
The compilation of the Index is sponsored by the MTR Corporation in 2013. The Index is the only composite index to measure and keep track of the quality of life of youth in Hong Kong. The Centre for Quality of Life believes that the Index can provide policy makers and the community with a useful reference tool to devise appropriate policies and programmes for the betterment of youth and society at large. It also enhances public's understanding of issues that may affect quality of life of youth in Hong Kong. The first stage of the study that will last for 5 years from 2013 to 2018.


1. measure and monitor the change of the quality of life of youth in Hong Kong;
2. provide policy makers and the relevant sectors with a useful reference tool to devise appropriate policies and programmes for the betterment of youth and the society at large; and
3. enhance public understanding of issues that may affect quality of life of youth in Hong Kong.


The Index consists of 28 indicators that are grouped into 8 domains: Physical Health, Psychological Well-being, Society, Economics, Education, Politics, Living Environment, and Overall Well-being. The indicators are selected according to their coverage, measurability, representativeness, and importance to the quality of life of youth in Hong Kong.

2012/2013 was the base year of the study, and the MTR-CUHK Youth Quality of Life Index for that year was set at 100. If the Index of a subsequent year is above 100, it means that the quality of life of youth in Hong Kong in that year is better than that of the base year. If the index is below 100, it reveals that the quality of life of youth in Hong Kong in that year is worse than that of the base year. If the Index is 100, it indicates that the youth’s quality of life in that year is the same as that of 2012/2013.

Research Findings

Reports of the MTR-CUHK Youth Quality of Life Index

MTR-CUHK Youth QoL Champions Competition

In order to provide the youth with an opportunity to serve the community and contribute to the society, train their leadership skills, cultivate a positive attitude and sense of belonging to Hong Kong as well as to raise public's awareness of youth issues, the MTR Corporation and the Centre for Quality of Life, CUHK jointly organised the MTR-CUHK Youth QoL Champions Competition. The Competition is open to all full-time Secondary 4 and Secondary 5 students in Hong Kong. Interested schools are invited to set up a Youth QoL Champion team and submit a proposal that aims to enhance the wellbeing of Hong Kong youth. 10 selected teams would be able to receive HK$10,000 funding support for implementing their proposal while Gold, Silver and Bronze award winners will be selected to receive HKD 20,000, HKD 10,000, and HKD 5,000 respectively among the 10 completed projects according to their performance.

MTR-CUHK Youth QoL Champions Competition 2015