Professor TAM Wing Hung

Current Position: 
Clinical Professor (honorary)

Office Phone: 
Research study: (852) 3505 2804
Undergraduate and postgraduate training or others: (852) 3505 2805


2012: MD, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2008: FRCOG, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
2002: FHKCOG, Hong Kong of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
1998: FHKAM (O&G), Hong Kong Academy of Medicine
1995: MHKCOG, Hong Kong of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
1995: MRCOG, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
1989: MBChB, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Clinical experience:
Professor TAM has been working in the field of obstetrics and gynaecology for more than 30 years. He has developed his interest and expertise in the management of high-risk obstetrics and maternal medicine. He is currently responsible for the Maternal Medicine team caring pregnant women complicated by various medical diseases, in particular hypertension, diabetes mellitus, thyroid dysfunction, renal disease, obstetric antiphospholipid syndromes, and other autoimmune disease complicating pregnancy. He was also responsible in the set up of Maternity Special Care bed caring women requiring High Dependency Care in the labour ward at the Prince of Wales Hospital. He was responsible for the 2 commissioned trainings on “Maternal Medicine” and “Critical Care in Obstetrics” in 2013 and 2015, respectively for the Hospital Authority, which involved continued professional development and training by reputable overseas experts in Obstetric Medicine, Maternal and Fetal Medicine and Critical care. In 2020, Professor TAM also run a preconception counselling clinic providing women at reproductive age suffered from complicated medical problems or conditions for pre-pregnancy advice and management.

Research experience:
Professor TAM has 20-year experience on long term follow up study on mother-child dyad. He was principal investigator of Hong Kong study centre in the multicentre HAPO follow up study, which supported by NICHD & NIH. The development of this multicentre study had been based on his research work on the follow up of HAPO mothers and children in Hong Kong.
Professor TAM is the principal investigator on a project in setting up gestational age specific thyroid function test reference range in 2016. The reference ranges reported in a recent publication was adopted by HA COC (Pathology) and implemented for all public hospitals in Hong Kong. 
His current research theme is on the impact of maternal health and maternal microbiome on the early life microbiome development and the long-term health of the offspring i.e. our next generation.
Professor TAM’s research also covered on maternal nutrition. He has recently completed a research work contracted by the Non-Communicable Disease Branch of Centre for Health Protection on the territory wide survey on iodine status of pregnant women and lactating mothers.

Web of Science ResearcherID: AAE-3628-2020
ORCID: 0000-0003-1189-740X
H-index: 27

Other academic contributions:
Professor TAM was the coordinator of writing group for revised HKCOG guideline on management of GDM published in 2016 and guideline on the diagnosis and management of HIV in pregnancy in 2021. He is the convener of HA COC (O&G) working group on GDM responsible for standardising the diagnosis and management of hyperglycaemia in pregnancy among all HA hospitals. In 2019, Professor TAM represented HKCOG in the Scientific Committee on Vaccine Preventable Disease under the Centre for Health Protection in the recommendation of maternal pertussis vaccination in pregnancy.

Other positions in scientific committees:

  • Editorial board of international journals such as Obstetric Medicine – The Royal Society of Medicine Journals
  • Associate editor of PLOS ONE (Jan-Feb 2021)
  • Associate editor of Hong Kong Journal of Gynaecology, Obstetrics and Midwifery
  • Member, Guidelines Subcommittee, Hong Kong College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists, Hong Kong (2016-Present)
  • Member, Research subcommittee, Hong Kong College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists, Hong Kong (2015-Present)
  • SAE Panel Member, Joint CUHK-NTEC Clinical Research Ethics Committee, Hong Kong (2015-2018)
  • Member, Maternal Fetal Medicine Subspecialty Board, Hong Kong College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Hong Kong (2012-2017, 2021-present)
  • Member, Quality Assurance Subcommittee, Hong Kong College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (2013-2014)
  • Council Member, Hong Kong College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (2009-2014); (2019 – present)
  • Member, Hong Kong Reference Framework for Preventive Care for Children in Primary Care Settings (Representing HKCOG) (2012-2016)


  • Yuji Murata Endowment Award in the Journal of 2013-2014 at the AOCOG 2015
  • President prize, 52nd Annual Congress of JSOG Apr 2000.
  • Teachers of the year in medical Year Four 2003/04, 2004/05, 2005/06, 2007/08, 2009/10 (by CUHK)
  • Master Teacher 2003/04-2009/10 (by CUHK)

Professor Tam has been acting as reviewer for numerous international journals such as JAMA, Human Reproduction, hepatology and PLOS Medicine. 

