, officiated at by Prof. Fanny Cheung, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President of CUHK and Ms Monica Zhan, CEO of the Well Link Financial Group. Prof. Chan Ka-lok, Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration of CUHK, Prof. Chiu Chi-yue, Dean of the Faculty of Social Science, Prof. Christopher Gane, Dean of the Faculty of Law, Prof. Michael Palmer, Emeritus Professor of the School of Law of the University of London and Honorary Senior Research Fellow of HKIAPS, as well as a number of distinguished guests, also joined the ceremony.
Prof. Fanny Cheung said in her welcome remarks, “I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to Ms Monica Zhan and the Well Link Financial Group for their generous support of our spearheading research on Chinese law. The Chinese Law Programme of CUHK seeks to establish itself as a platform which has an impact in the Asia-Pacific region on multidisciplinary research on Chinese law and legal institutions by combining the efforts of scholars specialising in Chinese law.”
Ms Monica Zhan said: “The Well Link Financial Group is delighted to support the Chinese Law Programme of the HKIAPS of CUHK. It is our vision that, through this reseach project, society can have a better understanding of Chinese law. We believe that the donation can also foster and support CUHK faculty members’ scholarly research endeavors.”
Prof. Xi Chao, Director of the Chinese Law Programme of HKIAPS, introduced the guests to the background of and latest developments in the Chinese Law Programme. He said, “The project aims to promote research collaboration and academic exchange between scholars from Hong Kong and mainland China, with a focus on the Basic Law and Chinese Law.”
In recent years, the Chinese Law Programme of CUHK has become a major platform for interdisciplinary research of Chinese law in HKIAPS. Currently interdisciplinary reseach in ‘Law and Culture’, ‘Law and Philiosophy’, ‘Law and Political Economy’, ‘Law and Finance’, ‘Law and Sociology’, etc. has been launched with remarkable results.

Ms. Monica Zhan (left), on behalf of Well Link Financial Group, presents a cheque of HK$ 3 million to Prof. Fanny Cheung, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President of CUHK, in support of a research project undertaken by the Chinese Law Programme of the HKIAPS of CUHK

Prof. Fanny Cheung presents a souvenir to Ms Monica Zhan to thank Well Link Financial Group for its generous support to HKIAPS of CUHK

Prof. Fanny Cheung expresses heartfelt appreciation to Ms Monica Zhan and the Well Link Financial Group for their generous support

(from left) Prof. Christopher Gane, Dean of the Faculty of Law, CUHK, Prof. Wang Zhenmin, Professor of Law of Tsinghua University; and Director of Legal Affairs Department of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the HKSAR, Ms. Monica Zhan, Prof. Fanny Cheung, and Prof. Xi Chao take a group photo after the donation ceremony