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CUHK Team Builds the Longest Bamboo Bridge in Rural Mainland

Architecture | 24 April 2018

// The One University One Village (1U1V) team led by Yao Ling Sun Professor of Architecture Prof. Edward NG Yan Yung of  The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) has built the longest bamboo bridge in the rural mainland. The bridge, measuring 21 metres long, was completed in April 2018 at Dujia Village in the Yubei district in Chongqing. It marks a breakthrough in modern bamboo bridge building. //


Read the article in full: http://bit.ly/2R6BaNo

CUHK Team Builds the Longest Bamboo Bridge in Rural Mainland


24 April 2018

// The One University One Village (1U1V) team led by Yao Ling Sun Professor of Architecture Prof. Edward NG Yan Yung of  The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) has built the longest bamboo bridge in the rural mainland. The bridge, measuring 21 metres long, was completed in April 2018 at Dujia Village in the Yubei district in Chongqing. It marks a breakthrough in modern bamboo bridge building. //


Read the article in full: http://bit.ly/2R6BaNo

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