Selected Publications in the last 5 years:

2021The Continuous Texbook of Women’s Medicine – Obstetric Module – Volume 8 Maternal Medical Health and Disorders in Pregnancy: Chapter
Gestational weight gain
2020A polysaccharide extract from the medicinal plant Maidong inhibits the IKK–NF-κB pathway and IL-1β–induced islet inflammationand increases insulin secretion
2020Testing for gestational diabetes during the COVID-19 pandemic. An evaluation of proposed protocols for the United Kingdom, Canada and Australia
2019HAPO Follow-up Study Cooperative Research Group. Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome Follow-up Study (HAPO FUS): Maternal Gestational Diabetes and Childhood Glucose Metabolism
2018The impact of maternal gestational weight gain on cardiometabolic risk factors in children
2018Randomized trial examining effectiveness of lifestyle intervention in reducing gestational diabetes in high risk Chinese pregnant women in Hong Kong
2018Association of gestational diabetes with maternal disorders of glucose metabolism and childhood adiposity
2018Vitamin D deficiency among healthy infants in Hong Kong: a pilot study
2017Moderate iodine deficiency among pregnant mothers in Hong Kong – revisit the problem after two decades
2017In Utero Exposure to Maternal Hyperglycemia Increases Childhood Cardiometabolic Risk in Offspring

1Gestational weight gain rates in the first and second trimesters are associated with small for gestational age among underweight women: a prospective birth cohort study
Wei XL, Shen SY, Huang PY, Xiao X, Lin SS, Zhang LF, Wang CR, Lu MS, Lu JH, Tam WH, Wang CC, He JR, Qiu X
BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2022 Feb 5;22(1):106
2Maternal and neonatal 3-epi-25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration and factors influencing their concentrations
Mao D, Yuen LY, Ho CS, Wang CC, Tam CH, Chan MH, Lowe WL, Ma RC, Tam WH
J Endocr Soc. 2021 Nov 24;6(1):bvab170
3Optimal gestational weight gain for Chinese women - analysis from a longitudinal cohort with childhood follow-up
He Y, Tam CH, Yuen LY, Catalano PM, Ma RC, Tam WH
Lancet Reg Health West Pac. 2021 Jul 6;13:100190  
4The presence of air pollution particulate matter in cryopreserved placental tissue cells
Liu NM, Chen Y, Miyashita L, Tam WH, Ngai NA, Grigg J, Leung TF
ERJ Open Res. 2021 Aug 23;7(3):00349-2021
5Prediction of large-for-gestational age infants in relation to hyperglycemia in pregnancy – A comparison of statistical models
Gibbons KS, Chang AMZ, Ma RCW, Tam WH, Catalano PM, Sacks DA, Lowe J, McIntyre HD
Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2021 Jul 22;178:108975
6Gestational weight gain
Tam WH, He Y.
The Continuous Textbook of Women’s Medicine Series – Obstetrics Module, Volume 8, MATERNAL MEDICAL HEALTH AND DISORDERS IN PREGNANCY. Glob. libr. women's med., 2021 Feb. ISSN: 1756-2228; DOI 10.3843/GLOWM.414913
7Development of genome-wide polygenic risk scores for lipid traits and clinical applications for dyslipidemia, subclinical atherosclerosis, and diabetes cardiovascular complications among East Asians.
Tam CHT, Lim CKP, Luk AOY, Ng ACW, Lee HM, Jiang G, Lau ESH, Fan B, Wan R, Kong APS, Tam WH, Ozaki R, Chow EYK, Lee KF, Siu SC, Hui G, Tsang CC, Lau KP, Leung JYY, Tsang MW, Kam G, Lau IT, Li JKY, Yeung VTF, Lau E, Lo S, Fung S, Cheng YL, Chow CC, Hu M, Yu W, Tsui SKW, Huang Y, Lan H, Szeto CC, Tang NLS, Ng MCY, So WY, Tomlinson B, Chan JCN, Ma RCW.
Hong Kong Diabetes Register TRS Study Group; Hong Kong Diabetes Biobank Study Group. Genome Med. 2021 Feb 19;13(1):29. doi: 10.1186/s13073-021-00831-z. PMID: 33608049; PMCID: PMC7893928.
8Do variations in insulin sensitivity and insulin secretion in pregnancy predict differences in obstetric and neonatal outcomes?
Madsen LR, Gibbons KS, Ma RCW, Tam WH, Catalano PM, Sacks DA, Lowe J, McIntyre HD.
Diabetologia. 2020 Nov 6. Online ahead of print.
9Role of maternal glucose metabolism in the association between maternal BMI and neonatal size and adiposity.
Andrews C, Monthé-Drèze C, Sacks DA, Ma RCW, Tam WH, McIntyre HD, Lowe J, Catalano P, Sen S.
Int J Obes (Lond). 2020 Nov 8. Online ahead of print.
10Reproducibility and Relative Validity of a Short Food Frequency Questionnaire for Chinese Pregnant Women in Hong Kong.
Lo K, Li L, Leung J, Tam WH and Chan R.
Austin J Nutri Food Sci. 2020; 8(3): 1146.
