Joyful Charity Run 18/19
Joyful Charity Run 18/19
20 Jan 2019

To promote mental health and support patients with emotional disorders, CUHK Medical Centre (CUHKMC) joined the Joyful Charity Run 18/19 organised by Joyful (Mental Health) Foundation on 20 January 2019. The race with 3 km and 10 km routes was held along the Sunny Bay Waterfront Promenade on Lantau Island. More than 20 colleagues of CUHKMC and enrolled nurse students participated in the event, and our 10km-group came in third runner-up. The Foundation will use the funds raised for public education and promotion.
Joyful (Mental Health) Foundation is a non-profit-making charitable organisation with the mission to promote mental health in society and raise public awareness of emotional disorders.