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Special Announcement

Price List

Package Fees

The Medical Condition Levels of Package Fees are determined based on complexity of the intended treatment or operation, individual patient’s health condition, and post-operative complications that may require multi-specialty medical consultation, multi-disciplinary care, and use of high dependence / intensive care.


  • Doctor’s fee includes the fees for surgeon, anaesthesiologist and ward round
  • Room charges (day bed or 4-bed room only and excluding meal)
  • Operating theatre charges (including extra operation theatre time that is clinically indicated and due to complexity of the intended operation(s) / procedure(s))
  • Other Hospital Charges include:
    - Essential and related diagnostic procedure charges (including laboratory testing and diagnostic imaging) according to the standard clinical path or protocol during hospitalisation
    - Treatment procedure charges (including emergency procedure, blood transfusion) that are related to the intended operation(s) / procedure(s)
    - Nursing procedure charges
    - Inpatient medication fee and up to seven days' worth of discharge medication related to the intended operation(s) / procedure(s)
    - Standard Equipment and instrument charges
    - Standard consumable, material, and standard implant charges
    - Cost related to complications due to intended operation(s) / procedure(s) (including intensive care* and re-operation# charges)
       #Subject to exit clauses of individual package
       *When ICU care is more than 48 hours, the package will be terminated



  • Companion bed / guest meals
  • Changing bed within the same grade of accommodation
  • Additional operation charges, medication, diagnostic procedures, professional fees and sundries charges unrelated to the package procedure
  • Any charges or services before actualisation of package and after patient discharge 
  • Any other treatment / services involving pre-existing medical conditions



  • Doctor reserves the right to decide the suitability of the Package Fees according to individual patient's condition. The package applies only to patients staying in day bed or 4-bed rooms, and expires upon discharge    
  • CUHKMC may declare voiding of the offered Package if the patient is diagnosed with a disease different from his / her original diagnosis after admission and requires alternative treatment / services. The patient, his / her next-of-kin or authorized person, will be informed of a new Package, and a signed consent of the corresponding Budget Estimate will be obtained before administering the new course of treatment / service
  • If the postoperative complications relate to the operation or procedure, and does not affect the level of Medical Condition, the relevant expenses (including hospital stays) are also included    
  • CUHK Medical Centre reserves the right to amend any of the above terms and conditions without prior notice. In case of any dispute, CUHK Medical Centre’s decision is final
  • Charges are subject to change without prior notice
  • If there is any inconsistency between the English version and Chinese version, the English version shall prevail



  • 50% of the Package Fees need to be paid as deposit prior to hospital admission.
  • Deposit can be made by cash, credit card (Visa, Master, Union Pay and American Express), Alipay, WeChat pay, cashier orders on a local bank in Hong Kong or other approved payment method listed on the Hospital’s website. Cheques will not be accepted.



  • Day packages need to be paid in full prior to hospital admission.
  • Payment can be made by cash, credit card (Visa, Master, Union Pay and American Express), Alipay, WeChat pay, cashier orders on a local bank in Hong Kong or other approved payment method listed on the CUHKMC website.  Cheques will not be accepted.