11Evaluation of dietary pattern in early pregnancy using the FIGO Nutrition Checklist compared to a food frequency questionnaire
Tsoi KY, Chan RSM, Li LS, McAuliffe FM, HansonMA, Tam WH, Ma RCW
Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2020 Sep;151 Suppl 1:37-44     
12A polysaccharide extract from the medicinal plant Maidong inhibits the IKK–NF-κB pathway and IL-1β–induced islet inflammationand increases insulin secretion
Mao DD, Tian XY, Mao D, Hung SW, Wang CC, Lau CBS, Lee HM, Wong CK, Chow E, Xing M, Cao HY, Ma RCW, Chan PKS, Kong APS, Li JJX, Rutter G, Tam WH, Chan JCN                                                                
J Biol Chem. 2020 Sep 4;295(36):12573-12587                       
13Testing for gestational diabetes during the COVID-19 pandemic. An evaluation of proposed protocols for the United Kingdom, Canada and Australia
McIntyre HD, Gibbons KS, Ma RCW, Tam WH, Sacks DA, Lowe J, Madsen LR, Catalano PM
Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2020 Jul 30;167:108353
14Long-term maternal cardiometabolic outcomes 22 years after gestational diabetes mellitus
Tutino GE, Tam CHT, Ozaki R, Yuen LY, So WY, Chan MHM, Ko GTC, Yang XL, Chan JCN, Tam WH, Ma RCW
J Diabetes Investig. 2020 Jan 8;11(4):985-993
15Development of gestational age-specific thyroid function test reference intervals in four analytic platforms through multilevel modelling
Yuen LY, Chan HMM, Sahota DS, Lit LCW, Ho CS, Ma RCW, Tam WH
Thyroid 2020 Apr;30(4):598-608
16Progression of glucose intolerance and cardiometabolic risk factors over a decade in Chinese women with polycystic ovary syndrome: A case-control study
Ng NYH, Jiang G, Cheung LP, Zhang Y, Tam CHT, Luk AOY, Quan J, Lau ESH, Yau TTL, Chan MHM, Ho CS, Lim CKP, Ozaki R, Huang J, Liu KH, Tam WH, Sahota DS, Chu WCW, Goggins W, Woo J, Li TC, Chow CC, Chan JCN, Ma RCW
PLoS Med. 2019 Oct 25;16(10):e1002953
17Augmented velocity index: A new Doppler index associated with arterial stiffness.
Liu KH, Chu WC, Kong APS, Yuen LY, Chen L, Lee MC, Lau RPM, Tam WH, Chan JCN, Ahujja AT
Ultrasound Med Biol. 2019 Oct 45(10):2747-2757
18Chinese herbal medicines for treating gestational diabetes mellitus (REVIEW)
Wang CC, Li L, Liu XK, Tam WH, Li RM
Cochrane Database Syst Rev; 2019 Jun; 2019(6);CD013354:1-14
19Birth ball for pregnant women in labour research protocol: a multi-centre randomised controlled trial
Yeung MPS, Tsang KWK, Yip BHK, Tam WH, Ip WY, Hau FWL, Wong MKW, Ng JWY, Liu SH, Chan SSW, Law CK, Wong SYS
BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2019 May 6;19(1):153
20HAPO Follow-up Study Cooperative Research Group. Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome Follow-up Study (HAPO FUS): Maternal Gestational Diabetes and Childhood Glucose Metabolism
Lowe WL Jr, Scholtens DM, Kuang A, Linder B, Lawrence JM, Lebenthal Y, McCance D, Hamilton J, Nodzenski M, Talbot O, Brickman WJ, Clayton P, Ma RC, Tam WH, Dyer AR, Catalano PM, Lowe LP, Metzger BE
Diabetes Care 2019; 42(3):372-380.
21Maternal glucose levels during pregnancy and childhood adiposity in the Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome Follow-up Study
Lowe WL Jr, Lowe LP, Kuang A, Catalano PM, Nodzenski M, Talbot O, Tam WH, Sacks DA, McCance D, Linder B, Lebenthal Y, Lawrence JM, Lashley M, Josefson JL, Hamilton J, Deerochanawong C, Clayton P, Brickman WJ, Dyer AR, Scholtens DM, Metzger BE; HAPO Follow-up Study Cooperative Research Group
Diabetologia. 2019 Apr;62(4):598-610
22Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome Follow-Up Study (HAPO FUS): Maternal Glycemia and Childhood Glucose Metabolism
Scholtens DM, Kuang A ,Lowe LP, Hamilton J, Lawrence JM, Lebenthal Y, Brickman WJ, Clayton P, Ma RC, McCance D, Tam WH, Catalano PM, Linder B, Dyer AR, Lowe WL, Jr Metzger BE
Diabetes Care. 2019 Mar;42(3):381-392
23The impact of maternal gestational weight gain on cardiometabolic risk factors in children
Tam CHT, Ma RCW, Yuen LY, Ozaki R, Li AM, Hou Y, Chan MHM, Ho CS, Yang X, Chan JCN, Tam WH
Diabetologia. 2018 Dec;61(12):2539-2548
24Randomized trial examining effectiveness of lifestyle intervention in reducing gestational diabetes in high risk Chinese pregnant women in Hong Kong
Chan RS, Tam WH, Ho IC, Kwan MW, Li LS, Sea MM, Woo J
Sci Rep. 2018 Sep 14;8(1):13849
25Increasing influenza vaccine uptake in children: A randomized controlled trial
Yeung KHT, Tarrant M, Chan KCC, Tam WH, Nelson EAS
Vaccine. 2018 Sep 5;36(37):5524-5535
26Association of gestational diabetes with maternal disorders of glucose metabolism and childhood adiposity
Lowe William L., Scholtens Denise M., Lowe Lynn P., Kuang Alan,  Nodzenski Michael, Talbot Octavious, Catalano Patrick M., Linder Barbara, Brickman Wendy J., Clayton Peter, Deerochanawong Chaicharn, Hamilton Jill, Josefson Jami L., Lashley Michele, Lawrence Jean M., Lebenthal Yael, Ma Ronald, Maresh Michael, McCance David, Tam WH, Sacks David A., Dyer Alan R., Metzger Boyd E., for the HAPO Follow-up Study Cooperative Research Group
JAMA. 2018 Sep;320(10):1005-1016
27Vitamin D deficiency among healthy infants in Hong Kong: a pilot study
Chan KCC, Tam WH, Chan MHM, Chan RSM, Li AM
Hong Kong Med J. 2018 Jun;24 Suppl 3(3):32-35
28Moderate iodine deficiency among pregnant mothers in Hong Kong – revisit the problem after two decades
Tam WH, Chan RS, Chan MH, Yuen LY, Li L, Sea MM, Woo J
Hong Kong Med J. 2017 Dec;23(6):586-93
29A Pilot Cross-Sectional Study of Postpartum Wrist Pain in an Urban Chinese Population: Its Prevalence and Risk Factors
Sit RWS, Tam WH, Chan DCC, Yip BHK, Tam LWY, Chow LLY, Chung VCH, Chung RY, Wong SYS
Pain Physician. 2017 Jul;20(5):E711-E719
30Developmental origins of type 2 diabetes: a perspective from China
Ma RCW, Tsoi KY, Tam WH, Wong CKC
Eur J Clin Nutr 2017 Jul;71(7):870-880
31In Utero Exposure to Maternal Hyperglycemia Increases Childhood Cardiometabolic Risk in Offspring
Tam WH, Ma RCW, Ozaki R, Li AM, Chan MHM, Yuen LY, Lao TTH, Yang X, Ho CS, Tutino GE, Chan JCN
Diabetes Care. 2017 May;40(5):679-686
32Clinical Management of Pregnancy in the Obese Mother: before Conception, during Pregnancy, and Post Partum
Ma RC, Schmidt MI, Tam WH, McIntyre HD, Catalano PM
Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol Dec 2016;4(12):1037-1049
33Urine Comprehensive Drug Screen, Low Birth Weight and Withdrawal Symptoms in a Neonatal Unit: A Case Control Study
Hon KL, Chan MH, Ng MH, Ho CC, Tsang KY, Tam WH, Ho CS
Curr Clin Pharmacol Nov 2016;11(4):274-281
34Genome-wide associations for birth weight and correlations with adult disease
Horikoshi M, Beaumont RN, Day FR, Warrington NM, Kooijman MN, Fernandez-Tajes J, Feenstra B, van Zuydam NR, Gaulton KJ, Grarup N, Bradfield JP, Strachan DP, Li-Gao R, Ahluwalia TS, Kreiner E, Rueedi R, Lyytikäinen LP, Cousminer DL, Wu Y, Thiering E, Wang CA, Have CT, Hottenga JJ, Vilor-Tejedor N, Joshi PK, Boh ET, Ntalla I, Pitkänen N, Mahajan A, van Leeuwen EM, Joro R, Lagou V, Nodzenski M, Diver LA, Zondervan KT, Bustamante M, Marques-Vidal P, Mercader JM, Bennett AJ, Rahmioglu N, Nyholt DR, Ma RC, Tam CH, Tam WH; CHARGE Consortium Hematology Working Group, Ganesh SK, van Rooij FJ, Jones SE, Loh PR, Ruth KS, Tuke MA, Tyrrell J, Wood AR, Yaghootkar H, Scholtens DM, Paternoster L, Prokopenko I, Kovacs P, Atalay M, Willems SM, Panoutsopoulou K, Wang X, Carstensen L, Geller F, Schraut KE, Murcia M, van Beijsterveldt CE, Willemsen G, Appel EV, Fonvig CE, Trier C, Tiesler CM, Standl M, Kutalik Z, Bonàs-Guarch S, Hougaard DM, Sánchez F, Torrents D, Waage J, Hollegaard MV, de Haan HG, Rosendaal FR, Medina-Gomez C, Ring SM, Hemani G, McMahon G, Robertson NR, Groves CJ, Langenberg C, Luan J, Scott RA, Zhao JH, Mentch FD, MacKenzie SM, Reynolds RM; Early Growth Genetics (EGG) Consortium, Lowe WL, Tönjes A, Stumvoll M, Lindi V, Lakka TA, van Duijn CM, Kiess W, Körner A, Sørensen TI, Niinikoski H, Pahkala K, Raitakari OT, Zeggini E, Dedoussis GV, Teo YY, Saw SM, Melbye M, Campbell H, Wilson JF, Vrijheid M, de Geus EJ, Boomsma DI, Kadarmideen HN, Holm JC, Hansen T, Sebert S, Hattersley AT, Beilin LJ, Newnham JP, Pennell CE, Heinrich J, Adair LS, Borja JB, Mohlke KL, Eriksson JG, Widén E, Kähönen M, Viikari JS, Lehtimäki T, Vollenweider P, Bønnelykke K, Bisgaard H, Mook-Kanamori DO, Hofman A, Rivadeneira F, Uitterlinden AG, Pisinger C, Pedersen O, Power C, Hyppönen E, Wareham NJ, Hakonarson H, Davies E, Walker BR, Jaddoe VW, Järvelin MR, Grant SF, Vaag AA, Lawlor DA, Frayling TM, Smith GD, Morris AP, Ong KK, Felix JF, Timpson NJ, Perry JR, Evans DM, McCarthy MI, Freathy RM
Nature. 2016 Oct 13;538(7624):248-252
35Genetic Variants Associated with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: A Meta-analysis and Subgroup Analysis.
Wu L, Cui L, Tam WH, Ma RCW, Wang CC
Sci Rep Jul 2016;6 (30539): 1 – 9
36Prevalence of Maternal Colonization with Group B Streptococcus: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
Kwatra G, Cunnington MC, Merrall E, Adrian PV, Ip M, Klugman KP, Tam WH, Madhi S
Lancet Infect Dis May 2016;16(09): 1076 – 1084
37Eczema Susceptibility and Composition of Faecal Microbiota at 4 Weeks of Age: A Pilot Study in Chinese Infants.
Tang MF, Sy HY, Kwok JSL, Tam WH, Hon EKL, Tung CKC, Wong GWK, Tsui SKW, Leung TF
Br J Dermatol Apr 2016;174(4): 898 - 900
38Chemotherapy-related Amenorrhea and Menopause in Young Chinese Breast Cancer Patients: Analysis on Incidence, Risk Factors and Serum Hormone Profiles.
Liem GS, Mo FKF, Pang E, Suen JJS, Tang NLS, Lee KM, Yip CHW, Tam WH, Ng R, Koh J, Yip CCH, Kong GWS, Yeo W
PLos ONE 2015;10(10): 1 - 15
39Evaluation of an In-house Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction Method to Identify Group B Streptococcus Colonization in Pregnancy.
Yeung SW, Cheung PT, Chau SL, Ip M, Lao TTH, Leung TY, Tam WH
J Obstet Gynaecol Res 2015;41(9): 1357 - 1362
40Maternal Diabetes Gestational Diabetes and the Role of Epigenetics in their Long Term Effects on Offspring.
Ma RCW, Tutino GE, Lillycrop KA, Hanson MA, Tam WH
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2015;118(1-2): 55 - 68
41Non-linear Relationship between Birthweight and Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Chinese Adolescents and Adults.
Tam C, Wang Y, Luan J, Lee HM, Luk AOY, Tutino GE, Tong PCY, Ko TC, Ozaki R, Tam WH, Kong APS, So WY, Chan JCN, Ma RCW
Diabetic Med 2015;32(2): 220 - 225
42Clinical Presentation and Management of Venous Thromboembolism in Pregnancy.
Tam WH
JPOG 2014;Nov(Dec): 257 - 264
43Diabetes and Pregnancy: Perspectives from Asia.
Tutino GE, Tam WH, Yang XL, Chan JCN, Lao TTH, Ma RCW
Diabetic Med 2014;31(3): 302 - 318
44Gestational Diabetes, Maternal Obesity and the NCD Burden.
Ma RCW, Chan JCN, Tam WH, Gluckman PD
Clin Obstet Gynecol 2013;56(3): 633 - 641
45Prediction of Women s Long-term Cardiometabolic Risks Using Glycemic Indices during Pregnancy.
Tam WH, Ma RCW, Yang XL, Ko GTC, Lao TTH, Sahota DS, Chan MHM, Lam CWK, Cockram CS, Chan JCN
J Obstet Gynaecol Res 2013;39(2): 484 - 491
46Prophylactic Use of Levonorgestrel-releasing Intrauterine System in Women with Breast Cancer Treated with Tamoxifen.
Wong AWY, Chan SSC, Yeo W, Yu MMY, Tam WH
Obstet Gynecol 2013;121(5): 943 - 950
47Cardiometabolic Risk in Chinese Women with Prior Gestational Diabetes: A 15-year Follow-up Study.
Tam WH, Ma RCW, Yang XL, Ko GTC, Lao TTH, Chan MHM, Lam CWK, Cockram CS, Chan JCN
Gynecol Obstet Inves 2012;73(2): 168 - 176
48The Association between in Utero Hyperinsulinemia and Adolescent Arterial Stiffness.
Tam WH, Ma RCW, Yip GWK, Yang XL, Li AM, Ko TC, Lao TTH, Chan JCN
Diabetes Res Clin Pract 2012;95(1): 169 - 175
49The Risk of Preterm Delivery Prior to 34 Weeks in Women Presenting with Antepartum Haemorrhage of Unknown Origin.
Yeung SW, Tam WH, Cheung RYK
Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 2012;52(2): 167 - 172
50Thrombophilia among Chinese Women with Venous Thromboembolism during Pregnancy.
Tam WH, Ng MHL, Yiu AKW, Lau KM, Cheng G, Li CY
Gynecol Obstet Inves 2012;73(3): 183 - 188
51Molecular Basis of Von Hippel-Lindau Syndrome in Chinese Patients.
Siu WK, Ma RCW, Lam CW, Mak CM, Yuen YP, Lo FMI, Chan KW, Lam SF, Ling SC, Tong SF, So WY, Chow CC, Tang MHY, Tam WH, Chan AYW
Chin Med J 2011;124(2): 237 - 241
52Sonographic Measurement of Mesenteric Fat Predicts Presence of Fatty Liver among Subjects with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.
Ma RCW, Liu KH, Lam PM, Cheung LP, Tam WH, Ko GTC, Chan MHM, Ho CS, Lam CWK, Chu WCW, Tong PCY, So WY, Chan JCN, Chow CC
J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2011;96(3): 799 - 807
53The Reproductive and Metabolic Effect of Rosiglitazone on Chinese Women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome-A Double-Blind Randomized Placebo-Controlled Study.
Lam PM, Tam WH, Ma RCW, Cheung LP, Tsui MHY, Tong PCY, Chow CC, Lam CWK, Chan MHM, Chan JCN, Haines CJ
Fertil Steril 2011;96(2): 445 - 451
54Comparison in the Performance of Glucose Meters in Blood Glucose Monitoring during Pregnancy.
Kong GWS, Tam WH, Chan MHM, So WY, Lam CWK, Yiu PC, Loo KM, Li CY
Gynecol Obstet Inves 2010;69(4): 264 - 269
55Effects of Different Inspired Oxygen Fractions on Lipid Peroxidation During General Anaesthesia for Elective Caesarean Section.
Khaw KS, Ngan Kee WD, Chu NCY, Ng F, Tam WH, Critchley LAH, Rogers MS, Wang CC
Brit J Anaesth 2010;105(3): 355 - 360
56Glucose Intolerance and Cardiometabolic Risk in Adolescents Exposed to Maternal Gestational Diabetes: a 15-year Follow-up Study.
Tam WH, Ma RCW, Yang XL, Li AM, Ko GTC, Kong PS, Lao TTH, Chan MHM, Lam CWK, Chan JCN
Diabetes Care 2010;33(6): 1382 - 1384
57Hysterectomy, Endometrial Destruction, and Levonorgestrel Releasing Intrauterine System (Mirena) for Heavy Menstrual Bleeding: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Data from Individual Patients.
Middleton LJ, Champaneria R, Daniels JP, Bhattacharya S, Cooper KG, Hilken NH, O Donovan P, Gannon M, Gray R, Khan KS, Heavy Menstrual Bleeding Collaborative Group, Tam WH
Brit Med J 2010;341: c3929
58A 21-year-old pregnant woman with hypertension and proteinuria.
Luk AOY, Ma RCW, Lam ECW, Tam WH, Lo AWI, Ng EKW, Kong PS, So WY, Chow CC
PLoS Med 2009;6(2): 169 - 173
59Higher metabolic risk in Chinese women fulfilling the NIH diagnostic criteria for polycystic ovarian syndrome.
Lam PM, Tam WH, Cheung LP
Fertil Steril 2009;91(4): 1493 - 1495
60Supplementary oxygen for emergency Caesarean section under regional anaesthesia.
Khaw KS, Wang CC, Ngan Kee WD, Tam WH, Ng F, Critchley LAH, Rogers MS
Brit J Anaesth 2009;102(1): 90 - 96
61Glucose intolerance and cardiometabolic risk in children exposed to maternal gestational diabetes mellitus in utero.
Tam WH, Ma RCW, Yang XL, Ko GTC, Tong PCY, Cockram CS, Sahota DS, Rogers MS, Chan JCN
Pediatrics 2008;122(6): 1229 - 1234
62Seasonal Variation in Pre-Eclamptic Rate and Its Association with the Ambient Temperature and Humidity in Early Pregnancy.
Tam WH, Sahota DS, Lau TK, Li CY, Fung TY
Gynecol Obstet Inves 2008;66(1): 22 - 26
63Smoking Pattern During Pregnancy in Hong Kong Chinese.
Kong GWS, Tam WH, Sahota DS, Nelson EAS
Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 2008;48(3): 280 - 285
64A randomised controlled trial of prophylactic levonorgestrel intrauterine system in tamoxifen-treated women.
Chan SSC, Tam WH, Yeo W, Yu MMY, Ng PS, Wong AWY, Kwan WH, Yuen PM
BJOG 2007;114(12): 1510 - 1515
65Microphthalmos Associated with Dartmouth Combination Chemotherapy in Pregnancy.
Li HW, Tam WH, Ng PC, Mok TSK, Tam BSM, Lau TK
J Reprod Med 2007;52(6): 575 - 576
66Prevalence and Implications of Isolated Microscopic Hematuria in Asymptomatic Chinese Pregnant Women.
Szeto CC, To KF, Lai FM, Chow KM, Tam WH, Chung KY, Leung CB, Lui SF, Li PKT, Lau TK
Nephron Clin Pract 2007;105(4): c147 - c152
67Progression to impaired glucose regulation, diabetes and metabolic syndrome in Chinese women with a past history of gestational diabetes.
Tam WH, Yang XL, Chan JCN, Ko TC, Tong PCY, Ma RCW, Cockram CS, Sahota DS, Rogers MS
Diabetes Metab Res Rev 2007;23(6): 485 - 489
68Psychosomatic disorders in pregnancy.
Tam WH, Chung TKH
Curr Opin Obstet Gyn 2007;19(2): 126 - 132
69Health Status Function after Treatment with Thermal Balloon Endometrial Ablation and Levonorgestrel Intrauterine System for Idiopathic Menorrhagia: A Randomized Study.
Tam WH, Yuen PM, Ng PS, Leung PL, Lok IH, Rogers MS
Gynecol Obstet Inves 2006;62(2): 84 - 88
70Oxidative stress in midpregnancy as a predictor of gestational hypertension and pre-eclampsia.
Rogers MS, Wang CC, Tam WH, Li CY, Chu KO, Chu NCY
BJOG 2006;113(9): 1053 - 1059
71Ruptured Pulmonary Arteriovenous Malformation During Pregnancy.
Wong ASW, Cheung GWY, Manlulu AV, Wan IYP, Chu MC, Yu SCH, Tam WH, Yim APC
Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 2006;85(10): 1273 - 1275
72Effects of High-Inspired Oxygen Fraction During Elective Caesarean Section Under General Anaesthesia on Maternal and Fetal Oxygenation and Lipid Peroxidation.
Khaw KS, Ngan Kee WD, Wang CC, Tam WH, Rogers MS
Anaesth Intens Care 2005;33(1): 136
73Long term reproductive outcome subsequent to medical versus surgical treatment for spontaneous miscarriage.
Tam WH, Tsui MHY, Lok IH, Yip SK, Yuen PM, Chung TKH
Hum Reprod 2005;20(12): 3355 - 3359
74Preference on the Treatments for Menorrhagia in Hong Kong Chinese Women.
Leung PL, Ng PS, Tam WH, Yuen PM
Gynecol Obstet Inves 2005;59(2): 97 - 101
75Application of Beck's Depression Inventory for screening post-miscarriage psychiatric morbidity.
Lok IH, Yip SK, Lee DTS, Shek DTL, Tam WH, Chung TKH
International Congress Series 2004;1271: 325 - 328
76Deterioration in cord blood gas status during the second stage of labour is more rapid in the second twin than in the first twin.
Leung TY, Lok IH, Tam WH, Leung TN, Lau TK
BJOG 2004;111(6): 546 - 549
77Helper T Lymphocyte Related Chemokines in Healthy Newborns.
Leung TF, Ng PC, Tam WH, Li BCY, Wong E, Ma TPY, Lam CWK, Fok TF
Pediatr Res 2004;55(2): 334 - 338
78Screening for post-miscarriage psychiatric morbidity.
Lok IH, Lee DTS, Yip SK, Shek DTL, Tam WH, Chung TKH
Am J Obstet Gynecol 2004;191(2): 546 - 550
79A randomised controlled trial of educational counselling on the management of women who have suffered suboptimal outcomes in pregnancy.
Tam WH, Lee DTS, Chiu HFK, Ma KC, Lee A, Chung TKH
BJOG 2003;110(9): 853 - 859
80Hysteroscopic appearance of the endometrial cavity following thermal balloon endometrial ablation.
Leung PL, Tam WH, Yuen PM
Fertil Steril 2003;79(5): 1226 - 1228
81Intrauterine pathology in women with abnormal uterine bleeding taking hormone replacement therapy.
Leung PL, Tam WH, Kong GWS, Yuen PM
J Am Assoc Gyn Lap 2003;10(2): 260 - 262
82Is vaginal dermoid cyst a rare occurrence or a misnomer? A case report and review of the literature.
Siu NSS, Tam WH, To KF, Yuen PM
Ultrasound Obst Gyn 2003;21(4): 404 - 406
83Sociodemographic and Atopic Factors Affecting Breastfeeding Intention in Chinese Mothers.
Leung TF, Tam WH, Hung ECW, Fok TF, Wong GWK
J Paediatr Child H 2003;39(6): 460 - 464
84A randomised controlled trial of intramuscular syntometrine and intravenous oxytocin in the management of the third stage of labour.
Choy CMY, Lau WC, Tam WH, Yuen PM
BJOG 2002;109(2): 173 - 177
85Effect of twin-to-twin delivery interval on umbilical cord blood gas in the second twins.
Leung TY, Tam WH, Leung TN, Lok IH, Lau TK
BJOG 2002;109(1): 63 - 67
86Gestational hyperlipidaemic pancreatitis.
Choy CMY, Tam WH, Leung TN
BJOG 2002;109(7): 847 - 848
87Intrauterine Adhesions after Conservative and Surgical Management of Spontaneous Abortion.
Tam WH, Lau WC, Cheung LP, Yuen PM, Chung TKH
J Am Assoc Gyn Lap 2002;9(2): 182 - 185
88Patient-Controlled Sedation for Outpatient Thermal Balloon Endometrial Ablation.
Lok IH, Chan MTV, Tam WH, Leung PL, Yuen PM
J Am Assoc Gyn Lap 2002;9(4): 436 - 441
89Prevalence and Genotype Distribution of Cervical Human Papillomavirus Infection: Comparison between Pregnant Women and Non-Pregnant Controls.
Chan PKS, Chang AR, Tam WH, Cheung JLK, Cheng AFB
J Med Virol 2002;67(4): 583 - 588
90Prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus in Hong Kong based on the 1998 WHO criteria.
Ko GTC, Tam WH, Chan JCN, Rogers MS
Diabetic Med 2002;19(1): 80 - 80
91Care of Hypertensive Pregnant Woman.
Lai CY, Tam WH
HKJGOM 2001;2(1): 24 - 31
92Fetal scalp cysts: challenge in diagnosis and counseling.
Lau TK, Leung TN, Leung TY, Pang MW, Tam WH
J Ultras Med 2001;20(2): 175 - 177
93High Carriage Rate of TT Virus in the Cervices of Pregnant Women.
Chan PKS, Tam WH, Yeo W, Cheung JLK, Zhong S, Cheng AFB
Clin Infect Dis 2001;32(9): 1376 - 1377
94Rare major maternal complications after second trimester amniocentesis: sequelae of avoiding a transplacental approach.
Lau TK, Leung TN, Leung TY, Pang MW, Tam WH
Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 2001;41(4): 472 - 473
95Risk and Prediction of Preterm Delivery in Pregnancies Complicated by Antepartum Hemorrhage of Unknown Origin before 34 Weeks.
Leung TY, Chan LW, Tam WH, Leung TN, Lau TK
Gynecol Obstet Inves 2001;52(4): 227 - 231
96Skull fracture and contralateral cerebral infarction after ventouse extraction.
Choy CMY, Tam WH, Ng PC
BJOG 2001;108(12): 1298 - 1299
97The predictive value of serum 1,5-anhydro-D-glucitol in pregnancies at increased risk of gestational diabetes mellitus and gestational impaired glucose tolerance.
Tam WH, Rogers MS, Lau TK, Arumanayagam M
BJOG 2001;108(7): 754 - 756
98Use of diclofenac as an analgesic in outpatient hysteroscopy: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study.
Tam WH, Yuen PM
Fertil Steril 2001;76(5): 1070 - 1072
99Venous Thromboembolism in Pregnant Chinese Women.
Chan Louis YS, Tam WH, Lau TK
Obstet Gynecol 2001;98(3): 471 - 475
100A randomised double-blind placebo-controlled trial of transcervical intrauterine local anaesthesia in outpatient hysteroscopy.
Lau WC, Tam WH, Lo KWK, Yuen PM
BJOG 2000;107(5): 610 - 613
101Case studies (Chinese Article)
Tam WH, Wong YF, Chang AMZ
Chin J Prac Gynecol Obstet 2000;16(2): 112
102The Incidence of Pregnanc-induced Hypertension Among Patients with Carbohydrate Intolerance.
Roach VJ, Hin LY, Tam WH, Ng KB, Rogers MS
Hypertens Pregnancy 2000;19(2): 183 - 189
103Which Screening Test is the Best for Gestational Impaired glucose Tolerance and Gestational Diabetes Mellitus?
Tam WH, Rogers MS, Yip SK, Lau TK, Leung TY
Diabetes Care 2000;23(9): 1432
104Low-molecular-weight heparin and thromboembolism in pregnancy.
Tam WH, Wong KS, Yuen PM, Leung TN, Li CY
Lancet 1999;353(915): 932
105Paracervical anaesthesia in outpatient hysteroscopy: a randomised double-blind placebo-controlled trial.
Lau WC, Lo KWK, Tam WH, Yuen PM
BJOG 1999;106(4): 356 - 359
106Prediction of cervical response to prostaglandin E2 using fetal fibronectin.
Tam WH, Tai SMB, Rogers MS
Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 1999;78(10): 861 - 865
107In Utero Exchange Transfusion in Homozygous Alpha-Thalassaemia: A Case Report.
Fung TY, Lau TK, Tam WH, Li CK
Prenatal Diag 1998;18: 838 - 841
108Intra-uterine growth retardation and transverse lie due to massive subchorionic thrombohematoma and overlying subchorionic cyst.
Tam WH, Fung HYM, Fung TY, Lau TK, To KF
Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 1997;76(4): 381 - 383
109Stroke following central venous cannulation.
Mainland PA, Tam WH, Ngan Kee WD
Lancet 1997;349: 921
110Sonographic assessment of the vaginal vault following hysterectomy.
Haines CJ, Yuen OS, Tam WH, Chung TKH, Leung DHY
Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 1995;74(3): 220 - 223
111Intrapartum haemorrhage due to idiopathic rupture of the fetal placental artery.
Tam WH, Haines CJ, Fung HYM
Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1994;34(4): 490 - 491